BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking Class

52 THE WORKERS COUNCIL May 15, 1921 MAY 15, 1921 THE WORKERS COUNCIL 53 war.
quick to force wages down on the slightest pretext Allies, are supplying the Turks with guns and has paid out more than 1, 000, 000, 000 in dividends munitions.
in the last twenty years. The aggregate net profits for And now in Silesia, where the Poles have in dethis period were 1, 841, 032, 437. During the year 1920, fiance of the Inter allied Commissions invaded Upthe net profits were 185, 095, 359 after all expenses per Silesia and have proceeded to gouge out the and war taxes were deducted. With such profits, this eyes of Germans made defenseless by the Allies, largest industrial concern in the world does not hesitate ard to rape women and burn homes in the approved to coin still more of the lives of its 260, 000 slaves into civilized manner, it seems that French have unprofits.
officially allowed the Poles to acquire the guns and Thus is labor rewarded for its patriotism in the munitions with which to do their murder. The Itallate war. The of like the great labor organ iars in this case are living up to their supposed izations of England, France, Germany, Belgium and duties of neutrals in the dispute between the Gerthe rest have all been fittingly repaid for the civil peace mans and Poles and have attempted to check the they entered into with their governments during the imperialist crazed Poles, only to be shot down by bullets which their brothers, the French, have been careful enough to supply the Poles with. The dead THE GAME OF THE IMPERIALISTS Italian soldiers, we are informed by a Polish spokesThe recent developments in Silesia furnish ad man, were not fired on as Italians, but as obstacles ditional proof of the fact that the Entente nations in the way of the sacred Polish aspirations.
have set out completely to destroy the present sys How much longer will the worker, American tem and to bring Europe to a condition where as well as European, allow this slaughter to go on?
nothing but the establishment of working class rule How much longer will he continue to offer himself will save what is left of European civilization. as the chief object for this slaughter for the interEver since the signing of the armistice the En est of his masters?
tente powers have pursued a policy of creating new sore spots where none existed before, and multiplyUnder New Colors ing old ones. For time they subjected Austria, Germany and Russia to the terrors of a blockade, By Louis Engdahl either to destroy working class rule or permanently Two more swan songs have been sung the past to cripple the next generation to prevent future few days over the decaying corpse of the Second Intercommercial rivalry.
They created a Poland as an outpost for French These funeral anthems have come from the pen Imperialism and have encouraged her in her aggresof Victor Berger through his paper, the Milwaukee sions against Russia, Lithuania, Germany and Leader, and from the lips of Ramsay McDonald, Czecho Slovakia. The organized pogroms against speaking at the annual conference of the British Inthe Jews provoked but mild interest among the dependent Labor Party, at Southport, England.
Entente powers.
It is a case of the dead burying their dead. For The White Terror in Hungary brought about by the Second International of the betrayal of Socialism Entente intervention was allowed to proceed withhas had no stauncher defender than Berger, in the out the suggestion of interference. Why should United States; McDonald, in Great Britain and conthey? Would not the Allies wipe out their own tinental Europe.
socialist and labor movements if they could. Berger did his best to revive the corpse on Page Finland, which had openly called in the GerOne, Col. One, Milwaukee Leader, March 21, 1921, mans to help destroy the Red Guards, and aligned in his special contribution headed Findings. Those herself with the German cause, was welcomed into who do not care to read the whole article may find the society of nations as a fitting member and reca summary at the beginning, running as follows: ognized by our Government as a perfectly respect Second Socialist International Failed During the able democratic state, having filled the require War. Still Most Important Socialist Association.
ments by murdering a sufficient number of workHAS ISSUED MANIFESTO AGAINST THE ers and socialists.
BOLSHEVIKI. Second International Stands for While the Entente nations have thus been Democracy, Political and Industrial. May After All Be united in their efforts to destroy the socialist forces, Vehicle to Down Capitalism.
they have naturally failed to act as a unit on all The capitals are my DOWN THE other matters. Secretly, behind each other backs, BOLSHEVIKI! was the dying hope of the Second they have played their own little games of duplic International, and Berger helps pass it on. He declares ity. This is, to be sure, no new development in that, At the conference held in Geneva last December diplomacy, although many good liberals and social the Executive Committee of the Second International ists believed that this war, possibly because it issued a proclamation breathing the old Socialist spirit.
brought more havoc and destruction than others, The Second International is still alive and with would usher in a new day. And so we find the Ital a little patience, good will and forebearance, it may ian government entering into a secret all ance with prove to be the great vehicle of bringing about the the very same Turkish groups which officially they downfall of capitalism and the emancipation of the are supposed to be fighting together with the rest working class.
of the Allies. While the Greeks at the command of Berger position in this article appearing March the Allies and for purposes of their own are at 21, 1921, was his position at the Socialist National tempting to destroy the Turks, the Italians, their Conventions at Chicago, September 1919, and at New York, May 1920. Remember that March 21st comes The National Administration of the Socialist Party, months after the 21 International got under way at having declared against Third International discipline, Berne, Switzerland, and a month after its meeting at gives Wisconsin autonomy full sway.
Vienna, Austria.
The Berger position locally is one that is being Then in four weeks Berger suddenly changed. In repeated internationally. This is clearly shown by the the Milwaukee Leader, April 18, 1921, he bids fare actions of MacDonald, secretary of the mourned well to the dead and greets what he now thinks to Second International, at the recent Independent be the living, in another Page One, Col. One article, Labor Party Conference. MacDonald told his fellow headed in part as follows: The Old Socialist Inter members of the that they did right when they national (the Second) Which Failed to Stop the War, voted to disaffiliate with The Second. that he was Was Revived After the War, but IT IS Weak and only a reconstruction secretary of The Second. Discredited. Recently a Sane Centrist International that his salary was paid mostly by the British Labor Was Formed in Vienna.
Party, not to revive the Second, but to reconstruct Thus in true Berger style, the spokesman of the an all inclusive International. It will be noticed that Second International in the American Socialist Party, when the voted for affiliation with the 212 deserts his love of yesterday and embraces a new one. Vienna) International, it declared it wanted to As the Second Internationalist he was a minority of unite in a comprehensive International, almost Macone or two in recent Socialist Party Conventions. As Donald exact words with regard to The Second.
an apostle of the Vienna creed he now feels he has These two expressions All inclusive and Comhit the majority stride, for he concludes his article with prehensive niean, of course, all inclusive and coman edict to all dissenters as follows: prehensive off everything but the true Socialist forces We only want such men and women in our party of the world, which are either already included in, or as subscribe to our aims and methods. The rest had directing their eyes toward the Third (Moscow) Interbetter go where they belong. To leave us and to start national their own organization is the honest and consistent All the war prejudices of the Second International, thing for them to do.
all of its nationalistic jingoism, all of its reactionary If they are neither honest nor consistent, however relations, even to its associations with the Imperialist. that is only an additional reason why we must get Black International, the League of Nations, will now rid of them.
be handed over to the 21 International under the plea That was the spirit of the Milwaukee Party gather for unity.
ing called by Berger and held Wednesday night, April Thus we find Renaudel, the French social patriot, 13th, the second anniversary of Debs going to prison, already at Vienna defending French imperialism in its when all Third Internationalists were invited to get aggressions against the workers of Central Europe.
out of the party. The invitation was extended by the There was also a great shedding of tears because same Doerfler, who, while a Milwaukee Socialist alder Georgia went Soviet instead of remaining a pawn of man sat as a delegate in the Chicago Convention of the Allied Entente.
the so called Labor Party. At this meeting Berger, The Second International is dead. It is transferwho only recently repudiated Karl Marx and his ring its war legacy of the betrayal of Socialism to the Socialist teachings, and who supported a non Socialist 21 International, that has suddenly become acceptjudicial candidate at the April elections just past, re able to the reactionaries of the working class movepeated his Bergeresque distinctions between Socialism ment. Under cover of the Viennese camouflage we and Communism. On the basis of Berger explana will now face a heavy attack on the Third Intertions, Mayor Hoan declared himself a Socialist, not national, compared to which the sniping of the past a Communist, and with the Second International safe two years will fade into nothingness.
in its tomb, the Berger machine rolled out a recom To meet this attack, to acquaint the masses with mendation for affiliation with the 242 (Vienna) Inter the mission and the principles of the Third (Moscow)
national as opposed to the Third (Moscow) Inter International, under whose standards the workers must national. Berger expects to hold his position against march forward to the conquest of world power, is the all comers. At last reports one heretic had been ex task of the Committee for the Third International of pelled, and charges had been brought against 14 others. the Socialist Party of the United States. Let those Berger has an Espionage Act all his own. See Article who are interested write Louis Engdahl, Secretary, XIV, Wisconsin State Constitution, Socialist Party. 1400 Kelzie Ave. Chicago, Illinois.
The Communization of Agriculture Program for the United States By Arthur Calhoun Viewed as an economic proposition, agriculture in possessed by those controlling the products of the the United States is, under modern conditions, a more earth in the face of a rapidly increasing demand by logical candidate for socialization than is almost any reason of population growth. Perhaps the major part other industry. It is the supreine public utility and of this unearned increment has gone, not to the farmits effective operation by private enterprise is be ers but to the strategically located middle men. In so coming more and more impossible.
far as this is the case, the interests of the consumer The increased cost of living following 1900 was might be safeguarded by control of the marketing traceable chiefly to increased cost of raw materials, process, but either the farmers will combine to domdue, of course, to the growing monopoly advantage inate at this point or else agriculture will be taken