BolshevismBujarinEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 23, 1919. harin, the editor of Pravda and one of the figure in his neat brown clothes (bought, compromising, while America, whose capital most interesting talkers in Moscow, who is think, while visiting Berlin as a member of the ready to discuss any philosophy you like, from Economic Commission. he at least makes himwas in a good position, was ready for agreeBerkeley and Locke down to Bergson and self clearly heard, though his voice has a funny ment. England, with rather less confidence, William James, trotted up and shook hands. tendency to breaking. He compared the prehe thought was ready to follow America. Need Suddenly. a most unexpected figure limped sent situation with the situation before Brest. of raw material was the motive tenc ng tothrough the door. This was the lame Eliava He had himself (as well remember) been, wards agreement with Russia. Fear that the of the Vologda Soviet, who came up in great with Radek, one of the most violent opponents mere existence of Labor Government anywhere surprise at seeing me again, and reminded me of the Brest peace, and he now admitted that how Radek and I, hungry from Moscow, in the world strengthens the revolutionary at that time Lenin had been right and he astonished the hotel of the Golden Anchor by wrong. The position was now different, bemovement elsewhere, was the motive for the eating fifteen eggs apiece, when we came to cause whereas then Imperialism was split into clesire to wipe out the Soviet at all cost. ChiVologda last Summer (I acted as translator two camps fighting each other, it now showed cherin note, he thought, would emphasize the during Radek conversations with the Ameri signs of uniting its forces. He regarded the difference between these opposing views and can Ambassador and Mr. Lindley. Eliava is League of Nations as a sort of capitalist synwould tend to make impossible an alliance of a fine, honest fellow, and had a very difficult dicate, and said that the difference in the time in Vologda, where the large colony of French and American attitude towards the the capitalists against Russia.
foreign embassies and missions naturally be League depended upon the position of French Finally, Kamenev, now President of the came the centre of disaffection in a district and American capital. Capital in France was which at the time was full of inflammable Moscow Soviet, spoke, objecting to Buchaso weak, that she could at best be only a small material. remember when we parted from shareholder. Capital in America was in a very rin comparison of the peace now sought with him, Radek said to me that he hardly thought advantageous position. America therefore that of Brest Litovsk. Then everything was in he would see him alive again. He told me he wanted a huge All European syndicate in a state of experiment and untried. Now it had left Vologda some three months ago and which each state would have a certain number was clear to the world that the unity di Russia was now going to Turkestan. He did not dis of shares. America, having the greatest numguise the resentment he felt towards Nou ber of shares, would be able to exploit all the could be achieved only under the Soviets. The lens (the French Ambassador. who, he other nations. This is a fixed idea of Bucharpower opposed to them could not but recogthought, had stood in the way of agreement in s, and he has lost no opportunity of putting nize this fact. Some parts of Russia (Ukraine)
last year, but said that he had nothing what out this theory of the League of Nations since liad during the last fifteen months experienced ver to say against Lindley.
the middle of last summer. As for Chicherin every kind of government, from the Soviets, At last there was a little stir in the raised Note, he said it had at least great historical the dictatorship of the proletariat, to the dictapræsidium, and the meeting began. When interest on account of the language it used, saw the lean, long haired Avanesov take his which was very different from the hypocritical torship of foreign invaders and the dictatorship of a General of the old regime, and they had place as secretary, and Sverdlov, the president, language of ordinary diplomacy. Here were lean forward a little, ring his bell, and anno phrases about noble motives, but a plain after all returned to the Soviets. Western nounce that the meeting was open and that recognition of the facts of the case. Tell us European imperialists must realize that the Comrade Chicherin has the word, could what you want, it says, and we are ready to only Government in Russia which rested on hardly believe that had been away six months.
buy you off, in order to avoid armed conflict, Chicherin speech took the form of a genEven if the Allies gave no answer the Note ilie popular masses was the Government of would still have served a useful purpose and the Soviets and no other. Even the paper of eral report on the international situation. He spoke a little more clearly than he was used would be a landmark in history.
the Mensheviki, commenting on Chicherin to do, but even so had to walk round to a note, had declared that by this step the Soviet Litvinov followed Bucharin. solid, jolly, place close under the tribune before could Government had shown that it was actually a round man, with his peaked grey fur hat on hear him. He sketched the history of the vari his head, rounder than ever in fur collared. national Government acting in the interests ous steps the Soviet Government has taken in thick coat, his eye glasses slipping from his of the nation. He further read a statement trying to secure peace, even including such 110se as he got up, his grey muffler hanging by Right Social Revolutionaries (delegates of minor peace offensive as Litvinov personal from his neck, he hurried to the tribune. Taktelegram to President Wilson. He then weigh ing off his things and leaving them on a chair that group, members of the Constitutent Ased, in no very hopeful spirit, the possibilities below, he stepped up into the tribune with his sembly, were in the gallery) to the effect that of this last Note to all the Allies having any hair all rumpled, a look of extreme seriousness they were prepared to help the Soviet Governserious result. He estimated the opposing ten on his face, and spoke with a voice whose ment as the only Government in Russia that dencies for and against war with Russia in capacity and strength astonished me who had was fighting against a dictatorship of the boureach of the principal countries concerned The not heard him speak in public before.
growth of revolutionary feeling abroad made spoke very well, with more sequence than imperialistic governments even more aggress Bucharin, and much vitality, and gave his Finally, the Committee unanimously passed ive towards the Workers and Peasants Resummary of the position abroad. He said a resolution approving every step taken in public than they would otherwise be. It was (and expressed the same view to me now making their intervention difficult, but no trying to obtain peace, and at the same time afterwards. that the hostility of different counmore. It was impossible to say that the col sending a fraternal greeting to the Red Army tries to Soviet Russia varied in direct prolapse of Imperialism had gone so far that it portion to their fear of revolution at home.
of workers and peasants engaged in ensuring had lost its teeth, Chicherin speaks as if he The the independence of Soviet Russia.
were a dead man or a ventriloquist lay figure in the war and was weakest, was the most unThus France, whose capital had suffered most meeting then turned to talk of other things.
And indeed he is half dead. He has never learnt the art of releasing himself from drudI felt, rather miserable to think how little gery by handing it over to his subordinates.
had foreseen when Soviet Russia was comHe is permanently tired out. You feel it is pelled last year to sign an oppressive peace almost cruel to say Good morning to him with Germany, that the time would come when when you meet him, because of the appeal to Sunday, August 24th, 1919 they would be trying to buy peace from ourbe left alone that comes unconsciously into at EASTERN BOULEVARD PARK his eyes. Partly in order to avoid people, partselves. As went out saw another unhappy formerly Hoffman Park ly because he is himself accustomed to work Eastern Boulevard and Fort Schuyler Road, figure, unhappy for quite different reasons.
at night, his section of the Foreign Office keeps WESTCHESTER, Angelica Balabanova, after dreaming all her extraordinary hours, is not to be found till Oriental Dances by Miss Katayama about five in the afternoon and works till four Vladimir Resnikoff, Russian Singer life of Socialism in the most fervent Utopian in the morning. The actual material of his and many other attractions.
spirit, had come at last to Russia to find that RED PICNÍC. GREAT TIME a Socialist state was faced with difficulties at report was interesting, and while through it the audience listened with attention it only FOR RED CAUSE least as real as those which confront other woke into real animation when with a shout Picnic starts at 10 states, that in the battle there was little sentiof laugher it heard an address sent to Clemenarranged by the LEFT WING SECTION SOCIALIST ment and much cynicism and that dreams ceau by the emigre financiers, aristocrats and PARTY OF THE BRONX.
worked out in terms of humanity in the face of bankrupt politicians of the Russian colony in Tickets in advance 30c At the gate 35c.
Stockholm, protesting against any the opposition of the whole of the rest of the sort of Directions: From 149th St. take Westchester Av. car and change for Fort Schuyler, agreement with the Bolsheviki.
world are not easily recognized by their dreaBucharin followed Chicherin. little eager get off at the Park.
He geoisie.
Left Wing Pic Nic