BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandGermanyImperialismSocialismSovietWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 23, 1919 Shall the Beast Rape Mexico. An Appeal from Mexico City. don financal strength, and nothing short of THE claws of the Big Brute of North Ame!
ruthless, merciless war will remove England The nation trembles and well she may. In torrent of newspaper and magazine articles as a trade rival. Signs of the coming contervention is imminent and she knows what written by highly paid writers and containing flict may be seen already in the dispute bet: intervention wil mean strangulation, torture the most inflammatory and baseless lies about ween American and English papers as to which and slavery. Like starving India and wretched conditions in Mexico. The same tactics were nation really won the war. The war between Ireland in the grip of England, willl Mexico successfully employed in persuading the Amethe United States and England, if it actually be if intervention come and she is made the rican people to take England side and help matures, will be more frightful and terrible than the late war.
hopeless toy of the lecherous lusts of the Big overthrow Germany. American sentiment was The other of the two wars likely to follow Brute, American plutocracy.
just a smuch against entering the European Yet she has nothing else to expect. Allied war then as it is now against invading Methat with Mexico, is the long dreaded, oftenImperialism, the consummate product of inter xico, but American sentiment can be changed predicted conflict between the United States national Capitalism, the cruel tiger that out this time just as it was changed in 1917 18, if and the new Prussia of the Orient, Japan.
of the fierce fight in the jungle of Junkerism the job of converting the people is undertaken This war is also inevitable if Capitalism does has gained preeminence over the other beasts promptly enough.
not crash down before the time is ripe. Such a war would draw into the maelstrom of murof the forest, licks its chops and snaps its The prospects, then, of averting intervention der most or all of the white nations on the one jaws in gleeful anticipation of the feast that by an educational campaign in the United awaits it.
States, are not encouraging for the simple side and most or all of the other races on the other.
Allied Imperialism won its war to eliminate reason that the militarists, munition makers Germany as a commercial competitor, but it has and war profiteers were on the job long before However, the Anglo American war and the other tasks to be attended to. Mexico, inno the Pacifists and anti interventionists.
Occidental Oriental war, are likely to be killed cent, unsophisticated, untamed little vixen that The prospects of intervention being averted in embroy by the death of their parent, the capitalist system.
she is, has taunted and defied the Beast. She by revolution in England or the United States, are also doubtful. Revolution will come in both Not so the American Mexican war. The refused to help it in its late death struggle. these countries, probably in England first. The odds are in favor of it, much as hate to adShe has dared to try to be independent, free, and even scornful, first of his sickening cares workers of the United States are not ready for mit it and hotly as my blood boils at the ses and then of his ugly threats. She must be it and intervention will, fear, be a reality thought of such an indefensible, unrighteous chastened, humbled and put in chains.
long before they get ready for industrial demoassault on a kindly, inoffensive people. It may cracy. The workers of England are much not be now. It may not be for a year or a more advanced, as a whole, than those in the couple of years or even five years, but sooner Intervention is probably inevitable, sooner United States, and the Great Change may or later, if the capitalist system lasts, Mexico or later, unless revolution breaks out in Eng happen in the former country at any time. Yet will be riveted by the chains of Wall Street land or the United States quickly enough to it is unlikely that even England will be socia slavery. It is as certain as the dawning of compel the governments of those countries lized before Mexico is quivering under the another day.
to turn their guns on the working classes at paw of Anglo American Imperialism.
Mexico has one hope, one real hope and home instead of on the Mexican people. The only one. It is Socialism in the United States only other way by which intervention can poss The war with Germany and the brutal terms and England. The overthrow of Capitalism ihly be prevented, is by waging a powerful imposed on the people of the defeated nations, in the nations that want to annex her, will agitation in the United States to awaken the did not sate the blood thirst and money lust destroy the incentive for annexations. Noworkers and bring proletarian mass pressure of the financial masters of the world. On the thing else will and as long as the incentive upon the government. If immediate action contrary, they are hungrier and greedier than remains, intervention is the inescapable conis taken and the truth told about the sinister ever. An attack on Mexico is their logical sequence of the expanding trade needs of the scheme to annex Mexico, intervention may be next act.
present Anglo American alliance.
avoided. But no time must be wasted and if After Mexico is bound and gagged and Capitalist governments care nothing for there is any delay about it, Morgan and Hearst raped and robbed, two other wars are unavoid murdered men, violated women, starving childwill already have accomplished their objectably predestined unless the Social Revolution ren. They care only for profits, profits, proand American troops, will be on the border. comes first. One is the war of American Cap fits. If the price of these profits is Mexican Even now, millions of people in the United italism against British Capitalism. Wall Street blood and tears, Mexican agony and suffering, States are being swayed, little by little, by the is suspicious and jealous, even now, of Lon they will pay the price without a qualm.
The Hour of Trial in Hungary THE Hungarian Soviet Republic which was By Nyemanov Rumanians, Italians and colonial divisions of proclaimed on March fell in a desperate man people. Posing as the friend of the Hun the French army. They had also to fight their fight with the thousand headed hydra of in garian masses, Clemenceau tried to win over own Kornilovs, made powerful by the backing ternational Imperialism. On August ist the with promises of a fair deal those centrist of the foreign imperialists. Just as in 1848 Bela Kun government was forced to resign elements which had hesitatingly and half the Holy Alliance using the swords of Nichoand on August 3rd the Hungarian Soviet Re heartedly supported the Soviet Power. In this las soldiers brought peace and order to public was re named the Hungarian Peoples entry into Budapest with savage butchery is Hungary, so in 1919 the Holy Alliance of Republic, with the moderate Socialist elements nothing but the embodiment of the hatred of English French American imperialists resurat its head.
the bourgeoisie. Comrade Kun was right, rected the reactionary ideals of Nicholas.
Let us pause and review the events which when in his last speech made at the meeting But the historical background of to day is have transpired during the last two weeks. Soviet representatives, he prophesied how not that of 1848. With revolutionary sentiOn July 26th the most important represenhorrible would be the reign of terror following ment ever increasing throughout Europe the the fall of the proletarian government.
tative of international Imperialism, ClemenHungarian Commune may yet return to life.
We can utter no word of blame against the ceau, appealed to the Hungarian people to Communists. They did not surrender until the minds of the working class the experiences that No usurpation of power can erase from the overthrow the Soviet government and replace it with a government of the people. In this Hungarian proletariat and the Hungarian poor were theirs during the construction of the Soappeal Clemenceau emphasized the statements could endure no longer the blockade. For viet. The inspiring memory of the abolition four months the masses of the people gave that the Allies would refuse peace to the Soof age long oppression, of the triumph of Soviets, that the blockade would continue and hearty support to the Government of the Peo cialism no one can destroy. The words of that Hungary sooner or later would be forced ple Commissars in their valiant fight against Bela Kun must and will be realized, of the day to yield because of starvation.
the enemy that advanced from every side. Cut to come when the Hungarian people can once om communication with the world and The entire appeal reeked with hatred and with Soviet Russia, nine million people were more rejoice in a Soviet government. And it threats against the revolutionary proletariat being strangled by the relentless clutch of the is our task to lasten that day by dedicating of Hungary. It also contained statements Allies. Not only did they have to wage war ourselves to the firm establishment of Intersuggestive of Wilson playing with the Ger with the Czecho Slovaks, the Serbians, the national Communism.