BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist Party

16 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
Report of the National Left Wing Conference (Continued from page 13)
is not a real policy of Communists, we will to repudiate the St. Louis platform, and to Convention, it will be plenty of time to act, fight, and we will fight very hard, even for a recognize the social patriotic stand of all social and if it is necessary, then to organize the small technical thing. We are used to it. And patriots in the world. At that time, they deCommunist Party in America. We can do so, the main power of the Bolsheviki is that they cided by a fake majority of twenty five against but at this time, we mean to take possession fight big things and small things with the nineteen to support the Wilson administration, physical possession of all the party machinery same power and with the same force, and we and to repudiate the St. Louis platform. That that is built up through the sacrifice of the will do that. thank you, comrades. Ap is the time when the revolutionary comrades rank and file, and we do not propose to leave plause. in the Jewish movement found it necessary to that intact in the hands of a few renegades Chairman: There was a convention recently, organize and to test the rank and file of the that propose to use it for bourgeois purposes comrades, of the Jewish Federation of the Jewish movement, and we found that before to betray the Socialist movement.
Socialist Party, in Boston. This convention the Left Wing was organized that the Jewish was packed by the moderates. They used all comrades in the movement were already in think, briefly stated, that this is the posi kinds of parliamentary tricks to strangle the revolt against their federation. And we finally tion of the Socialist Party of Massachusetts; Left Wing delegates there, and the Left Wing decided that when the Jewish convention will and sincerely hope it will be the position of delegates stayed away, and formed a Feder be called, we are certainly going to capture the Left Wing Conference. Applause. ation of their own. have been asked to present the Jewish Federation for the revolutionary Mr. Stoklitsky: Comrade Chairman and you the request of a representative of this Socialist Party that is, for the Left Wing.
Comrades: We have had a very pleasant time new federation revolutionary federation, to But when we came to the convention we found discussing questions with Comrade Germer. speak on this matter, Comrade Hiltzik. that they had also at this convention a fake There were certain moments when person Mr. Hiltzik. Comrade Chairman and Dele majority of social patriots and opportunists, ally felt that must leave that office and go gates: am here to greet this convention in who have been trying to put a Jewish Socialist away from there. Comrade Wagenknecht is the name of the Jewish Left Wing Federation, Federation on record ag against the Left Wing.
here, and he can illustrate that thing from the just lately organized in Boston. Comrades, When we could not do anything else, we side of a Comrade who was in the place and just want to mention a word or two as to split the convention and a great minority, saw how we were treated there. As a matter how our Left Wing has been formed in the about 40 per cent of the delegates presentof fact it was not the office of the Socialist Jewish movement. You all know that the only that is we were in the majority, if not for Party, but it was merely a police station, com two conservative federations up to date have their fake make up of a majority we left the rades. Laugher. But we are used to fight, been the Jewish and the Finnish that is the convention and formed our own convention.
and we did our share. don think it is neces information that we got here in New York We named our convention the Jewish Left sary for me to explain how it happened. You from the Socialist Party. We began a revolu Wing Federation of the Socialist Party. We know all about it. am sure that out federat tion in the Jewish Federation as early as May also decided at that convention that we go on ions they will stay together as federated fe 1918. It was at the time when the Jewish record as joining the Left Wing supporting derations, with the Left Wing of the Socialist machine the machine of the Jewish Feder the Left Wing morally and financially. We Party, if the Left Wing of the Socialist Party ation organized an effort to turn the Jewish elected our officials, and the only thing we are will prove that they are real Bolsheviki. Federation into a campaign of social patriot waiting for now is for the establishment of (Hearty applause. But, comrades, if there ism, and they called for that purpose a Nation a Communist Party, and at that time we are will be any question, and we will see that there al conference here in New York last May, going to join the Communist Party.
Die and Tool Makers Lodge No. 113 Gentlemen :Chicago, Ill. July 18, 1919 Kindly send us one hundred (100) copies of your weekly, until further notice, Machinists Society, 113 Ashland Ave.
Also let us have information as to best discounts in bundles of 50, 500, also information about return privileges.
Yours truly, Machinist Society By Predit.
Dear Comrade: Denever, Colo.
Enclosed please find check for 25. 00 as a contribution to the Left Wing section of the Socialist Party from Local Denver.
As soon as we are in a position we shall try to send more.
Harry Intemann, Fin. Sec y.
Dear Mr. Ferguson: Philadelphia, Pa.
Enclosed please find check for 00 for the National Council. Please credit this to the Philadelphia allotment. do not belong as yet to the local branch and therefore it is immaterial through what channel my contribution reaches the fund. Golden, Comrades of the Left Wing history calls to YOU!
The National Left Wing needs 15, 000 for its immediate work. We must prepare to bring together at Chicago August 30th, a truly representative Left Wing delegation from every State in the Union. Ferguson, Secretary, Natiorial Council 43 West 29th Street, New York City.