BolshevismBourgeoisieMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

14: THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
Correspondence The Situation in Canadu walked down the street with him until met little history of the past two months. :le President of the Policemen Union. guess you know that the workers of Winnipeg About midnight on July 1, got a visit from spoke to him a little and then boarded a car were out on strike, and may say that they the North West Mounted Police, fo:r were in to go home. About half a block from my home put up a great scrap. They had most of the uniform and one in plain clothes. went to came upon a policeman sitting on his doorCity Aldermen, the provincial legislature, the a Federation meeting that night and when step having a smoke, stopped to talk to him Federal Government, the International Union came out met our International Officer and as he comes from the same part of the old Officers and a bunch of the reactionary country as do. The North West Mounted elements in the unions against them. It was Police, who are a semi military body, actsurprising to me how they kept it up so long.
Zetkin Defends the Bolsheviki ed against the strikers while the regular city After they had been out a month the radical (Continued from page 9)
police offered to go out on strike in sympathy boys were arrested, Armstrong, Russell, Johns, class. She urged that the dictatorship of the with the men Ed. While we were talking Blumenberg, Verenchuk, Charitinoff, Alana proletariat is an essential transitory measure, a car passed us, stopping about two doors from zoff, Private Schappelrie of Winnipeg, Prichard of Vancouver, all of whom belong to the where we were sitting, the plain clothes man the object of which is the abolition of the cap, jumped out and asked a man sitting in the Left Wing, then there were Queen and Heaps, who are Social Democrats and Aldermen of Party had become an accomplice in preserving policeman said to me. ll bet they are going the proletariat, the Independent Socialist veranda what the number of this house was.
We noticed four Mounties in the car, and the the City, Bray of the returned soldiers, Dixon and Woodsworth of Vancouver, who are memthe dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
to your house.
As he said it they stopped Zetkin demanded the immediate resumption bers of the Labor Party, and Ivens, the editor of The Western Labor News. They were all of relations with the Russian Soviet Republic right in front of my door and asked my wife, The fact that the Soviet Government had so who was sitting on the veranda, the number taken from their beds between and o clock long maintained its power was the best proof of the house. My wife went into the house in the morning and taken to the Stony Mounto wake my brother up and when the detective tain Penitentiary, except Prichard, who was that it was not an arbitrary regime resting knocked at the door he opened it. The men solely upon the force of bavonets.
arrested in Calgary, Johns and Dixon, for in the car got out with their guns in their whom warrants were issued and who gave Berne and illogical for those to participate in it It was wrong for the Independents to go to hands and immediately dropping on their themselves up, and Woodsworth, who was arhands and knees began crawling over the who had been represented at Zimmerwald.
rested on Main Street and taken to the ProBerne she described as a conference of reciboulevard towards my house. watched the vincial Jail. Mrs. Armstrong was also arrested procal and general amnesty. The delegates He said to me: Well what do you know about whole affair from the policeman door step.
and taken to the Provincial Jail.
With the exception of Blumenberg, Chariticonjugated. am a sinner, thou art a sinner, that? never saw the likes of it in all my life, noff, Alanazoff, and Schapperlie, who were so on, and believed that it was possible to re establish the International! The old you would think you were a desperate murtransferred to the Immigration Hall, and Vederer.
renchuk, who was released, all those arrested International died in shame: it can never be resurrected!
They got a lot of books and papers and are out on bail.
The day of the riot we call it Bloody SaThe Berne Conference, so far as it could, had learned later that they raided about fifty houses frustrated the establishment of an International that morning. They are carrying out these turday the returned soldiers were to hold a of action, and had betrayed and deceived the raids all over the country and they have got silent protest parade in the afternoon, but bemasses. Great confusion had been created by the people sore, and believe me the workers fore they got in line about 50 North West Mounted Police and mounted regulars in the fact that the German Independents had are preparing for them now.
khaki started their horses at full gallop into refrained at Berne from separating themselves Well comrades, we lost the strike, but we the crowd. Of course some of the boys were from the Majority Party.
gained a lot of experience. The police, fireZetkin insisted that: union of peoples men and all the rest of the civic employees run over, which made the rest angry, and when the soldiers and police re charged the will never result from Wilson League of Na had to sign a card that they would not belong tions, but at the Berne Conference more faith to the Trades and Labor Council. Lots of boys had a bunch of stones ready for them and let fly with full strength. Shortly afterward was placed in Wilson than in Marx. Kautsky them lost their jobs because they would not a street car tried to get through the crowd, abused his influence at Berne. The repudiation sign. All the mail carriers in Winnipeg, Sasof the Bolsheviki deserved the strongest conkatoon, and Calgary lost their jobs but guess but the boys attacked it, broke the windows, demnation. The rejection of the Adler Longuet the workers will get over that. What they. it with the result that the Fire Department was motion was a provocative insult to the Bolhave lost in jobs they have gained in experience sheviki.
and they have also lost a few phrases like: called out. The Mayor read the Riot Act and the Mounties again charged the crowd only to Hitherto the German Independent Socialist British Justice, Our King and Country, Brireceive the same dose as they got previously.
Party had not been inspired by that necessity.
tons never shall be slaves, etc.
Two Mounties were knocked off their horsestion which had been going on in the old SoIt was a product of the process of decomposi am sorry am not getting your papers and books. could sell them very easily now, and were taken into an undertaker parlor opposite the City Hall.
cial Democratic Movement, and its parentage but guess this People Government we has involved it in that process. The antagon have got is holding them up. will see the The Mounties reformed and came round isms which existed in its very midst could not boys at the next meeting and will send you the front of the City Hall, pulled their guns be eliminated by a mere resolution of the Conand opened fire on the crowd, killing one man some money along for the papers that arrive.
ference. complete severance between the Well, the One Big Union has started and and wounding over thirty, while about forty left and right wings had become imperative. the majority of the unions have decided to arrests were made. forgot to mention that Personally, said Zetkin, am faced with leave Gompers outfit and go over to the when the Mayor read the Riot Act the Special a painful and difficult decision. It is impossible Police were called out with clubs and revolvers.
for me to remain in the Party if it maintains its forgot to tell you that this is Decoration About twelve of these police had their guns present majority. will not spend the closing Day the capitalist class puts flowers on the taken from them and believe me it was a scene that the workers will never forget. It was the will spend my last years in an atmosphere years of my life in an atmosphere of death. graves of the Canadian boys who died here as a result of the wounds they received in the finest education they have ever had. had all pregnant with the forces of the future. Some war. They always have a parade of the rekind of fellows come up and shake hands with people appear to think they can bury the Rev turned soldiers and the Boy Cadets on this day me and say they were Bolsheviki from now on. olution, but the Revolution is more alive than but this time it turned out a frazzle. About You know conirades, it made me laugh to think ever. The agitations for higher pay have be 150 returned soldiers paraded out of over of the uphill fight we Left Wing Socialists have come revolutionary. The masses are ani 20, 000, but to make the thing look big they had and now the workers are coming to us mated by a new spirit. It is our duty as of their own accord.
turned out the mounted police, so you can Socialists to guide them, but to do so we re see that the returned soldiers are getting wise.
Johns and Russell got a great ovation when quire a vision rendered strong by its keen fore There is going to be a peace parade on Saturthey appeared at the Trades and Labor Coun sight. Thus Socialist theory will become a liv day, but not so far as the workers are concil last Thursday. The workers see that they ing force which will take possession of the cerned. will let you know about it later.
are the only ones to be trusted. The Labor masses.
Yours for the cause, scates and fakers have got themselves in bad Clara Zetkin closing words were received with the masses, so much so good for us. with loud and prolonged cheers.