BolshevismCommunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE II flower designs, on white and chequered back shook their heads decidedly, and said No, it was only superstition. Besides, had not got a saucepan.
grounds, with the masses of snow in the road thank you.
before them, and bright kerchiefed women and learnt that some one was leaving the Na On paying for my room at the beginning peasants in ruddy sheepskin coats passing by, tional next day to go to Kharkov, so that of the week was given a card with the day, they seemed less like futurist paintings than should probably be able to get a room. After of the week printed along its edge. This card like some traditional survival, linking new drinking tea with Reinstein till pretty late, gave me the right to buy one dinner daily, Moscow with the Middle Ages. It is perhaps went home, burrowed into a mountain of all and when bought it that day of the week interesting to note that certain staid purists in sorts of clothes, and slept a little.
was snipped off the card so that could not the Moscow Soviet raised a protest while In the morning succeeded in making out buy another. The meal consisted of a plate was there against the license given to the my claim to the room at the National, which of very good soup, together with a second futurists to spread themselves about the town, turned out to be a very pleasant one, next course of a scrap of meat or fish. The price of the meal varied betweeen five and seven and demanded that the art of the revolution door to the kitchen and therefore quite decentroubles.
should be more comprehensible and less viol ly warm. wasted a lot of time getting my ent. These criticisms, however, did not apply stuff across. Transport from one hotel to the One could obtain this meal any time between to the row of booths which were a pleasure to other, though the distance is not a hundred two and seven. Living hungrily through the me every time passed them.
yards, cost forty roubles. got things straight morning, at two o clock used to experience In the evening went to see Reinstein in ened out, bought some books, and prepared a definite relief in the knowledge that now at any the National. Reinstein is a little old grand list of the material needed and the people moment could have my meal. Feeling in this wanted to see.
way less hungry, used then to postpone it father, a member of the American Socialist Labor Party, who was tireless in helping the The room was perfectly clean. The chamberhour by hour, and actually dined about five or Americans last year, and is a prodigy of know maid who came in to tidy up quite evidently six o clock. Thinking that might have been ledge about the revolution. He must be nearly took a pride in doing her work properly, and specially favored. made investigations, and seventy, never misses a meeting of the Moscow protested against my throwing matches on the Soviet or the Executive Committee, gets up floor. She said she had been in the hotel since feeding houses (the equivalent of our national at seven in the morning, and goes from one it was opened. asked her how she liked the kitchens) were of precisely the same size and end of Moscow to the other to lecture to the new regime. She replied that there was not character, any difference between the meals young men in training as officers for the Soviet enough to eat, but that she felt freer.
depending not on the food but on the cook.
Army, more or less controls the English sol In the afternon went downstairs to the kind of rough and ready co operative sysdier war prisoners, about whose Bolshevism main kitchens of the hotel, where there is a tem also obtained. One day there was a notice he is extremely pessimistic, and enjoys an permanent supply of hot water. One enoron the stairs that those who wanted could get official position as head of the quite futile de mous kitchen is set apart for the use of people visioning committee of the hotel. got a pot one pot of jam apiece by applying to the propartment which prints hundred weight upon living in the hotel. Here found a crowd of hundred weight of propaganda in English, people, all using different parts of the stove.
of jam in this way, and on a later occasion a none of which by any chance ever reaches these There was an old grey haired Cossack, with small quantity of Ukrainian sausage.
shores. He was terribly disappointed that a scarlet tunic under his black, wide skirted, Besides the food obtainable on cards it was had brought no American papers with me. narrow waisted coat, decorated in the Cossack possible to buy, at ruinous prices, food from He complained of the lack of transport, a fashion with ornamental cartridges. He was speculators, and an idea of the difference in complaint which think must have heard at warming his soup, side by side with a little the prices may be obtained from the following least three times a day from different people Jewess making potato cakes. spectacled el examples: Bread is one rouble 20 kopecks per the whole time was in Moscow. Politically, derly member of the Executive Committee pound by card and 15 to 20 roubles per pound he thought, the position could not be better, was busy doing something with a little bit of from the speculators. Sugar is 12 roubles per though economically it was very bad. When meat. Two little girls were boiling potatoes pound by card, and never less than 50 roubles they had corn, as it were, in sight, they could in old tin cans. In another room set apart for per pound in the open market. It is obvious not get it to the towns for lack of locomotives. washing a sturdy little long haired revolution that abolition of the card system would mean These economic difficulties were bound to react ary was cleaning a shirt. woman with her that the rich would have enough and the poor sooner or later on the political position. hair done up in a blue handkerchief was very nothing. Various methods have been tried in the effort to get rid of speculators, whose high He talked about the English prisoners. The carefully ironing a blouse. Another was busy men are brought to Moscow, where they are with stewing sheets, or something of that kind profits naturally decrease the willingness of the given special passports and are allowed to go in a big cauldron. And all the time people villages to sell bread at less abnormal rates.
anywhere they like about the town without from all parts of the hotel were coming with But as a Communist said to me, There is only convoy of any kind. asked about the officers, their pitchers and pans, from fine copper kettles one way to get rid of speculation, and that is and he said that they were in prison but given to disreputable empty meat tins, to fetch hot to supply enough on the card system. When everything possible, a member of the Interwater for tea. At the other side of the corridor people can buy all they want at rouble 20 national Red Cross, who worked with the Amewas a sort of counter in front of a long window they are not going to pay an extra 14 roubles ricans when they were here, visiting them opening into yet another kitchen. Here there for the encouragement of speculators. And regularly and taking in parcels for them. He was a row of people waiting with their own when will you be able to do that? asked.
told me that on hearing in Moscow that some saucepans and plates, getting their dinner for As soon as the war ends, and we can use our sort of fraternization was going on on the tickets: was told that people thought they transport for peaceful purposes.
Archangel front, he had hurried off there with got slightly more if they took their food in There can be no question about the starvtwo prisoners, one English and one American. this way straight from the kitchen to their ation of Moscow. On the third day after my With some difficulty a meeting was arranged.
own rooms instead of being served in the res arrival in Moscow saw a man driving a Two officers and a sergeant from the Allied taurant. But watched closely, and decided șledge laden with, think, horseflesh, mostly side and Reinstein and these two prisoners bones, probably dead sledge horses. As he from the Russian, met on a bridge midway drove a flock of black crows followed the sledge between the opposing lines. The conversation and perched on it, tearing greedily at the meat.
seemed to have been mostly an argument He beat them continually with his whip, but about working class conditions in America, Sunday, August 24th, 1919 they were so famished that they took no notice together with reasons why the Allies should go whatever. The starving crows used even to at EASTERN BOULEVARD PARK home and leave Russia alone. Finally the force their way through the small ventilators formerly Hoffman Park Allied representatives (I fancy Americans)
of the windows in my hotel to pick up any Eastern Boulevard and Fort Schuyler Road, asked Reinstein to come with them to ArchWESTCHESTER, scraps they could find inside. The pigeons, angel and state his case, promising him safe Oriental Dances by Miss Katayama which formerly crowded the streets, utterly conduct there and back. By this time two Rus Vladimir Resnikoff, Russian Singer undismayed by the traffic, confident in the sesians had joined the group, and one of them and many other attractions.
curity given by their supposed connection with offered his back as a desk, on which a safe RED PICNIC GREAT TIME religion, have completely disappeared.
conduct for Reinstein was written Reinstein, FOR RED CAUSE Nor can there be any question about the who showed me the safe conduct, doubted its Picnic starts at 10 cold. resented my own sufferings less when arranged by the found that the State Departments were no validity, and said that anyhow he could not LEFT WING SECTION SOCIALIST better off than other folk. Even in the Kremhave used it instructions Moscow.
Tickets in advance 30c At the gate 35c.
lin found the Keeper of the Archives at work When it grew dusk they prepared to separate. Directions. From 149th St. take West in an old sheepskin coat and felt boots, rising The officers said to the prisoners, What? chester Av. car and change for Fort Schuyler, now and then to beat vitality into his freezing get off at the Park.
Aren you coming back with us? The two hands like a London cabman of old times.
Left Wing Pic Nic