BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismFranceGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
ers the Chairman chosen by itself. So, too, with is also conferring with the British peace dele addition, river transport allowance of 25.
the International Industrial Council. If any gation, including Lord Robert Cecil, in regard a week to start on April 12th. The American combination of circumstances should produce to these matters. Ah, this wire pulling and Government is asking for 50, 000 volunteers a majority recommedation objectionable to conferring with the guardians of Capitalism! for three years service in Europe for Italy, international Capitalism, we believe the League Organized on this basis it was no wonder that France, or Russia. The French Foreign Minof Nations would step in and arrange matters the Berne Conference condemned the Bolshe ister on March 26th gave the following figures to suit itself. But such a contingency can vik Revolution. The International Labor News of troops in Russia. scarcely arise since the workers are placed in Agency will be equally safe, equally useful Archangel: 13, 100 British. 4, 820 Americans. 2, 349 so small a minority.
from the capitalist point of view. Mr. Hen French; 1, 340 Italians; 1, 280 Serbians, and 11, 770 Russians.
If the workers were to be diverted from derson will be able sincerely to assure Lord Siberia: Czecho Slovaks, 55, 000; Poles, 12, 000; their struggle to better their industrial conRobert that its effort will be to act as an anti Serbians; 4, 000; Italians, 2, 000; British, 1, 600; ditions by the hope that this network of coundote to Bolshevism. We have the capitalist French 760 Japanese, 28, 000; Americans, 7, 500; Cacils would do it for them, their emancipation press, the Ministry of Propaganda, and now nadians, 4, 000; making a total 118, 000 men to which Pichon says must be added 92, 000 Russian would indeed be indefinitely postponed. But we are to have the news bulletins of the Joint this will not happen. The toiling masses are Councils of employers and trade union officials East Russia: French, 140, 000; Rumanians, 190, 000; just waking to the need for rank and file con and the International Labor News Agency! British, 140, 000; Italians, 40, 000; Serbians, 140, 000; trol of the industrial inachine; they have just And there is The London Herald telling us Greeks, 200, 000.
devized and are perfecting the organization of a most curious story of the European situIt is by no means certain that these are all that control; they are just beginning to see ation: the Allied troops in Russia. Regarding the that by travelling resolutely onward in that President Wilson and his friends; Lloyd George military situation, the Allies seem to be losing and his friends are doing what they can. Lord ground in the north and south, whilst Kolchak direction, they can take into their own hands Robert Cecil and Colonel House are wholehearted the entire machinery of production and can is said to be gaining in the Urals.
supporters of the League. Mr. Lloyd George and govern society itself. It is impossible that they the American delegates have vainly tried to speed It is useless to shut our eyes to the fact that should leave behind that broad, inspiring prosup the work of the Conference. Mr. Lloyd strong forces are driving the Allied countries further and further into the war against Sopect and revert to a still greater dependence George has again and again declared that the settlecialism. It is not only The London Morning upon official leaders. Above all, it is impos we must not create other Alsaces and Lorraines by Post which declares: Bolshevism must be sible that the workers should revert to depend robbing Germany of either part of the territory on fought and in Russia. The London Daily ence upon leaders who, failing to see the vision the Rhine or in West Prussia.
of rank and file co operation, and the triumph All the delay, all the mercenary grabbing, Chronicle also says: The Associated Powers. are at war with Russian Bolshevism and of the workers, have entered into partnership all the cruel starvation of defenesless peoples with the capitalists by accepting seats upon by the blockade, the intervention in Russia we see no easy prospect of their making peace the Joint Industrial Councils. When Arthur are all these supposed to be due to France and with it.
Now that Hungarian Bolshevism has joined Henderson joined the Coalition Government Italy? It is absurd to suggest it. America and he gave his support to Conscription, the De Britain are more powerful, more able to im Russia, it is important to notice that the Genfence of the Realm Act, and the Munitions pose their will than France and Italy. More eral Assembly of Berlin Workers and Soldiers Act, all of which were used to coerce the work over, every day brings further news showing Councils, by 1, 470 votes to a telegram He surrendered his freedom of inde that Britain and America are playing an active of congratulation to Soviet Hungary, pledging pendent protest; he accepted responsibility for part in all that is going forward.
itself not to rest until the final victory of the majority decision of the Cabinet. his lips Our Government is blockading the starving Socialism is assured. But a short time ago the were sealed. He has since declared that there peoples of Europe. We are sending war equip Berlin Workers and Soldiers Council declared were doings by the Coalition Government ment to those who are fighting the Bolsheviki, for parliamentary Government with a Coaliwhich, in his view, were detrimental to the beside taking a hand in the fighting ourselves. tion, and against the Soviet form of governinterests of the workers whose representative We are sliding gradually into a great inter ment with immediate Socialism; the change he was, and to society as a whole. He has said national war. The new Army Annual Bill is significant and will shortly result in action.
that he could embarass the Government by disauthorises a military force of 2, 650, 000 men, Even official Germany is growing more inclosing these matters. But he reveals them exclusive of those serving in India. It extends dependent in its attitude towards Allied deto no one, because, having joined the Govern the penalties to those who encourage or assist mands, and seeing it the Allies grow less trument, he holds himself. bound to keep its deserters, to those who do the same for absen culent. Whilst the workers of Central and secrets. We strongly disagree with this view; tees. It provides penalties up to two years Eastern Europe turn towards the Soviets, the we think it is Henderson duty to make these imprisonment for those who spread reports Allies prepare to fight Hungary as well as matters public; we think he should have done prejudicial to recruiting. The Navy is appeal Russia. Reuter reports that Foch has consulted with the Council of Four regarding the so as soon as they came to his notice. At the ing for volunteers for Russia, to sign on for same time we know that every artifice will be nine months. Boatswains and motormen are to military aspect. Le Populaire, March 26tn, used to induce the members of the various soget 13 1os. a month, and firemen 12 announces that two British monitors have called Labor Councils to consider themselves month, free kit or an allowance, and, in arrived in Budapest.
bound to help in enforicng the decisions of the Councils. Only those Labor representatives who are prepared to accept the Henderson standard of honor will be acceptable to the Even after the Revolution the Independent Governiments and the employers as members IN Humanite of April 15th appeared an of these Councils.
account of the Congress of the German InSocialist Party, instead of understanding the The powers that be are complacently pre dependent Socialists. Kautsky took the place action of the masses, had allied itself with the paring this network of Councils, which will of the murdered Eisner in reporting on the majority Socialists, who had betrayed revolutake many months to arrive at even the simp Berne Socialist Congress. He defended his tionary Socialism. Instead of immediately applying itself to the struggle against private lest decisions, and which on big controvercial action in having voted against the Adler Lonmatters cannot decide at all. Perhaps it is guet resolution, which refused to criticize the ownership, the Independent Party opposed hoped that the workers will take years to disRussian Soviet Government on the ground of strikes and thus helped to bolster up Capitalism. It failed to consider socialization as a cover that the Councils are ineffective. lack of proper information. Kautsky declared Henderson and Huysmans, so often publicly that a condemnation of the dictatorship of the question of political power. and regarded it snubbed by the Allied Governments, yet still proletariat was essential. He weakly argued only from the standpoint of surmounting ecoplaying the part of eager messenger boys to that the Bolsheviki would not be impressed by nomic and technical difficulties. The Party assumed it to be of first importance to increase them, are busy in all these intrigues. The an evasion of the question and that they could London Daily Herald reports that Henderson. only be brought back into the International if production; this was an error, a relapse into bourgeois economic conceptions. Not by Ramsay MacDonald, Stuart Bunning, Brant they saw it to be strong and determined.
scientific commissions, but by practical action ing, Renaudel, Longuet, and Huysmans are The conference called upon Clara Zetkin to will progress be made in the economic field.
conferring in Paris on the Berne resolutions, reply to Kautsky. She said that the Party Clara Zetkin reproached the Independents the organization of the International and the lacked energy and clear vision. During the war for joining the Coalition Government, declarInternational Labor News Agency; Henderson its policy had been feeble and hesitating; it ing that they had contributed to limiting the had failed to take up a definite attitude on the power of the Workers and Soldiers Councils Generally called Dora. The English equivalent question of national defence. Its peace policy and that the National Assembly, which is on of the American Espionage Law. It was supposed inclined to an entente with the governments parliamentary lines and which they had supto be aimed at German spies but, like the Espionage Act, operated almost exclusively against Socialists rather than towards the international action ported, is incapable of freeing the working and radical labor agitators.
of the workers (Continued on page 14)
Clara Zetkin Defends the Bolsheviki