BolshevismCapitalismEnglandGermanyIV InternationalSocialismSoviet

8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
Labor and the League of Nations deaf ears.
THE League of Nations Commission on By Sylvia Pankhurst Indian Labor; indeed, we can hardly believe International Labor, appointed by the Editor of The Workers Dreadnought.
that they will allow the masses of the workers Council of Ten in Paris, has devised a CharLondon, England.
and peasants to choose their own representater of International Labor Legislation, which tives, though they might safely do so, since it is proposed to insert in the Peace Treaty: League of Nations is put forward as the one Labor in all countries is to be placed in a hopeThe Charter bears a striking resemblance to legg minority.
force that can stave off Bolshevism! And this that adopted by the Government Socialists at is the Charter which the League of Nations Labor in all countries should refuse to have Berne. We should not be surprised by that offers to the workers as an alternative to So anything to do with this scheme. It places fact; it is not a chance coincidence. The ap cialism!
Labor in an insulting minor It brings proved policy of all Government Socialists, Labor into the international machinery set up The machinery of the International Labor and of the weaker reformist Liberals, is always office which the Council of Ten. moved, by the capitalist Governments to fight Socialto find out what the Government means to ism. It is the coping to the national machinery they say, by sentiments of justice and humgive and then to ask for that. The Peace Con anity. are about to set up, is as unsatisfacby which the Governments are seeking to ference Charter contains many of the out ofdivert Labor from the direct, independent date resolutions of the oldest of ancient con tory as the Charter. It consists of a General action, in which it is daily growing more Conference of four representatives from each ferences on Labor. Most of the things it offers of the countries represented; two of these four powerful and successful. In direct action the have either been obtained here already or are are to be representatives of the Government, wire pullers and negotiators take second place, about to be obtained; the most notable excepand the rank and file are the rulers. By direct one of employers of labor, and one of the tion being a reasonable standard of life for workers. Labor is thus placed in a safe minaction the Russian working classes, the inthe workers, and of course opinions differ dustrial workers, the peasants, the soldiers and acutely as to what is reasonable! The provi ority of one to three! Each delegate may be accompanied by two advisers, and where wosailors, established a government and abolished sions include: men questions are concerned one at least of landlordism and Capitalism. By direct action Children not to be gainfully employed under 14 the advisers should be a woman. This is to the miners won the minimum wage and the years of age.
placate the middle class suffrage societies. eight hour day; by the threat of direct action Persons between 14 and 18 not to do work harmSome of them will no doubt feel highly flatterthey have won the promise of a seven hour ful to their physical development, and to continue ed by the idea that the Governments have conday; by direct action the Glasgow women won their education.
the Rent Act.
tain a reasonable standard of life having regard to ally, in the proportion of one to eleven, and that Every worker to have a wage adequate to main sented to allow the women to appear occasion In the political field Labor gains are inthe civilization of his time and country.
sex barriers in the general League of Nations finitesimaf; any concessions made to Labor Equal pay for equal work. weekly day of rest.
machinery are verbally removed. The work during the war, and for years before that, 48 hour week, subject to an exception for countries where climatic conditions, industrial develop; ers and employers delegates are to be selected were made in fear of strikes outside. The ment, or other circumstances render the industrial in agreement with the most representative body pleadings of Labor men in Parliament fell on efficiency of the workers substantially different.
of employers and workpeople, and the Con(That we suppose means that Africans, Indians, ference, by a two thirds majority of the votes In the committee room at the conference and others whose power of protest is but feebly developed, will have to work longer hours. cast, may refuse to admit any delegate not so table Labor, always carefully placed in a minForeign workers to have the same treatment as appointed Bolshevik views can thus easily be ority there, is denied that which it is entitled nationals.
excluded by a vote of the Government and to demand; and what is more, its spokesmen State inspection of factories and workshops, are too often bamboozled into accepting the poor programme, but all that the League employers representatives!
The governing body of the International denial with thanks, as of Nations has to offer the workers, to prevent an instalment of them turning to Bolshevik Socialism, which Labor Office is to consist of 24 members: 12 justice, urging the rank and file to accept it, in order to avoid conflict.
syill make the workers the rulers of the world representing the workers delegates. Thus and its destiny. Wilson Harris, in The London Labor is placed in a minority of one to four. In the international Labor machinery Labor The International Labor Office will collect witl always be kept in a minority of one to Daily News on March 21st, quoted some perand distribute information concerning inter three, or even one to four; and the Council of sonnage at the Peace Conference. Now Bolshevism, whatever else may be said ational Labor, and will publish a periodical in Ten, by giving to the employers and governabout it, is a tremendous idealistic force unques English and French.
ments representatives the power to reject any tionably the greatest idealistic force, in my opinion, If any country fails to fall in with the agree of the Labor nominees of whom they may since the birth of Christ. You may vilify it. You ments made concerning Labor, a commission disapprove will secure that even this repremay spread reports of its excesses. You may advoof inquiry shall be chosen by the Secretary sentation shall consist of thoroughly tame and cate military measures against it. But there it remains a tremendous idealistic force. There is only General of the League of Nations, from a subservient people. Evidently there will be one way to fight an ideal. That is by opposing another panel consisting of three representatives of the secrets to be learnt at the International Labor ideal to it. And there is only one practical ideal Governments, three representatives of the em Committee with which Capitalism can only in the world today that can oppose Bolshevismployers, and three workers representatives. trust selected individuals who are warranted the League of Nations.
And then the prophet came tumbling down Any of these representatives, not deemed to not to tell! Moreover, Labor must be held in from the heights and forgot all about idealism, be fully qualified, may be rejected by a two complete subjection on this body, because this saying: The first weapon of the League must thirds vote of the governing body. Thus, again. is the international body which is to act as a be food. You must have some force police or the Government and employers representatives drag on all the Whitely Councils set up in the may together veto any of the workers repre military to guard your lines of transport, but various trades; a drag on the National Indusentatives to whom they may object. The of strial Councils in the various countries; this a loaf in your left hand is going to be more fending State may appeal from the Commis International Council will be like the Local important than a sword in your right.
sion of Inquiry to the Permanent Court of On March 31st this same Paris corresponGovernment Board, which surcharges Poor dent states that an investigator, employed by International Justice to be created by the Law Guardians who relieve too generously.
the British Government to make inquiries in League of Nations, the findings of which will and either refuses to approve, or continuall Germany, has just returned and has reported be final! The offending State may have passed delays, the various housing Schemes and upon it an economic sentence. We suppose schemes for municipal trading put forward that there will be a change of Government in this means that it may be blockaded and boy by local bodies. Even on the Whitely Councils, Germany, but that a mere change of Governcotted, and that its people may be starved. Labor will be in a minority, for the Chairman ment will not satisfy the country. The masses of the people would demand some The London Times states that the British appointed by the Government can always cast control over administration, and this, it is suinitted, Dominions and India will have the same rights his vote on the other side. Moreover, when it could be obtained by the constitution of a national and obligations as if they were separate high comes to legislation, the Governments will only form of workmen and soldiers council as the colony of any signatory which the Executive adopt the recommendations of these various first Chamber. It is argued that such a comcontracting parties, and this will apply to any councils as, and when, it chooses. In the case promise between the Soviet and Parliamentary systems is necessary to conciliate the masses.
Council of the League of Nations admits to of the coal inquiry one report was signed by There is another admission. Firstly, we are be fully self governing. But how can this be? three employers representatives, one by two told that Bolshevism is the strongest idealistic India is not fully self governing. She has employers representatives and the Chairman, force since Christ, and, secondly, it is admitted not even a semblance of self government; the one by six workers representatives. The that the parliamentary system does not give mass of the Indian people are absolutely with majority report was therefore the report of the the masses of the people control over the gov out political rights. We wonder whom the workers representatives; but the Government ernment, but that the Soviet system does. The British Government will choose to represent has choosen to act on the report submitted by