BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE reckoning of the viewpoint of many thousands minority: 1) the Michigan group which want opposed in principle to the Michigan group, of revolutionary Socialists who are still mem ed the Conference to accept in toto its pre yet joined with the Michigan group when they bers of the Socialist Party in good standing; arranged plan and program, substituting the found that these delegates were ready to it would have been the coup etat of a partially representative body, ignoring many states and will and judgment of the Michigan State Con abandon their principles for the sake of puttens of thousands of party members. it would vention for that of a group of delegates from ting over their coup etat.
Let anyone answer: which one of these have meant a surrender of the splendid pro all over the country, a group which has not paganda opportunities within the Socialist even yet joined itself in any way with the Selves from the National Left Wing. groups acted on principle in separating themParty until August 30th. But as for the prinNational Left Wing, but was given the courciple of a Communist Party, and guarantees The call for the September ist Convention tesy of representation at the Conference as of its beginning by September first, there can made by this strangely assembled minority is be no dispute about the actions of the Con an expelled State; 2) a small group of dele based directly upon the Platform formulated ference gates who persisted in their demand for im by the Conference. Evidently the Conference So far as the minority group in the Con mediate formation of a new party, who ob did not falter in the principles of revolutionary ference are now attempting to claim a dif viously compromised their position by joining the Conference waver or compromise on a Socialism. Neither in principle or tactics did ference with the majority of the Conference, in a call for a new party on September ist; single point, and the experience since the Conthat claim falls to pieces when the actual facts 3) the largest element of the minority, the ference proves beyond a doubt that the majorof the Conference are considered. At the Sunday evening session of the Conference (third Federation delegates who acted only after ity chose the best way in which to bring tosession, June 22) there was a roll call vote defeat of the proposition to give absolute congether all the elements in the Socialist Party ready for a Communist Party of revolutionary of 55 to 38 against the proposition of imme trol of the Left Wing to the Federation ExeSocialism diate organization of a new party. On Mon cutive Committees. This group was openly day morning all delegates continued their parComrades of the Left Wing: there is much ticipation in the Conference, though part of important work to be done during the next the minority group refused to vote on the promonth for the future of revolutionary Socialposition to join the Michigan call for a Sep From a Soldier in France ism in America for a Communist Party that tember first Convention to start a new Socialwill be much more than a flourish of a gloist Party; On Monday afternoon, all delegates In the midst of the deluge of abuse that is rious name, for a party that will actually voting, there was an election of a committee being directed against Soviet Russia by the bring into common action all the revolutionary to take over the work of the Conference propress it is gratifying to find a few courageous proletarian elements in the United States. The vided that a raid and arrests should make it impossible to bring a quorum together again. tide, presenting the case of the Russian workpublications like yours, attempting to stem the Council has already appealed to you for funds wherewith to carry on its work. The Council Four of the delegates elected to this committee has already urged upon you the support of later identified themselves with the minority ers and explaining and justifying the new Left Wing candidates to the Emergency Conwhich discontinued activity within the Consociety they are trying to build upon the ruins the monarchy. The have even less vention, or the formation of separate Left ference, though not leaving. This step of conditional secession from the Conference ocaccess than you to any authentic and reliable Wing provisional organizations as the basis information on Russian affairs and while for representation at Chicago. The Council curred only after defeat of the proposition that possess little accurate knowledge of the stirring local or branch so that we may know how to appeals to you also for information about your each Federation should have a member on the National Left Wing Council, to be designated and momentous events in that land of mystery bring our plans into conformity with the varied by the Executive Committee of the Federation, and promise, do know something of the principles and practices of the American press.
party situation in the different States.
in addition to the members to be elected by the Conference (in which election the FederThis knowledge suggests to me but one interWe address ourselves in this statement priation representatives would also participate. pretation of the campaign of hate that is being marily to those already in accord with the In a word, this meant that the National Coun waged with such vigor against the Soviets fundamental principles of Communism, to those who have already grasped the vital signcil of the Left Wing should become subsidiary namely: that the privileges for which that to the Central Executive Committees of the press stands and the interests whose message ificance of the Left Wing movement in the Federations. This proposition was defeated it preaches are in danger, perhaps even threatclass struggle in America. We are just as eager ened with early and complete annihilation in to deal with the questions of those who have 23 to 41.
Russia as the hands of a victorious proletariat, not heretofore been presented with the opportOn Monday evening (sixth session) the folan event that could not but hasten the doom unity to study developments in world history lowing announcement was made: Some 31 comrades from the various foreign federations.
of special privilege in other lands outside of and in Socialism itself out of which the Left and some English comrades met about half Russia. In no other way can account for Wing movement took form. But in the exithe hysterical and vicious denunciations of gencies of the immediate party campaign we an hour ago and decided to organize a new Communist Party on the basis of the principles Bolshevism and its leaders that stare at me are forced to deal first with the pressing probfrom every page of the daily papers. The laid down by the National Left Wing Conlems of party reorganization. However, we ference on June 22nd, for which purpose they strategy and also the tactics here employed so shall welcome the opportunity to answer all to bring joined the convention call of the Michigan closely resemble the plan of campaign pursued questions, through our Secretary, our literature into the hands of those not as State. Convention of September ist. At the by the press in the ceaseless industrial war in same time it was decided to withhold all act the States that it is possible to make a fairly yet aligned with the Left Wing.
ivities of those 31 members from active par accurate estimate of the character, the strength We repeat our appeals for funds and for ticipation in this Conference, and reserve their and the purposes of the Bolsheviki. And hav active co operation. The response already has right to resume those activities at the time ing observed the habits of the press in that been most encouraging, but there are many that they find fit.
war and noted its utter lack of the sportsman parts of the country yet to be heard from. Act Of this minority, the Federation delegates like spirit and its shameful disregard of the at once. Do your part to give the Socialist did not support the Michigan call when offered most elemental requirements of literary honor, movement in this country an impetus on Aug.
in the Conference, because they disagreed with and knowing something of the sinister influ 30th which will carry us a long way toward the the call in principle. On the other hand, the ences that control it, cannot effect any surgoal of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in America!
Federation delegates accepted the basis in prise at its present behavior.
principle for a new party as laid down by the cannot resist the conclusion that the masNational Left Wing Council.
majority of the Conference. Not one delegate ters of America, disturbed by visions of a JOHN BALLAM MAXIMILIAN COHEN left the Conference on the issue of immediate Socialist government in Russia, are ISAAC Edw. FERGUSON BENJAMIN GITLOW formation of the Communist Party. The Mich their rage and desperation sounding through RUTHENBERG igan call itself, and so the Michigan delegates their mouthpiece the call for the sympathetic James LARKIN explained, conceded the advisability of the strike, the boycott, the lockout, the blacklist BERTMAN WOLFE campaign in connection with the Emergency and even for the war of extermination in deThe Revolutionary Age.
Convention of August 30th. In other words, fense and on behalf of their vanishing brethren Louis FRAINA, Editor the Michigan call added absolutely nothing in Russia. In this they are obeying, though in to the actions of the Conference, and was a blind and stupid way, the instinct of self JOHN REED, Assoc. Editor simply a bid to let the Conference make of preservation. They are fools of more kinds EADMONN MACALPINE, Managing Editor the National Left Wing a tail to the kite of than one but yet shrewd enough to understand Address all communication to FerguMichigan.
that if the Russian proletariat wins, the Ame son, National Secretary, 43 29th Street, Three sets of delegates made up this curious rican proletariat cannot lose.
New York City.