BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 2nd, 1919. Continued from page To carry out this purpose we adopt the following where the Convention will meet, together with program: Here and There the roster of delegates. Our temporary execut1. We re affirm the call for the Emergency National Convention to be held on August 30, in ive secretary will call the convention to order. Chicago, and call upon all party units to send WE, of the Left Wing, have had some exdelegates irrespective of any action which the usurp perience with a group in New York who ing members of the former National Executive ComThe purpose of the old is to retain mittee may take.
issued a paper called The Socialist. We now control for moderate petty bourgeois Social rection of this committee and the Executive Secretary Communist, issued by a group in Chicago. As II. The convention will be held under the di find the first number of a paper called The ism as against the proletarian Socialism of the elected by it will make up the roster of delegates Left Wing. It sabotaged the election; it ex and will call the convention to order.
far as we are able to discover the only Socialpelled and suspended more than 35, 000 mem III. We call upon all sections of the party exism in The Socialist was that contained in the bers (and threatens to expel more) in order pelled or suspended by the reactionary Executive title. Knowing the difficulty of getting out a Committee and re instated by this committee, to send to ontrol the Convention. This must be prenew paper we don want to be harsh in our delegates as provided in the rules of party procedure.
vented; and your accordingly, IV. We call upon all party units expelled by criticism but we must candidly admit that the assumes full control of this Convention the state or local organizations to take such actions, in only Communism we can find in The Communist is also contained in the name. Apparently most important in the party history in order accordance with their local rules, as will insure them that it shall actually become an expression of our Communist friends are laboring under The Left Wing is simply the assertion of rethe revolutionary Socialism in the party. No volutionary Socialism in our party. It is a the same delusion as The Socialist group: postponment of the Convention by the old legitimate movement expressing the mass That if you call yourself by a name often must be recognized by the party; no revolutionary sentiment of the party legitim the name implies.
enough you really take on the character that pleas of lack of money must be accepted; your ately organized to awaken the members to the assumes full financial responsibility: necessity of Communist Socialism.
On the first page of The Communist we At this moment of crisis in the world of learn that it is the official paper of the ComThe party has, in referendum. also Capitalism and of Socialism, to abandon the munist Party or America while immediately suppressed by the old overhelmingly underneath this interesting information Convention is treason to the revolutionary accepted affiliation with the Communist Inwe proletariat.
find a Call for a National Convention for the ternational.
On the issues of the Convention, your This acceptance of the Bolshevik Spartacan of America. Of course we are always willing purpose of organizing the Communist Party adopts the following declaration: Communist International imposes the obligThe movement which culmipated in the calling to learn but we frankly admit that we are unof the Emergency National Convention of August ation for transforming the principles and tact30, did not have its origin in a contest over ad ics of the Socialist Party in accord with the able to see how a publication can be the official paper of something that is not yet organized.
ministrative actions of the party executive com Communist International to build the Committee; its origin was a demand by large sections munist Party of the United States, the conOn page five we learn from Alexander Stokof the party membership for a re formulation of the stituent elements of which are the revolutionary majority is made up of wavering centrist eleparty tactics and a restatement of its principles in litsky that the National Left Wing Convention harmony with the revolutionary Socialist practice of masses in our party.
ments which constitute a fetid swamp. On the Bolshev of Russia.
You cannot, comrades, brook any compromise learning this astounding fact we immediately Local after local, in resolutions and demonstrations on this issue. You must act, and act unurged the National Executive Committee to call a reverted to the first page Convention call to convention, great masses of the membership declared compromisingly as an integral part of the Comsee wherein this real Communist Bolshevik their adherence to the new revolutionary principles, munist International.
but the National Executive Committtee, the repre The Communist Party in every nation is group differed from us only to find to our sentative of moderate Socialism the Socialism of rallying the revolutionary proletariat against astonishment that the call is lifted bodily from Scheidemann and Kerensky acting as self appointed Capitalism and Imperialism. Hearkening to the the Manifesto and Program of the fetid guardians of the party, refused to accede to the demand of the membership for a convention.
inspiration of the Communists of the First swamp. As we said before we are always It was only after the membership itself had take International and of the Paris Commune, and willing to learn but so far no one has told us how a Communist Party can be formed on a the matter out of the hands of the National Ex answering the call of the Communists of Rusby an overhelming vote, that the convention was sia, Hungary and Germany, the Communist centrist program. We always thought there was some sort of relation between a party and finally called Party calls the proletariat to the final struggle.
In their effort to maintain their rule of the party the program upon which it is founded.
the moderate Socialists of the National Executive Comrades, history calls to you! We must Committee did not hesitate to disrupt the organization. Members have been expelled and suspended challenge Capitalism; we must rally the The bourgeois press is jubilant over the failure of the General Strike in Italy, wholesale in order to influence the vote of the proletariat for the Communist struggle, in referendum election, and to give the old National accord with our own conditions.
France and England. So far as we can ascerExecutive Committee and moderate Socialism control The Socialist Party is hampered in its tain the failure lay chiefly with the leaders of the convention and the party. These reactionary activity. But August 30, in the Chicago Con such failures have an awkard way of spelland treacherous acts have injected into the present party situation a bitter struggle for control of the vention, will mark the end of the Left Wing ing success for the proletariat party organization and the danger exists that this controversy. Revolutionary Socialism will confactional struggle over democracy against autocracy trol. You will crush the moderates. You will We see by the papers that the English within the organization may overshadow the original purpose of the call for a national convention to react! You will transform our party into a Com House of Commons approves the Peace Treaty organize the Socialist Party of the on the basis munist Party, to express the mass struggle of. now it only requires Congress to do likeof the Communist Socialism which is sweeping the proletariat.
wise and then everybody will know that it is through the ranks of the Proletarian movement of Then action! Then the revolutionary an iniquitous document.
the world and everywhere bringing new inspiration struggle!
and courage to the workers in their struggle for emancipation. The old National Executive Committee We must go to the proletariat. We must Puzzle: What connection is there between consciously inspired this process by attempting to build our movement anew. We must get the the rights of small nations and Italy taking refer to the convention the contreversial questions masses in our party and answer the Comover administrative actions, which its disruptive munist call for action.
the cables from Austria. Recognizing this danger we call upon the membership to elect representatives to the Emergency NaThere are 30, 000, 000 American wage worktional Convention, not merely on the basis of settling ers the force of potential revolution. Our The New York Times sees in the race riots, questions arisen out of the reactionary administrative chief task is to awaken and organize these the results of Bolshevik and pro German proaction of the old National Executive Committee proletarian masses, wage the working class paganda among the negroes. Would it not be nearer the mark to say that the riots are the autocracy, but Revolutionary Socialism against struggle.
Moderate Socialism but on the basis of reorganIt is our determination as it is yours, result of the Americanism of the New York ising the party for the achievement of Communist comrades to act on problems of organization Times brand.
Socialism We shall, as conditions allow, develp and unify The action of the membership in this question has already been indicated in the overhelming and all our means of action; we shall systematically Now do not relax your agitation. Do not but unanimous endorsement by referendum vote of develop our press under party ownership, es allow the old to hamper your struggle affiliation with the Communist International. side by tablish a party owned publishing house, a party for our class war prisoners concentrate on side with the Communist Party (Bolsheviki) of school for agitators, and a comprehensive this issue locally. Integrate your organization.
Russia and the Communist Labor Party (Spartacans)
of Germany and other Communist parties of Europe.
lecture bureau. We shall develop the necessary Elect Left Wing delegates to the Emergency The work of the Emergency National Convention technique to get your call for revolutionary convention to express your revolutionary ideals.
of August 30, will be to re organize the Socialist action to the masses of the American You shall conquer. Party on the basis of the Communist Socialist prin proletariat.
Act, comrades against Capitalism and reciples and tactics outlined in the declaration of the Communist International. Out of the Emergency NaThe final struggle is coming. Our deeds in actionary Socialism.
tional Convention came the Communist Party of the the days to come shall make proletarian history, Greetings to the revolutionary masses in our United States.
Comrades prepare!
party! Long live the Communist International!