BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracySocialismSocialist Party

Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The New Meets These acts are historic. They assure the bership, and refuses to recognize the regularly regular party stamps firisha Tempo Inous was TIE 112 newly elected National Executive By Louis Fraina control of the Emergency Convention.
Committee of the Socialist Party meet Report of the Meeting of the Nationl Executcommittee of three consisting of Ruthenberg, ing in spite of the sabotage of the party but tive Committee, Socialist Party Chicago, Harwood and Fraina, was elected to draft a reaucracy has fulfilled the revolutionary exJuly 26 27.
declaration of the issues before the convention.
pectations of the members who placed it in The declaration, unanimously adopted, de clared that the issues were not comprised in power. committee was elected to demand of The new E. has declared that the party democracy against party autocracy, but Executice Secretary Adolph Germer to turn Socialist Party must become the Communist of revolutionary proletarian Socialism agaitrst Party of the United States. It re instates all over the National Headquarters to the new moderate petty bourgeois Socialism, and afexpelled or suspended comrades.
NE and appear at its sessions. This de firmed: Out of the Emergency Convention mand was presented in writing to Germer, The new urges the party membermust come the Communist Party of the United who refused.
ship to elect Left Wing delegates to the EmerStates. This declaration was incorporated gency Convention at Chicago, August 30.
At the afternoon session, the following in a final declaration published in full elseThe new requests the co operation motion was adopted: That we declare the where in this issue. of the National Council of the Left Wing office of National Executive Secretary vacant, Section Socialist Party, and its official organ, inasmuch as the present incumbent violates his State secretaries on motion, were urged not The Revolutionary Age.
functions by refusing to tabulate the vote on to purchase dues stamps, unless absolutely necessary, in which event they can purchase This does not include exelected Wagenknecht was elected United States. All decisions were unanito act as temporary secretary until the convenpelled and suspended organizations, which will The met Saturday morning at the tion of August 30.
buy stamps from the National Council of the Bradley Hall, Chicago. Present: from District Motion. that the Massachusetts and Mich Left Wing. Several motions were passed to prevent the One Louis Fraina and Edward Lindigan state organizations be re instated in the old from retaining control of party gren; from District Two Fred Harwood, Party, and that the suspension of the Russian, Marguerite Prevey, Ruthenberg; from Polish, Lithuanian, South Slavic, Hungarian, property.
District Three William Bross, Lloyd; from Lettish and Ukrainian Socialist Federations Motion: That we recognize the National be revoked.
District Four none; from District FiveCouncil of the Left Wing Section, Socialist Katterfeld and Wicks. Eight organizations can elect regular delegates to This means that these expelled Left Wing Party, organized at the National Left Wing members were present, constituting a majorConference, June 21 24, and its official organ, ity and a quorum of the whole committee.
the Emergency Convention; where this is im The Revolutionary Age, as an organized exComrade Katterfeld called the meeting to possible, suspended and expelled comrades pression of the revolutionary sentiments of order. Chairman: Katterfeld; Secretary, must organize Left Wing organisations in the party, and that we request their co operWagenknecht.
dependent of the party and elect contesting ation. Unanimously adopted.
Harwood and Katterfeld were elected a delegates. committee of three, consisting of Kattercommittee to tabulate the vote on the elections.
The condemned the expulsions and feld, Fraina and Wicks, was elected to draft They reported that the eight members present suspensions perpetrated by state and local or a final declaration to the party. The declaration were duly elected with a vote so large as to ganizations, and demanded re instatement. It after slight amendments, unanimously dispose of the lying charge of fraud, as were: calls upon members to purchase convention adopted. Printed below. District One Nicholas Hourwich; District assessment stamps; money from this source After discussion of organization problems, Three Dennis Batt and John Keracher; not to be sent to the old but held by a committee of three, consisting of KatterDistrict Four Dan Hogan, Mary Millis the State Secretaries and given to the conven feld, Wagenknecht and Harwood, was elected and Pat Nagel; District Five Kate Greention delegates.
to bring in an organizaton report to the next halgh. The committe further reported that Plans were made to raise money to defray session of the August 28, in Chicago.
Louis Fraina, John Reed, Ruthenberg extra cost of delegates; all members are urged The final act of the was to express and Wagenknecht were elected overwelm to contribute, and the Yipsels are asked to co its confidence in the revolutionary spirit of the irgly as Internationl Delegates and Kate Ri operate.
membership, which would align the party with chards Hare as International Secretary. The new decided to assume full the new International. Declaration to the Party THIS meeting of the National Executive Issued by Vational Executive Committee Germer, who refuses to recognize your Committee of the Socialist Party occur of the Socialist Party. as the organ of the party, under extraordinary circumstances. Elected by An American Communist Party Urged. To re instate the expelled State organthe votes of the membership overhelmingly izations of Michigan and Massachusetts, and it is compelled to meet without the co operation the suspended Language Federation restoring will of the revolutionary masses in the party; of the old party administration.
to the party, with all rights, more than 35, 000 you comrades, must act; we meet simply to The old overhelmingly repudiated provide you the opportunity to act and assert comrades.
on referendum, usurped power and attempted To re organize the Socialist Party as a your supremacy.
to prevent the new from functioning.
Communist Party, in harmony with At this moment of crisis of crisis in the affiliation with the Communist International.
This usurpatory action, together with the ex world of Capitalism and of Socialism action pulsion and suspension of more than 35, 000 is imperative. Action is imperative against Ca4. To call upon the members, regardless revolutionary comrades from the party, is a of the party wrecking old to rally pitalism and against moderate Socialism in the desperate move to retain control of the party party.
to the support of the class war prisoners.
for moderate, counter revolutionary Socialism. Your C, accordingly, acting under ively problems of organization shamefully neg5. To consider seriously and comprehens The old is dead; it throttled the mandate of the party membership, convened in session at Chicago, July 26 27.
lected by the old party administrations.
Comrade Hiltzik, who spoke for the Jewish It met to rally our revolutionary forces for To request the co operation of the NaFederation (Left Wing. was afterwards re the struggle against Capitalism.
tional Council of the Left Wing Section, Sopudiated by his Executive Committee on the It met to rally the party members for the volutionary Age. as an organized expression cialist Party (and its official organ, The Repoint of separating himself from the Confer definite assertion of Communist Socialism in ence majority, though approved for his stand of the revolutionary sentiments of the party.
the American movement.
on the principle of a Communist Party.
The later discussions will show the crystallIt met as a revolutionary expressing National Convention on August 30, the old To assume full control of the Emergency ization of sentiment for a new Communist the revolutionary sentiments in the party. and its executive secretaries leaving no Party to be launched September first, at ChiYour by unanimous decision of authority to organize or postpone this Concago, with delegates so instructed by member the members in session decided. vention. We will shortly inform you of the place ship groups from all over the country. To oust National Executive Secretary (Continued on next page. our