
16 Dear Comrades: Brooklyn, Enclosed you will find One dollar for the work you have undertaken. Very sorry that cannot give more at present, but am trying hard to have other comrades send their donations for the great educa.
tional work that you are spreading. Wishing you a two fold success, remain, Fraternally yours, Ditchek.
Comrade: Wallum Lake, am enclosing Five dollars which ve collected among a few sym pathizers. m also enclosing fifty cents in stamps for my subscription.
Wishing you with all my heart success, am a sympathizer, Joseph Giffoni. Above was aknowledged as coming from party comrades, where.
upon the following reply was sent. Comrade:July 19, 1919 am sorry to state that none of the five contributors are members of the Party. We are just sympathizers with the Left Wing because it stands heartily with us workers, and we thought it was our duty to give some money for our cause.
Fraternal regards from all of us, Joseph Giffoni.
Dear Comrade:Pittsburgh, Pa. Enclosed find money order for One Hundred dollars. 100. 00) and Five. 00) cash. This is the immediate answer to your call for Left Wing finances. More coming.
Lots of Left Wing sentiment here.
Donation as follows: South Slavic Branch No. 1, 75. 00; North Side Central, 10. 00; Circle 10. 00; Ed. Horacek, 00; Comrade Kalibash, 00 Yours for the cause Blum, Sec y Left Wing Group, Comrade Ferguson:Belleville. Herewith am sending you 10. 00 for organizing and propaganda for the Left Wing. This is a donation from the German branch, Belleville. We hope that all branches do the same.
Yours for the Third International, Wn. Lugge, Sec y.
Dear Comrades: New Bremen, Ohio, Enclosed find Ten dollars which our Local contributers to the cause of Red Socialism, also Five dollars for the purchase of Propaganda stamps. Loca New Bremen will stick to the Left Wing to the finish.
Yours for the revolution, Arthur Miller, Fin. Sec y.
Dear Comrade Secretary :Dorchester, Mass. Enclosed find please a check for 00 donated by our branch in behalf of the Left Wing.
Kindly send us 25 copies of The Revolutionary Age every week.
Yours in Communist comradeship, Golosov, Fin. Sec y.
Comrades of the Left Wing history calls to YOU!
The National Left Wing needs 15, 000 for its immediate work. We must prepare to bring together at Chicago August 30, a truly representative Left Wing delegation from every State in the Union. Ferguson, Secretary, National Council 43 West 29th Street, New York City.