
1 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 Bolshevikjabs a members of the committee simply can stand Here and There the 75. However, the fact remains that the committee has obtained a tremendous amount ON August 5th the Lusk Committee woke of publicity when it is remembered that during RAILROAD workers won brook return from a sound sleep and gave the Left the past few months three murders, two di of roads to privat rule, says a headvorce cases, Peace, prohibition, the trans At line and the mild mannered conductor who Wing headquarters another raid. The first lantic flights, and the arrival of President Wil punches our commutation ticket doesn look raid, which occurred June 21st, discovered son of Paris for a short vacation in this coun in the least like a Bolshevik. Why he hasn The New York Communist on the day after try have kept the linotypes busy.
even got a beard and his hair is cut quite it had suspended publication. After six weeks For a time it looked as if the committee short.
of careful sleuthing Archibald Stevenson disefforts would be fruitless, owing to the fact covered The Revolutionary Age, and on Tuesthat the Senate investigation has hogged day last at ten minutes to three a pair of timidall the spicy and sensational details of Bolshev Socialist Government Replaces Kun Relooking cops slunk up the stairway of headism, through its good fortune in getting a gime, says The New York Call. Now that quarters armed with a handful of summonses, clergyman to testify. But the Lusk Committee nasty proletarian dictatorship has gone, and ordering everybody connected with The Revohas at last unearthed something. We cull the democracy, with equal suffrage and everything, lutionary Age to appear before the Attorney following from The New York Tribune: is saved once more.
General at three o clock.
Mme Sarah Naumovna Ravvich, said to have The editors happening to be out to lunch, been sent to this country by Leon Trotzky to the cops served the shipping clerk; the stenogorganize the forces of unrest and revolution Congress is going to investigate the high with a view of seizing the government (and raphers and Comrade Bert Wolfe, who im bringing it back cost of living, so the packers have been forced him tied up with Red ribbon)
mediately left for the hearing. Comrade is now being sought by operatives of the Lusk to raise prices half a cent to meet the expenses Ferguson, the National Secretary, went Joint Committee on Bolshevism. Mme Ray of sending witnesses to Washington.
vich, described to the committee as the one who along as attorney; and when they found out directed the betrayal of Russia, arrived in this who he was, they served him too.
country some time ago under an assumed name. Make money scarce and the cost of living The hearing was secret. The persons who According to information to the committee she testified were told not to breathe a word outis said to have served Germany well in the late will drop, says Senator Myers. It is now war. She was one of those allowed to pass the clear duty of all patriotic employers to reside what had happened to them in the dark, through Germany in sealed cars from Switzer duce wages and thus save the workers from mysterious chamber. They were asked how land to Russia just prior to the overthrow of themselves.
much circulation the paper had, where it was the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviki.
Immediately after evidence had been presentprinted, and what was Comrade MacAlpine ed to the committee yesterday that Mme Ravvich address. As no one but the Business Manager and others who were active in the Bolshevik The Congress now being held in Luzerne knew these things, not much information was revolution were in America, Senator Clayton is the last gasp of the so called Second Interobtained. Lusk sent for Immigration Inspector national, held under the direction of the InSchell, who was assigned to the committee.
After sitting outside the room all afternoon, Schell was requested to ascertain just how many ternational Socialist Bureau of Brussels, says Comrade Wolfe and Comrade Ferguson were of the agents of Trotzky had entered through The New York Call.
told to go home. The Luskers were evidently Ellis Island in the past three years.
Choked, we suppose, because Washington afraid to tackle them.
We learn on good authority that the com wouldn give Algernon Lee a passport!
After severe cross examination, the mitee has reasons for believing that Mme Luskers evidently thought of looking at the Ravvich is none other than the famous Mrs.
Union Label on the paper and thus they dis Trotzky, who was last heard of on her wav We understand that Senator Hiram Johnson, covered the dreadful secret of where it was to Switzerland with several thousand pounds after consultation with Morris Hillquit. Wilprinted. They then sent for the printer, and, of gold in her stocking. It is of course quite liam Jennings Bryan, and other well known it is rumored, questioned him earnestly about well known that Trotzky is one of those heart popular leaders, has decided to form a new how a linotype machine works.
less brutes who believe that wives should be party. Among the planks will be: Withdrawal All this ridiculous pussy footing was, we put to work, in fact there is good reason for from Russia, amnesty for Tom Mooney, repeal are credibly informed, undertaken in order to believing that he has several wives working of the Espionage Act, in fact everything the try and get enough evidence to back up the for him at present. The fact that Mme Ray Right Wing wants, including repudiation of indictments which it is framed up the Grand vich entered the country under an assumed Proletarian Dictatorship.
Jury will hand down on August 11th.
name will not prevent Inspector Schell from If the District Attorney can base indict getting all the information desired as there is ments on the evidence of half a dozen Ia complete record of all Bolshevik agents who Never mind the National Emergency Condon knows. we are doomed!
enter at Ellis Island.
vention, comrades of the Right Wing, wait We understand that every person entering licans meet!
till you see what will happen when the Repubthe country is required to give particulars reEvery spring a group of prominent New garding his or her business. Also each person York politicians meet in Albany and hold traveling under an assumed name is required Judging from the reports of the Amsterdam what is known as a legislature. At the end to inform the authorities of this fact, stating in Trades Union Congress Sammy Gompers of the session it is usually thought necessary clear tones, first the assumed name and then wants the war to start all over again the to provide a summer vacation for a certain the real name, thus: German delegates are not nearly humble number of persons who have information re Assumed name, Jones, o e Real name, enough.
garding what really happened during the ses Fish, i h.
sion. Some say that the purpose of this custom The immigration authorities ask each person is to prevent these people from making their whether he or she is one of Trotzky agents, But while Sammy lashing the Germans knowledge public, but be that as it may, the and when the reply is in the affirmative a quite a lot of union men, who have not had the fact remains that these vacations are of yearly careful note is made in a little book which opportunity of traveling abroad, have an aloccurrence. This year New York City was each inspector carries with him for this pur together mistaken idea of their functions they picked as the vacation ground. An appropri pose. The only difficulty that may be experiare talking about One Big Union.
ation of 30, 000 was made to cover traveling enced by the inspector in getting the inforand hotel expenses. The fortunate ones are mation desired by the committee lies in the fact It certainly looks like as if Mexico was now known to fame as the Lusk Committee, that until recently immigrants were not asked going to be found guilty of having oil wells.
and, while they are enjoying the pleasures for whether they were working for Lenin. Secret which the city is famous, they are supposed to agents are of course not expected to volunteer conduct an investigation into Bolshevism for information about themselves but only to ans The English Crown Prince is on his way to the pupose of placing as much misinformation wer the questions asked, consequently many America according to press reports. The as possible before those who will assemble in persons who replied No to the question Arc Prince of Wales must not, however, be conAlbany next year.
you Trotzky agent. might have been workfused with that other Crown Prince. It is a In spite of the hot weather the committee ing for Lenin and of course they did not fact that they are both crown princes, and has been very active, sitting at least one day volunteer this information. This difficulty is that the chances of either of them ever sitting every week. Some evil minded persons have being met, however, and now each inspector on a throne are rather slim, it is also a fact been heard to say that this activity is in a large has has a complete list of all members of the that they are related to each other, but the one measure due to the fact that prohibition is in Bolshevik government and thus Russian agents that is coming to America is a democratic force, and that it is common knowledge that the have no chance of escaping detection.
prince he was down in a coal mine oncs.