CominternCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist Party

Saturday, July 26, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 13 Official Left Wing News the meeting of Socialist Party Roxbury Lettish Branch No. (350 members. Boston, lution was adopted. Whereas: The minority of the Left Wing Conference in using all means in order to prejudice certain Left Wing Organizations (especially Foreign Language Branches against the participation in the Socialist Party National Emergency Convention, August 30. This discouraging propaganda is not based on any serious différence of opinion in regards to organizing a Communist Party. The majority as well as the minority, both recognize this as a necessity, which can be seen from the reports in The Revolutionary Age; The minority at present has no right to claim taht it intends to organize the Communist Party in a shorter time. Quite the contrary: They have issued a call for a Special Convention on Septempber or two days after the Emergency Convention. By this time the Left Wingers of the Emergency Convention will be well ahead in the work of organization of the Communist Party. The attitude of the minority has no basis of principle, which is proven by the fact that it did not introduce for te consideration of the Conference any separate statement or substitute motion, on any vital conference, namely: of principle which was discussed at the 1) Declaration of Principles; 2) National Program: 3) Municipal Program; 4) Attitude towards the Communist International; 5) Attitude towards the Labor Unions. 6) Methods of the Left Wing activities in shops, mills and factories. The claim of the minority that the suspended and expelled Left Wing organizations will not be allowed to participate the Emergency Convention, is not sure, because the members all over the country do not recognize these suspensions and expulsions. If the delegates of the xpelled Left Wing organizations are not seated, then it will be a proper time for all Left Wingers to leave and hold letter to the attention of your branch and to transa separate Convention; mit the answer to the questions as soon as possible. The National Executive Committee who did Dear Comrade: the dirty work of the Right Wing, has been overThis letter should be considered as promptly whelmingly defeated. Since July 1st they do not as possible by your local and the answer transmitted represent the Party any more. Since July 1st Mr. at once. It is of the highest importance that the Germer is not the Socialist Party National Secretary National Left Wing Council should be accurately any more. His term has expired. He holds the informed of the party situation in every part of the affíce by refusing to call together the newly elected country, and if there is relevant information not But the will come together any asked for below, please add it to your answer.
way. They will fire Germer, and elect a new secre Are there Left Wing candidates on your ballot tary. They will recall all expulsions and suspen for delegates to the National Emergency Convention sions. The new secretary, a Left Winger, will call of August 30th? Please supply their names and the Emergency Convention to order; addresses, if convenient. If by some treacherous legal proceedings Has your local or State organization instructed started by Mr. Germer and Right Wing, the new the delegates to the Emergency Convention? If so, is not allowed to function, even in that to what effect. case the situation will be favorable to the Left Does your local approve entire co operation of Wing. It will open the eyes of thousands of comthe delegates from your state with the National rades who as yet do not know which Wing to supLeft Wing Organization?
port. Does your local approve the organization of Therefore be it resolved: a Communist Party if the Left Wing is barred from control of the Socialist Party Emergency Conven1. That we the Socialist Party Roxbury Lettish tion? Or if the Emergency Convention is put off by Branc No. 2, Bostonh, Mass. endorse the action of the old C. he majority of the Left Wing Conference and Does your local take the stand that the new call upon the minority delegates and their National Executive Committee, elected on the repathizers to work in accordance with the Left Wing ferendum which is being held up, is now the proper executive body to control the Socialist Party, subject That we shall participate in the election of to the actions of the membership?
delegates to the National Emergency Convention Has your State, city, or county, any form of and also call upon other Left Wing Branches to do distinct Left Wing organization? Is your local willing to help finance the sending Thatt we condemn the action of certain min of Left Wing delegates to Chicago on August 30th, ority delegates, who are traveling from city to city providing such delegates cannot be sent by means inviting the members not to support and refuse to of the regular party elections?
pay dues to the Left Wing organizations who intend Has your local heretofore done anything to put to participate in the National Emergency Convention. the local on record with regard to the general party situation. The following letter has been sent to many locals What was average membership of your local for and branches throughout the country, but there are 1918? What was average membership for first half hundreds of branches not within our reach at this of year. 1919?
time. You are requested, therefore, to bring this FERGUSON, Nat. Sec y.
the same; Greater New York News RGANIZERS of all branches contesting the that you can stay home and let the branch take care Next meeting of the Left Wing Picnic Committee office not later than July 28th.
of itself means only one thing stagnation and that of Bronx will take place next Monday evening, July First Bi Weekly Letter To Enrolled Socialistsmust not creep into our movement. We have youth, 28, at 371 Willis Avenue. Branches are requested enthusiasm and proletarian ideals on our side this to instruct their delegates to attend this meeting.
is now ready for distribution to branches. Price per hundred letters 60 cents.
combination is invincible. Make your slogan All Lists of enrolled voters can be purchased at this power to the Left Wing and act upon it by beoffice.
coming active in your branch. Left Wing PICNIC has been arranged by the Bronx comrades of the Left Wing for Sunday, Aug.
The 18 20th will hold an Entertainment and 24th, at Eastern Boulevard Park, formerly HoffBranches desiring more petition lists for enrolled Dance on Saturday, August 9th at Socialist Hall, man Park, Eastern Boulevard and Fort Schuler Socialist Voters can procure them in this office. 1848 Lexington Ave. The proceeds will go to rebuild Road, Westchester, Branch secretaries or organizers should procure the branch headquarters. raided by the Right Wing. The following artists will participate: Miss Katanew Left Wing application cards and duplicates froin yama in oriental dances, Vladimir Resnikoff, the this office as no one will be permitted in to the IMPORTANT NOTICE Russian singer and many other artistic attractions.
membership meeting on August 3d unless he shows Due to the tremendous success obtained at the Amusements, dancing, bowling, athletics and interhis Left Wing application card and his Socialist Left Wing Excursion to Great Bear Mountains, national bazaar. The entire proceeds will go to the Party, card.
last Saturday afternoon, July 12, the 1st and 2nd Left Wing Section, Local Greater New York.
Assembly District Branches of the Left Wing Sec Left Wing organizations and those in sympathy All Left Wing New York Branches should elect tion of the Socialist Party, decided to run a second with the Left Wing are requested not to arrange their delegates on the basis of one for every twenty excursion for the convenience of all those who held any affairs o nthat date which might conflict with five members to the new Left Wing Central tickets for the first excursion and were not able this picnic.
to get on the boat, as well as for the benefit of Tickets can be obtained at all the Left Wing their friends.
branches of the Socialist Party, The Novy Mir, 118 Branch secretaries should send in the place and This second and last excursion will be held on East 10th Street, The Kampf, 179 East Broadway, date of their meetings so they can be published in Saturday afternoon, August 16, 1919. The boat will Hungarian Workers House, 350 East 81st St; Left this column regularly. Also reports of activities of leave the Pike Street Dock at 2:30 sharp.
Wing Headquarters, 43 29th Street, The Elore, the branch.
Dancing, singing, rowing, swinging and other enterEast 3d St. The Robitnik, 222 East 5th St. Uw tainments are on the program for this day. Tickets Ulm, 225 East 79th Street.
Emergency Due Stamps and Emergency Party may be obtained at the following places: 180 Henry Cards are now ready and can be procured at this Tickets in advance 30 cents, at the gate 35 cents.
Street, 255 Grand Street, Novy Mir, 113 110th St.
Picnic starts at 10 office.
and at The Revolutionary Age, 43 West 29th Street.
Special Propaganda Stamps are also ready and Next Central Committee of Bronx will meet at the Left Wing comrades should do their best to PICNIC AND DANCE Saturday, July 26th at 5th Headquarters, 1340 push the sale of these stamps among the comrades Southern Boulevard. Branches should send their DICKERT OLD POINT PARK and friends and sympathizers. Every comrade should delegates with credentials.
carry a book of these stamps with him to the shop 4018 Boston Road, Bronx and union meetings and sell them to their comrades.
MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY, JULY 27th, 1919 At the same time it gives him an opportunity of explaining the Left Wing organization to those Sunday, P. August 1919.
arranged by workers who as yet are in the dark about our moveLETTISH BRANCH No. MANHATTAN LYCEUM ment.
2018 Amsterdam Ave.
66 East 4th Street, New York Push the sale of the Propaganda, Stamps It proDirections:The Park can be reached by vides us with funds and offers you the chance of Ratification of the National Left Wing New York, Westchester and Boston Railway presenting the Left Wing case to the workers.
Conference and election of officers.
taking local train to Dyre Ave. Fare cents.
All comrades should get busy in their branches as 133 station can be reached by and 3d Ave.
the branch activities must not be neglected at this Admission by Left Wing Application Card Elevated, Hunts Point station by Lexington important time. Every Left Wing branch must be and Socialist Party Card.
Ave. Subway and 163 Crosstown and Bronx made stronger than ever it was in the past. We Application Cards can be secured at head Park (180 ſt. station, by 7th Ave, Subway are building for the future the Communist Party Bronx Park trains.
quarters or from Branch secretaries.
of America and the Social Revolution. To think