THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, July 26, 1919 Starving the Soviet Republics THE HE Peace Conference has arranged things these two Soviet Republics is a challenge to Russia and Hungary. But it is the Allies who very nicely for the dominant Imperial the proletariat of the Allies to act for the con are doing the starving. It is the Allies who ism. It has concluded a peace of conquest quest of power. So the Allies must crush are condemning millions and millions of peoand aggrandizement. It has divided the world Bolshevism, else they be crushed.
ple to starvation because they do not agree financially and territorially. It has assured This is being tried in a number of ways. with the politics of these people.
to the nations of the Allies the purpose for Peace is being concluded with the provision which they went to war world power and that certain nations shall make war against will do all in their power to crush these ComThe Allies are making it clear that they domination.
Soviet Russia, other nations shall make war munist Republics. They dare not send their It is astonishing the slick way in which the against Soviet Hungary. Poland and Finown soldiers against the Red Army of Russia: Peace conference has arranged maters. Under land are to fight Soviet Russia. Rumania and so they finance Kolchak; Kolchak is beaten, the protection of President Wilson 14 Jugo Slavia are to fight Soviet Hungary. So the Allies institute a murderous blockade.
Points the Conference has perpetrated acts Small nations are being created for no other It is now clear that the Russian people are of reaction more terrible than any in the purpose than to constitute the instruments of not against the Soviet Republic; it is now world history. Under the protection of idethe Allies against Bolshevism.
clear that Kolchak does not represent the ologic camouflage, each of the victorious Accordingly, while peace is being conmasses of the Russian people. Yet the Allies nations has annexed territory and got away cluded new wars are being organized against still insist that the Soviet Government is not with it under the guise of mandatories. the Soviet Republics.
Great Britain has added about one million But this is not all. While military war is Every act of the Allies against Russia or and a half square miles of territory to its do being waged against Russia and Hungary, the Hungary is an act against the workers in their minions; France almost as much, with Italy Allies wage another war economic war.
own countries.
and Japan trying to equal the larger brigands. The Peace Conference has decided, accordThe French, British and Italian workers The Shantung Peninsula affair is charactering to the press, not to allow the resumption are realizing this. They are preparing to act istic. The Peace Conference, mouthing its of trade relations either with Russia or with against the Allies blockade. In Naples the idealistic phrases, has given Japan control Hungary as long as the Soviet Government Seamen Federation first prevented a British over Chinese territory with a population of controls. Neutrals are prohibited from trad ship laden with munitions for Kolchak from 40, 000, 000 people. The Chinese have protest ing with these two nations under threat of leaving the harbor, and then they took all ed; but they have been brutally squelched by being denied trade with the Allies. In other the munitions off before allowing the ship to the Conference of the Great Powers.
words, the Soviet Republics of Hungary and sail.
All these territorial adjustments are re Russia are to be blockaded.
It is necessary that the workers of the Allies lated to economic problems, to financial mas This blockade is one of the most infamous should act drastically against the blockade of tery of the world. It is, in other words, an acts of history. It is worse than any crime Soviet Russia and Hungary. It is necessary economic peace for Imperialism.
pepetrated by Imperial Germany during the to break the blockade.
The Conference has concluded peace in war. It is worse than any act pepetrated by order to assure these adjustments of power. the Allies during the war.
There is a struggle now going on in the But the Great Powers realize that these adworld, which is symbolized by the struggle Russia is shattered; Hungary is shattered.
justments are temporary as long as the menbetween the Peace Conference and Soviet ace of Bolshevism is not crushed.
They are shattered because of the war, be Russia. The Peace Conference represents recause of the crimes of the old regime.
The Peace Confernce, accordingly, is conaction and the capitalists of the world; SoReconstruction is the task. But reconstruccluding peace in such a way as to make viet Russia represents progress and the worktion implies trade relations with the world. ers of the world. One or the other must meet arrangements for a new war against the SoThe Allies deny Russia and Hungary these defeat The Peace Conference uses hypocrisy, viet Republics in Hungary and Russia.
trade relations.
deceit and brutality to put over its purposes.
Bolshevism is the protest of the masses The capitalist press says that Hungary and It is the centre of reaction. If it conquers, against conquest and spoilation. Bolshevism will not for a moment tolerate the adjustRussia are starving because of Bolshevism. the world will be dominated by oppression ments of the Peace Conference, which constiThey are starving because of the war and the and exploitation.
tute a threat to the peace and liberty of the blockade of the Allies. If a blockade of France Starvation is the final resort of murderous world. The victory of Bolshevism means the and Italy were to be organized, these two Capitalism. The Russian people do not ask nations would starve within one week. Italy end of the imperialistic division of the world for food; they do not ask for charity; they in the interest of the Great Powers. Bolsheand France are disorganized, are starving, simply ask that the blockade be lifted, that vism calls upon the workers of the world to are in almost as bad a plight as Soviet Russia they shall be allowed to trade with the world crush Capitalism and Imperialism, re organand Hungary; but what maintains them is as all other nations.
ize the world so that all peoples shall be trade with the outside world.
But the Allies do not want to permit this.
assured of peace by making the world a uniPeace was to have restored normal rela They want to protect their spoils, to protect versal Soviet Republic.
tions to the world. But the Peace Conference the infamous acts of the Peace Conference In the Allied countries the conscious pro is not trying to restore normal relations un Soviet Russia and Hungary are today the one letariat is prepared, at any moment, to sweep less these relations promote the supremacy of factor that assures peace and justice to the aside the old order and unite forces with So Capitalism.
workers: the workers of the world must rally viet Russia and Hungary. The existence of The Allies accuse Bolshevism of starving to the Soviet Republics.