10 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, July 26, 1919 Soviet Hungary Task that upon Со OMRADES! After the speeches of the By Joseph Pogany assembly that the Proletarian Revolution is various District Deputies, after the spee People Deputy to the Budapest Worker in danger. We must save the Proletarian ches of Comrades Kunfi, Kun and Boehm, Council. Address Delivered in the Council Fatherland! Everyone here is a blackguard there can be but one duty for all, for us who and a betrayer, a worthless scamp, who, if he sit here, for you who sit there, and for all proletarians and peasants: Do you not know can be spared at home, does not go with us, who stand behind us: To grasp our weapons that every shot you fire against the Hungarian all of us, to the front. This Workers Counand in a united body go to the front. Prole Soviet Republic, is in reality fired at your cil, this Soviet Government, would be with tarian regiments have been organized; there selves, against your well being, against your out honor, if it should not immediately want should be proletarian regiments to protect own future, against your proletarian comto separate itself: One part to work at home, the Hungarian Soviet Republic against all rades, whose families you destroy. governing the central administration, the other foes. Comrades! We do not desire to under Message to the Hungarian Bourgeoisie to go to the front, leading our proletarian stand only one aspect of the problem. Here it Also, Comrades, we must send a message brothers out of the factories, from the fields is a question not of administration (that so, to that Hungarian bourgeoisie who on the to the front. Stormy applause. that so. but of arms. And am surprised other side of the demarcation line seized the The question is one of life or death, and we, that in this body any other point of view first moment to restore the capitalist system, Comrades, want life! This beautiful spring should find expression than that of relentless who already dream of a kingdom, who have that blooms outside, is not here so that we war. Now no one has the right to say anys already raised the white flag with the inscrip vanish! We cling to life! We cling to that thing only: Go out to the fronts, or into the tion: Long live the King. Strong exclawhich we have attained, and to factories through which the troops at the mations: Destroy them! Fearful noise)
which the fate of this country, of the entire front are sustained and supported. Other To them we must assert: Tremble before proletariat rests. Spirited hurrahs and apwise we are at lost.
our vengeance! We will return and this time plause. Message to the Proletariat of the World. wipe you off, not only as a class but also in Comrades! We want to live! We do not The session today should be a great ex fact to the last man, to the last counter revolu want to collapse, and for this reason we give, pression, a message of the first import to tionist. Unceasing, deafening, spirited ap for our class rule, for our proletarian dictatorthose of our proletarian brothers, who al plause and approbation. ship, for the world revolution, if necessary though on the other side of our borders, still Comrades! With a voice, resounding afar, our very lives. Continued applause. view the offensive against us with the greatest do we send forth from here, out of this as That is what we proclaim from out of this horror. We must send them this message: sembly the message to the Hungarian bour assemblage to every proletarian, every bour Comrades, Brothers. Stand fast! Comrades, geoisie at home, let them take notice that geois, over our own borders, out to every Brothers! Strike, arise, arm yourselves and from today on we consider them as war host Socialist and Workers party. Comrades, this help us to victory. We do but emancipate you ages. Let them not rejoice, let them not pla spirit must gush forth from this assemblage.
from foreign imperialists. Applause. white flags in their windows, for with their single, unified, powerful call to all the Our second message should be addressed own blood will we dye their flags red. Stor world: we desire to live, we want to win, we to the proletariat who in the Rumanian, Czech, my applause. will win. Continued hurrahs and applause. Serbian, and French armies serve the cause In conclusion, however, Comrades, we must (At the close of the meeting a resolution of their own oppressors, and to them we must issue a message from this body to ourselves, was carried that half the members of the socry out: Brothers! You have a weapon in to our proletarian comrades in the factories and viet Government, the Workers Council, and your hands and you wield it against us! Com outside in the villages. Openly, without cir half the general workers should go to the rades, French, Czech, Rumanian and Serbian cumlocution Comrade Kun has said in this front. Call to Blockade the Allies FOR more than a century the blood stained Issued by The Provisional Committee of the all lands against a united world Imperialism.
despotism of Russian Czarism has If the workers of the Entente countries, now of the Left.
desert this common effort, the International is been the surest support of reaction in Europe, the surest obstacle to Socialism and revolution.
dead, a fatal poison has been smuggled into After a heroic fight lasting for decades, the perialism has succeeded in putting through the the ranks of the international solidarity of the Russian proletariat has succeeded in overworkers. For a long time their ranks will be world war with impunity in carrying out its throwing Czarism, and in carrying out the terrible crime against humanity and now split up, their strength paralyzed.
workers revolution in its country. It has thus stands before us stronger than ever. For it has We, the representatives of the workers of also paved the way for the workers of western as usual succeeded in slaying the international the Scandinavian countries, who feel very Europe to become masters in their own house, solidarity of the working class, in dividing the deeply the bloody seriousness of the situation, for now no fear from Russia threatens the forces of its mortal enemy. The International now turn to speak to the workers in all the western European revolution from the back. does not consist of resolutions passed at Berne, Entente countries, in England, America, This is the world historic situation which our or anywhere else, but means common action, France, Belgium, and Italy. We have inaugurgreat pioneers Marx and Engels expected for a common battle waged by the proletariat of ated a blockade against all these nations that the social revolution.
are waging war against Soviet Russia, in order SPECIAL NOTICE TO NATIONAL LEFT in this manner to cripple the attacks launched Does the western European proletariat know WING CONFERENCE DELEGATES, by the imperialists. We call upon you to join how to make use of this order. Shameful to was elected treasurer of the Conference us in this blockade. But we expect more than say conditions look very dark. International and the task of winding up the affairs of the this from you. The responsibility in this world Capitalism is doing its utmost to suppress the Conference rests upon me, find myself with Soviet power in Russia, to help reaction back a debt of 500. 00 dollars on my hands due to historic situation is upon your soldiers. The into power in Russia, and thus again to build the Convention Reporting Company which capitalists of your countries have come out took the stenographic minutes and several victorious in the great world conflict. They up the powerful support for western Eurohundred dollars still due to delegates for rail are now the masters of the imperialistic world.
pean Capitalism, and the workers of England, road fare.
America and France, scarcely lift a finger in There is about a thousand dollars still They have now become also leaders in the protest. They are permitting their capitalists coming from delegates on the basis of the struggle of Capitalism against the working fifty dollars tax as revised by the Conference.
class. The workers alone must therefore to accomplish the deed most pregnant with Unless this money comes in it will mean that direct the chief attack against them. We do evil in the history of the world, and they conthe reporting company cannot be paid and we not doubt that your powerful organized forces tent themselves with the crumbs which these will be unable to print the stenographic recapitalist states victories in the war are deal ports in pamphlet form as the Conference dewill be able to cope with this task, if you are cided.
only united and willing. We Scandinavian ing out to their workers, crumbs that are cut Therefore call upon all the delegates who workers address our appeal to you. Close from the already scanty bread of the workers still owe money to the Conference Fund to your ranks for a united struggle by the side in the vanquished nations, now plunder bring matter to the attention of the resed.
pective local, branch or federation and have of the entire world proletariat.
the money sent to me immediately. Signed) The Provisional Committee If the capitalists succeed in this work, they MAXIMILIAN COHN, for the Scandinavian Workers Movehave gained a victory without precedent. Imment, Party of the Left