BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFranceGermanyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

July 19, 1919 The Allies in Siberia LMOST a year has passed since your An appeal to the liberal and radical citizens out inercy. Subsequently. Horvath and then governments have taken it upon them of the Allied countries by the Workers and Kolchak alternately declared themselves rulers selves to control the destinies of Revolutionary Peasants of Siberia and the Russian Far East. of the Russian people.
Russia through armed meddling, diplomaticDuring all this time the peasants and workally called intervention. At the outset the the self ruling Workers and Peasants Coun ers of Siberia groan under the yoke of this attitude of these rulers toward the Russian cils or Soviets the most democratic form of regime, which in brutality and cruelty excells people was concealed by declarations of friend government the world has ever seen. The the darkest days of Czardom. All trace of ship and benevolence, by solemn promises not Allied forces were massed to destroy the So freedom is obliterated. The active factors of to interfere in our internal affairs, by the oft viets, this real government of the people, by Siberian life today are the Cossacks, the narepeated assurances that the Allies had not the the people, for the people which sprang into gaika (Cossack whip. the prison cells and slightest intention of violating our national being during the tempest of the great Russian the bullets of the executioners. All the Siberian rights and independence, and by hypocritical revolution out of the genius of the Russian civil and military prisons are filled to such an statements to the affect that their sole aim workers and peasants.
extent that they have become pest holes of was to assist Russia.
It has now been established beyond the sha epidemic diseases. The powers that be have When, immediately after these declarations dow of doubt that the Czecho Slovaks had not taken upon themeselves the vain and cruel and assurances active forces of Japanese, Eng the slightest ground for hostility toward the task of exterminating Bolshevik ideas and lish, French, Italian and Canadian troops were Siberian Soviets, and that they betrayed the sympathies by the annihilation of the populconcentrated on our territory, with their sev hospitality and confidence bestowed on them ation. The Japanese troops have introduced eral military staff members, military missions, by these same Soviets, under pressure of the the terrible practice of bombarding villages and kindred agencies utilizing our railroads, French General Staff anl the urgent request without any warning or reducing them to requisitioning our buildings, and generally act of the French diplomats, who promised them ashes by fire in order to stamp out the nests ing in the same manner as they would in their the recognition of Czecho Slovakia as the of Bolshevism. The villages of Sakharino respective home countries; we were told that price of these treacherous and bloody deeds. and Ivanovka, near Blagoveschensk, were laid the Allies were preparing to transport troops It is also now well known that Semenov and waste in this fashion a short time ago.
and munitions to European Russia through Kornilov, the two Cossack chiefs, who so Siberia in order to reconstruct the Russian zealously prosecuted war against their own While these conditions prevail in Siberia; western front against Germany. According countrymen, were financed, equipped and supthe common people are steadfastly coavinced that all their misfortunes are but the direct to another version of the story we were told ported the former by Great Britain, the latter sequel of this cursed foreign intervention, that the object of the Allied troops in Siberia by Japan.
was to protect the Czecho Slovak army, which Thus due to the united force of these powers which demoralizes, brutalizes and tyrannizes the country. We are certain that all these was at that time moving along the Siberian and their abbetors, and due also to the treaSemenovs, Kalmikovs, Kolchaks could not railroad, presumably on the way towards chery of single individuals the Soviets were France, and whose security, we were informed, overthrown all through Siberia. Unprepared, exercise their criminal power a single day, if was menaced by armed hosts of Austro Hun poorly equipped, and surprised to such an your troops did not protect them, and if they garian war prisoners.
extent that they had not sufficient time to were not supported by your governments by Shortly afterward it was revealed that the mobilize the people or even communicate with supplies of gold, munitions and equipment.
contemplated battlefield was situated, not in each other, the various local Soviets were sud We cannot presume that all this could occur Germany, but in the peaceful cities and villages denly confronted with the might of the Allied with the knowledge and sanction of the liberal of Siberia. The cannons of our Allies were armies joined by Cossack bands, adherents of and radical citizens of the Allied countries.
directed against the Siberian workers and the old order and all foes of the revolution We are certain, that the treacherous and bloody peasants and not against German, Austrian or and the common people.
role which your governments play in Russia Hungarian war prisoners, whose reported menThe government power was thus snatched today would outrage your sense of justice.
acing of the Czecho Slovaks was nothing but away by force from the people and placed in We, therefore, bessech you, we implore you, a convenient subterfuge.
the bloody bands of Kalmikov, Semenov, we demand of you in the name of justice and In short, it was soon brought to light that Gamov and similar small tyrants, who divided freedom, in the name of humanity, in the name the Allied expedition in Siberia was directed Siberia among themselves. Under the protec of brotherly love, and in the name of the great not against militaristic Germany but against tion of the Allied bayonets these rulers began Russian revolution, not to stand calmly by revolutionary Russia, that the combined armies a campaign of terror against the common while your governments strangle revolutionary of the Allies aimed to strike not Germany, but people, to club, martyr, shoot and hang with Russia.
Soviet Hungary and the Allies (Continued from Page 9)
ation in Vienna, you know that there the pro must act, act and again act (continued apare we, comrades, and then is the Proletarian letariat is armed to fight for Dictatorship plause and assents. Revolution, saved. Then we will have time (applause. You know that the troops of the repeat: do not desire to indulge in orato await the International Proletarian RevoluRussian Soviet Republic have crossed the tory or fine phrases. Let the proletariat of tion, and if we should fall, then we will fall are, in such a manner that the International Proborder of East Galicia (continued applause. Budapest, whose representatives you letarian Revolution will not be hurt by our You know that a part of these troops is speak now, let them say what they want; new misfortune.
advancing on Czernovitz. That is help, which ation by the bourgeoisie, or Socialism, Combourgeois Capitalism (cries: never. exploitI have never considered the matter from the still lies in the distance. emphasize again, munism. Stormy applause. Penetrating all point of view of the Hungarian proletariat. that we must depend in the first place on our hells, enduring all sacrifices. That so, that do not consider the matter from the point of own strength upon the revolutionary so. And after they have spoken, may the proview of the proletariat of any land. There is only one point of view: the point of view of strength of the Hungarian proletariat till the letariat of Budapest also act (thunderous hurthe International Proletarian Revolution.
rahs and continued applause. time when the proletariat of the surrounding (That so, that so. lands will hasten actively to our aid. To arouse (At the close of the meeting, after Joseph We are only building a small part of this this revolutionary force, the organization, utiPogany had spoken (we shall publish his address in our next issue) the following resoInternational Proletarian Revolution. If there lization, and enlarging of this force, that is lution was adopted amid tremendous apshould come a time when we must go down in your task (that so. Act, act and then again plause: The Budapest Revolutionary Workdefeat then the International Proletarian Revact!
ers Council resolves, at its meeting held April olution will still live, and will again awaken us to new life (great applause. Do you want the Proletarian Dictatorship, 19, 1919, that half the members of the Soviet have described the situation coldly, caredo you want the working masses to govern Government and of the Workers Council, as fully, just as it is. will now add to that, themselves? Do you wish the possibilty of well as half of the general workers, shall go to the front. The Soviet Government is enwhat is happening to the proletariat of all action? We want all these things. The time trusted with the carying out of this resolulands. You are acquainted with the situ is here, the moment is deadly serious, we tion.