DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorld War

4 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 19, 1919 Bolshevikjabs one master country.
Here and There racter is gone. She feels that her very name is in itself a jeer at her proud announcements of yesterday; the building of a new world, the IN an editorial under the caption The safeguarding of democracy, the war to lend THE Right Wing in Local Kings, American Offense Society. The New York a at a mecting the other night decided to Call emits a whine about the way in which the wherein the soldier, the machine gun, the form an English Branch in one of the distAmerican Defense Society quotes Hillquit.
bombing plane, the battleship and the subricts Comrades Oshinsky, Shiflakoff, Weil. One item listed is a small pamphlet, entitled marine would be as rare as a prohibitionist Pavlov and Sheinblum were clected. The Immediate Issue. by Morris Hillquit, on Broadway. She is gradually awakening to We understand that the formation of a which is a reprint from The Call. says the the fact that there ain no New Republic, but foreign speaking Branch is concer. plated and editorial. From this pamphlet these patriotonly the old republics, up to their old tricks, eers quote the following: under new names. That is excluding Russia would suggest the election of Comracles Lin Shall the socialization of industries and and Hungary, and our once proud contenpocoln, Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Hancock.
national life be attempted by rary could not, of course, have anything to do stroke, or shall it be carried out gradually with them. Why, she has not even been introand slowly?
duced. Besides their language is coarse and delegation of merchants, teachers and This article appeared a few weeks ago in plain. They talk of dictatorship, iron discipline, students visited Peking palace the other day the columns of this paper, and the extract and proletarian might, when everybody who and attempted to commit suicide in the prequoted above is taken from It deals with anybody is at least mentioning democracy, sence of President Hsu Shih chang as a proa controversy within the Socialist Party and rule of majorities, and plebicites even in the test against the transfer of Shantung to Jaanswered this question by affirming that no drawing rooms.
pan by the Peace Treaty. This method of grcat social change is possible in this country In the last issue The New Republic, in a protest is said to have the unqualified apby one master stroke. Call italics. It is an burst of indignation, announces to the world proval of Japan.
answer to some heated individuals who think the enormity of her betrayal. The alliance with that a social revolution is imminent in this France, blows the League of Nations to atoms, Judging from the speeches which the Preproves that Mr. Wilson did not always mean sident has delivered since his return fror. The Call then becomes indignant at what it what he said, or say what he meant, lays the abroad the chief purpose of his visit to Euterms the mendacity of the American foundations for new wars, and shows that rope was, not to make peace, but to find out Defense Society. It waxes virtuous, denounces France and England are scheming for what just to what length the Europeans were going the methods pursued by such organizations got Germany into trouble the domination of in their admiration of America.
and assures the world that Hillquit is very the world.
much against master strokes.
We are inclined to think that all the things The correct title for thiş editorial would be: The New Republic attributes to the alliance The chief advantage of this interpretation Please, Mr. it wasn me, it was the other with France are exactly what those who framof his mission lies in the fact that even the fellow. The Call denounces the American ed the pact intended. France is dreaming of inost carping senator cannot very well find Defense Society methods in one line, and in the rebirth of the First Empire and un prostrating themselves in adoration before fault with being told that the Europeans are the next it commits an offense a thousand doubtedly England never had any idea of times worse trying to save its own skin by forswearing her taste for salt water, America.
blaming some one else. It objects to the American Defense Society tearing Hillquit Surely she knew that statesmen never did But what did The New Republic expect? It is said that President Wilson has a pensentence from the context in order to make chant for the number 13, and that he conit appear to mean something other than Hillwage wars for slogans that has always been siders it his lucky number. Perhaps this is quit intended, and then it deliberately lies the special privilege of the hoi polloi. One one way of telling us that he does not conabout the Left Wing, which it camouflages would think she really believed in Santa Claus. sider 14 particularly fortunate.
under the term heated individuals. Hillquit These are hard days for the liberal bourgearticle was directed against the Left Wing No man land was the worst place in the sha, Turkish leaders during the war, have oisie. All the returning soldiers tell us that Enver Pasha, Talaat Bey, and Djemal Paspecifically and so the heated individuals can mean nothing else than the Left Wing.
whole war one got it from both trenches.
been sentenced to death by a Turkish courtIt happens to suit The Call to assume that martial. We hope that the Allies will frown the Left Wing is composed of a collection of on the establishment of any such dangerous hot headed individuals who think that the precedent.
social revolution in America is just round the Special Convention Stamps corner, and so it points to the Left Wing in Physicians plan to make New York the the hope that it will divert attention from itmedical capital of the world and the New self.
The National Executive Committee proYork City administration will do its best to As a matter of fact if the American Defense Society and kindred organizations were invided for payment of the expenses of the keep the physicians well supplied with material.
telligent enough to learn from what is happenNational Emergency Convention by issuing ing in the world today, they would leave The voluntary assessment stamps to be sold at We notice that Senator Moses is among Call and its friends alone. The Berlin Vor 50 cents. The Left Wing me bers and locals those who oppose the League. Apparently he warts came in very useful to the German pro still within the regular party organization will is not satisfied that it leads to the promised totypes of the American Defense Society. neither want to evade responsibility for their land.
The hypocrisy of the righteous wrath of this editorial is so much propaganda for our poportion of the Convention expenses, nor will sition. We do not claim to have all the virtues they want to finance the old in Samuel Gompers has left for Europe goin the Left Wing, but at least we have got rid their deliberate attempt to wreck the party.
ing back for more, but we understand that of the most obnoxious vices. We may have a he does not contemplate visiting Italy this In this situation the National Left Wing time.
few hot headed individuals in our ranks, but, at least, they are preferable to the cold footed Council has adopted the following motion. variety of which this Call editorial furnishes That we advise all party members who sup Wilson cited as the only friend Chinese such an excellent example.
had at Paris Parley says headline. Now port the Left Wing to pay this Convention the Chinese will understand the import of the assessment in trust to the State Secretary of Caucasian saying: Save from our Peace has been signed at least two weeks. Ohio, at 3207 Clark Ave. Cleveland, Ohio, friends.
The Peace which is supposed to conclude a the Convention fund thus accumulated to be war which took nearly five years of finally disposed of by the National Left Wing fighting to bring an armistice, the Peace, the France is curbing big labor strike say formation of whose actual provisions took over Council on September 1st, 1919.
the papers which merely goes to show how seven months. And already the liberal bourgeimportant it was that democracy should emoisie of all the victorious nations are discoverNATIONAL COUNCIL, LEFT WING erge triumphant in the world war.
ing that the treaty is literally bristling with the FERGUSON, National Sec y bayonets of the shock troops of future wars.
If autocracy had been victorious, it is pracThe New Republic is in a terrible state. She tically certain that labor strikes would be feels that she has been betrayed, that her chasuppressed.