16 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 12, 1919 The National Left Wing Council Needs 15, 000 Now The Left Wing of the Socialist Party of America has organized itself as a national unified expression of Revol tionary Socialism. In every industrial centre, the Left Wing is a power.
Its immediate tasks are onormous.
The struggle within the Party must be waged to conquer the Party for the revolutionary Socialism of the Com.
munist International, or organize a new Communist Party.
There is the struggle among the masses the winning of the broad masses of the workers for Communist Socialism Leaflets must be issued, speakers routed, papers published. All this requires money At Once.
The Socialist Party Convention meets August 30. We must carry on an enormous agitation without a moment delay. Time is pressing and money is an urgent necessity.
Then money is needed immediately for The Revolutionary Age. which has become the national organ of the Left Wing. It must treble its circulation within the next two months in order to reach the rank and file of the Party and the masses of the workers with our message. Financially it is in a sound position, but it is not yet covering fully its own expenses. Every addition to its circulation means a reduction of the organization expenses.
The Left Wing Convention authorized the National Council to issue special emergency stamps to help raise money.
This is being done. But the process is slow. We need the money now.
We ask all comrades to contribute individually according to their means.
200 200 200 200 We ask all locals to immediately donate money on the basis of the following quotas: New York (greater city. 1, 500 Boston, Mass.
Chicago, 1, 000 Portland, Ore.
Cleveland, Ohio.
1, 000 Rochester, Detroit, Mich.
500 Toledo, Ohio.
Denver, Colo.
300 Los Angeles, Cal.
Buffalo, 300 St. Paul, Minn.
Philadelphia, Pa.
400 Duluth, Minn.
Pittsburg, Pa.
300 Minneapolis, Minn.
Seattle, Wash.
300 Hartford, Conn.
San Francisco, Cal.
300 Providence, 200 200 100 100 100 100 Comrades of the Left Wing history calls to YOU! Upon you the Left Wing depends the future of Communist Socialism. Act! Individuals and locals of the Left Wing act now. FERGUSON Secretary, National Council 43 West 29th Street New York City