July 12, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 15 Official Left Wing News LL efforts should now be concentrated on the Socialist Party, in General Membership Meeting Comrades! The Socialist movement of the world nomination and election of Left Wing deleassembled, June 29, 1919.
is everywhere swinging to the left. Sweep out of gates to the Emergency Convention of August 30th. There are practically no States in which the We refuse to recognize the expulsion by the your path the handful of fossilized officials who are National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party trying to stop the swing in America!
Left Wing would not carry the elections, without of the State Organization of Michigan and MassaFor Local Boston: Louis Henderson, William expulsions and suspensions. Several of the most chusetts and the suspension of the Hungarian, LetGoldberg, Leon Golosov, Colyer Authorized important states are now outlawed, or to become Committee.
outlawed, as State organizations, and these States tish, Lithuanian, Polish, South Slavic, Russian and Ukrainian Federations.
ought to proceed with their elections as if they were still within the party, using the regular rules and We note that the members of the Executive MASSACHUSETTS EXPELLED methods. Where the State organization is recogCommittee respons ble for this action charge that Another State gone.
nized, expelled and suspended organizations within the language federations made plans to vote for Massachusetts is expelled the State should provide themselves with the regular within the Party as a legitimate method of giving slate. Such procedure has always been recognized for adopting the Left Wing program at its State ballots (printing copies where necessary) and vote Convention and for refusing to recognize the for the Left Wing nominees. These votes, added effect to majority opinion in elections. As a matter act of suspending the Federations. For this to the others, will show the real vote of the memof fact, James Oneal, one of the objectors, was bership of the State and will entitle the Left Wing himself elected on a slate as State Secretary of ter offense, Pennsylvania is now threatened with Massachusetts a few years ago.
excommunication, and very likely Ohio will meet nominees, if they win on the combined vote, to claim seats as delegates on August 30th. Failing Another charge is that five federations issued the same sad fate.
the August 30th Convention, delegates thus elected a statement that they would not assist in the so It is a race against time: will there be anything for Lest Wing representation will be ready to take called Amnesty Convention called tv the National left for the rump to expell by August 30th. part in the Convention to organize a Communist Executive Committee, and even affirmed their opParty position to such Convention. The purpose of that Even Milwaukee is slipping. Think of it MilwauIf the Left Wing candidates are not nominated Convention was, in our judgment, to use the So t! The sanctum of smug petty bourgeois reunder the regular party methods, or if there is a cialist Party as an instrument in securing the release formism which perverts the name of Socialism for State in which these candidates cannot win at this of the bourgeois conscientious objectors and then the winning of a few public offices. Yet, in spite time by combined vote of regular and suspended or to abandon the imprisoned victims of the class expelled members, it will be necessary of The Leader and the Berger cohorts, if all the form a struggle. Therefore we declare that the five federprovisional Left Wing organization for the purpose ations in this matter adhered to the Party pledge, members of the party were allowed to vote in Milof making nominations and balloting for Left Wing while its National Executive Committee violated the waukee, its delegates to the Emergency Conference delegates (on same ratio of delegates to members third paragraph of that pledge, which reads as as in regular party election, but counting only those follows: am opposed to all political organizations rould be Left Wingers.
branches which affiliate themselves with the Left that support and perpetuate the present capitalist The party splitters will succeed only in splitting Wing. These delegates, if elected by a minority profit system, and am opposed to any form of themselves off from the mass of the membership.
of the membership, can have no claim to seats in trading or fusing with any such organizations to But every precaution must be taken to offset this the party convention, but can act as fraternal dele prolong that system.
program of destruction by definite alignment of the gates and be ready to claim full participation in the The members of the outgoing National ExeConvention to organize a new party, if this becomes cutive Committee who voted to hold up the tabulLeft Wing forces.
the program.
ation of votes upon national membership referenThere can be no rule which covers all the variedums rendered themselves liable to expulsion from OHIO STATE CONVENTION ties of local complications, but the main thing is to office under Article XIII, Section 4, of the Party The most important event in the party history get to work at once to work out the problem of Constitution, which reads: Any officer who attempts since the National Left Wing Conference was the bringing together at Chicago, August 30th, a full to interfere with the processes of the membership Ohio Convention of June 27th 28th. This Convenand fair representation of the party membership as shall be expelled from office.
tion lined up Ohio absolutely in accord with the An entirety. Or, to state this in the alternative, it The State Organizations of Michigan and program and policies of the National Left Wing.
the party convention is called off by the rump Massachusetts were expelled without even the de The delegates from Ohio to the Emergency ConE. or most of the membership is thrown out of cency a hearing. Those nbers of the National vention of August 30th stand instructed by the State the party, the problem is to bring together a proExecutive Committee who were responsible this Convention to insist upon the seating of all delegates portionate representation of the revolutionary So outrage are now straining every nerve prevent an elected by the votes of all the membership, Ohio cialists throughout the coun:ry.
appeal against their action to a referndum vote of itself refusing to recognize the E: orders of There is not a day to lose on this all important the Party membership. Even in capitalist courts expulsion and giving the vote to all members of the matter. There are only a few weeks between now the accused is given a hearing and a trial, with Federations. In case of Right Wing control of the and the convention.
right of appeal if convicted. The guilty members Emergency Convention, by carrying to the final exof the National Executive Committee are seeking tremity the tactics of bringandage, the Ohio deleto deprive the accused comrades of rights such as gation will go into the convention to organize a new THE PARTY EXPULSIONS are granted to Socialists by a hostile capitalist civiStatement issued by instruction of Local Boston, lization. FERGUSON, National Sec y.
Greater New York News The mass meeting scheduled to take place in Manhattan Lyceum last Monday evening had to De postponed at the last minute due to the fact that The Revolutionary Age carrying the advertisement did not come out on Thursday as expected, dut came out on Monday which made it manifestly impossible to advertise the meeting in time to fill the hall. Rather than have a failure the Executive Secretary called the meeting off and changed it to the following Monday evening at the same place, Vanhattan Lyceum.
The Revolutionary Age will carry local Left Wing activities. Branches should send in the date and address of regular meeting place to Maximilian Cohen, 43 29th St.
Notices as to special activities should be in the office by Tuesday morning every week.
Branch organizers and secretaries should send in the above notices immediately.
Schedule of Open Air Meetings in the 17th Friday night Mass Meeting on 110th and 5th Av.
Monday night 110th St. and 5th Ave.
Prominent Speakers Speaker: Goldstein regular meeting of the Executive Committee Tuesday night 106th St. and Madison Ave. of the Branch to be held Wednesday, July 16.
Speaker: Alex. Goldstein Wednesday night 102d St. and Madison Ave.
All New York State communications should be adSpeaker. Rykind dressed to Edward Lindgen, 350 Halsey St. BrookMASS MEETING lyn, the new state secretary of the Left Wing State Committee.
Manhattan Lyceum, 66 East 4th Street FRIDAY JULY 14 All Bronx Left Wing Branches are requested to New York delegates to Left Wing Convention will report. All comrades invited.
elect delegates to the Left Wing Central Committee of the Bronx on the basis of one delegate to every Admission by Party Card only.
twenty members or fraction thereof.
Members of the Left Wing of the 2nd, 3rd, 6th LEFT WING EXCURSION and 8th Assembly Districts, Bronx, are urged to on the Hudson send their names and addresses to the organizer Saturday, afternoon, July 12 of the Bronx Left Wing, care of the Executive on the Secretary of the Left Wing, Locals Greater New Steamship Sirius York, 43 West 29th Street.
Ticket in advance. 85c.
On day of trip 00 Those members of the Bronx Picnic Committee who undertook to visit the Branches are requested Boat leaves Marget St. Dock at 30 to send the names of the members elected by the Tickets at: 43 West 29th St. various Branches to this Committee to the Assistant Novy Mir, 113 10th St. 180 Henry Manager of the Picnic.
St. and 255 Grand St.
Bronx Branch Secretaries should file membership Auspices ist and 2nd Left Wing Branches.
lists immediately with the organizer, Blueglass, 740 Fast 149 th Street, Bronx, Branches wishing to hold open air meetings and desiring Left Wing speakers should send in notice a few days ahead in writing, if possible.
Speakers wishing to be booked in New York City and vicinity should communicate with Maximilian Colien, Executive Secretary, 43 29th St. stating terms and dates they can fill.