BourgeoisieCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismStrikeWorking Class

6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 12, 1919 The World Revolution 0 those for whom a revolution is nothing From the Finnishishecommunist helpen Di The Greerivans rushed their armies into Fin more than an attractive scenic exhibi Translated by OKSANEN and because of their shortsightedness, in this tion, the stage of the world revolution has manner hastened the approach of their own offered very little of interest within the past destruction. English Imperialism expects to few weeks. While to those who see in a revin Eastern, Central and parts of Southern avoid this mistake. It would be ridiculous to olution nothing but disorder and riot, calani Europe. The proletarian revolution is pro maintain that England could not accomplish ity and destruction, the past few weeks have gressing in all these parts. In the Balkans, the caused endless weeping and lamentation. Baltic States and Poland it is rapidly being pleased; but it would be bad diplomacy and much harm with her armies wherever she These two extremes are evidence of the moulded for action. In Austria and Germany she therefore desists.
change which is becoming apparent in those il is shaping itself and waiting the opportunity The English diplomats can exercise selfcountries where revolution is in action the to present its formulated plans, to replace the denial when victory requires it and they have change from the bourgeois to the proletarian fantastic with the realistic.
the ability to judge the outcome of the future glance at the situation will reveal the with more or less accuracy; two qualities that The decorative scenic exhibitions are miss struggling proletariat facing victorious Im the German lords lacked completely.
ing the momentary spell and glamour of perialism. The former still disorganized, as yet The imperialistic statesmen of England bourgeois revolution, if it can be dignified by scarcely sensing international unity and grop seem to see clearly that they are standing on the name of revolution, has come to an end. ing for an affective form of international the top of a volcano. They seem to be someDestruction and disorder continue the alliance. From the crushed imperialists of the what uncertain as to their ability to prevent real revolutionists, who were suppressed by defeated nations, the proletariat has inherited an eruption and they are working, first to prethe old system, have grown so powerful that nothing but ruins, ashes and hunger. On the vent the outbreak and second to delay it as they are now able to destroy and crush that other hand, the victorious imperialists, the war long as possible. And this is where their pruwhich oppressed them.
lords of the world, have a firm international dence is evident.
The revolution in action is disorder and alliance, fortified by complex conditions. From English industry has been entirely organized destruction only in the eyes of an anti revoluon a war basis. Now it must be changed to suit tionist. It creates dissatisfaction only in the the requirements of peace. The interval caused brain of an opponent of the revolution.
by the transition has caused much dissatisDisorder and destruction are manifest only Left Wing Finances faction. Discharged soldiers swell the ranks in comparison with the conditions existing of the unemployed. Charitable donations are prior to the revolution, with that order and insufficient to relieve the distress. But, it will To the readers of The Revolutionary Age system which is symbolical of oppression. In be asked, has not there been sufficient time to the same manner the disorder and destruc it is only necessary to say that the Left Wing establish industry on a peace basis? Most tion are ruinous only to those who idealize National Council has no purpose other than certainly, but there are other difficulties in the the political and sociological conceptions, to spread and stabilize the propaganda of way. Raw materials must be obtained, and teachings and system of the old oppressive Socialism which this paper has carried on markets must be found for the surplus product.
order. To this extent a revolution is disIt would be possible to confiscate the raw since last November. There is no immediorderly and destructive. It is in this that material from the vanquished nations, Gerthe essence of the revolution appears.
ate basis for this work outside of voluntary many and Russia. But what about the markets?
That which the bourgeois bewailers regard contributions by individuals and Party bran It will be asked, does not the proletariat need as the disorder of revolution, in its real sig ches. The task between now and August products. True, but they are so exhausted nificance, is not disorder. In part it is lack of 30th is overwhelming in its complexities and economically that they will not be a good permanent form, in part it is the emergence market for England for many years to come.
of crucial importance to the future of the of the new structure. When the oppressed seek The other entente nations, France and Italy revolutionary working class movement in power through revolution, it is axiomatic, will in all probability not make good markets that the old order is not the fit instrument for this country. Our appeal for immediate dofor England either, as they are faced with the the realization of the new ideas of life to which nations should not be passed over unanswered same problem of changing their industries the revolutionists aspire. The old system must by any reader of The Revolutionary Age who from a war to a peace basis, and in order to be destroyed and the new one created. During avoid disturbances caused by unemployment can possibly help in this emergency.
the struggle for the establishment of the new they also must produce on a large scale. If order, intervals occur when established ideals The accounting for these funds will appear each of the Entent nations is successful in teachings and system are lacking. Before the in this paper.
making this change, then each will be comnew society is stabilized there must of pelled to seek markets outside of the Entente necessity be onsiderable conflict and frequent FERGUSON, National Sec y.
group. The result of this surplus production change. What the bourgeois bewailers term and capitalist competition will be new antodisorder is in reality the processs of evolution 43 West 29th Street, New York City gonisms between the nations of the Entente.
from the old to the new, the constructive Here is cause for more wars and for redestruction of the revolutionary period.
To those who are semi revolutionists it an economic standpoint the victorious impe The English statesmen suspect something would be well to think these things over. Then rialists are in a much stronger position. of this sort, therefore they are proceeding very they will not resort to the foolish arguments Though there is destruction and ruin in their carefully, step by step, on the top of the in which we, Finns, once sought consolation. territories, yet they control areas having volcano.
English diplomacy has been very successWhen our bourgeoisie complained of the dis abundance of food.
ful historically. It does not boast if it calls order of the Russian revolution, we consoled Between the two forces a conflict, which ourselves by thinking that it arose out of conwill determine the outcome of the world reitself unconquerable, but even it has met its ditions peculiar to Russia alone, due to the volution, is inevitable. Is it possible that the master in the proletariat of the world revolution.
lack of Russian organizing ability. When the proletariat will conquer?
Today a political victory is a Pyrrhic victory.
Germans, the masters of technique and or When German Imperialism fell, all the con The revolutionary proletariat even in England ganization, create a revolution, there will be servative elements felt certain that millions has deserted its electoral program. There the no disorder, we reasoned. And there was none, of Entente soldiers would be led against the tide of the general strike rises higher and any more than there was in Russia. The same revolutionary. proletariat of the different higher each week. the growth of the revoconditions existed, indeed no other conditions nations. Even the revolutionists everywhere lutionary passion. We hear it murmur like the are possible. Organizing ability has little sig feared that this would be so, though they were roar of the distant sea. It is the murmor of nifiance; in the countries where the revolu confident that the result would be the revo revolution. as yet incoherent. The lords, imtionary masses have greater ability the new lutionizing of the Entente armies. Before this perialist statesmen, may for a short time conorder established in shorter time, pro transformation could occur, however, they tinue this incoherence, but it will not be for vided the counter revolutionary forces are feared that much injury and suffering would long. The millions of the English workers not disproportionately stronger.
be the portion of the revolutionary proletariat. march on towards revolution.
The above illustrates the evolutionary stage But English Imperialism has at its disposal So the world revolution moves toward the which the world revolution has reached today many more clever statesmen than Germany. final stroke. Are you ready, comrades.