AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismInvasionItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

July 12, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Call From Hungary Hungarian Socialists Appeal to the Entente Workers WORKERS of the entente countries. Translated by SIDIS)
the heat of a victorious struggle in January, The masks have fallen from the faces enormous sacrifice, and recently entered a 1918, was preparing to settle its domination of your governments. They are trying to end this war with the most violent, imperialistic all the insincere assurances given to your re Germany, Austria, and Hungary declared a new struggle against Hungary. In spite of Russian revolution, millions of workers in on Eastern Europe over the fallen body of the peace that the world has ever seen that same presentatives in the parliaments, that no more political strike. It was not then given to them war into which they drove you in the name troops would be sent into Russia, your gov. to break the mighty imperial machine, and of democracy, and your burdensome lives in ernments are ready to continue their counterorder that the German people should fall revolutionary expeditions on a large scale.
their uprising was put down by the army. But under economic oppression, in order that the the edifice of capitalist Germany began to Your governments are now planning to take power and wealth of your capitalists should totter, and they thus took the first step towards possession of the heart of the Russian revoluincrease to infinity, and in order that that the November revolution which did not lead tion, Petrograd, and the Finnish White Guard, power, erected on oppression and extortion, on which for a year with the help of imperialist honor of the working class of Germany, Austo any Brest Litovsk treaty. They saved the blood and iron, should be let loose over the Germany stamped out the Finnish revolution entire world.
in a sea of blood, is now going to support your deceived by its leaders. Now it depends on tria, and Hur. gary, which had been so basely All your hopes for a better and happier fu governments.
you, comrades, to do the same. It is not sufture to follow as a result of the victory of Your bourgeoisie is inciting the Rumanians ficient for your representatives in parliament the Western European nations over the mili and Czechs against the revolution of the work to refuse to vote credits; their votes will be tarism and Imperialism of Germany, were ing class in Hungary, which, for some two beaten by the bourgeois majority. It is not treacherously deceived, all promises given to months, has taken the power into its own sufficient for you to protest at meetings, your you were lies in the mouths of your masters hands and has already nationalized the large Clemenceaus, Lloyd Georges, and Orlandos who were urging you to bend all your energies estates, banks, factories, and dwellings and has will take no notice whatever. You must not to the extreme in order to attain that victory thus given the workers the opportunity of wait till you can capture a majority of seats which never had and never could have any getting out of the clutches of Capitalism. Thus ir parliament, for every day that you let pass other purpose than the erection, on the ruins your bourgeoisie is trying to stamp out the in vain means death to thousands of workers, of German Imperialism, of the world mastery second working class island rising out of the the destruction of treasures of civilization, and of the bourgeoisie of the entente powers, trackless ocean of Capitalism.
the sinking of mankind into a waste of capitalthough the consequences might mean the anComrades, your bourgeoisie declares that ist anarchy. Evey day that you lose in inaction nihilation of whole peoples and of all civili Bolshevism has doomed Russia to famine and may mean the endirg of the working class zation.
disorganization and is threatening the whole revolution in Russia or Hungary, imposition But these acts do not constitute the full exworld with the same misfortune. True, there of capitalist slavery for whole decades, or, tent of the crimes of the capitalists. Ever is terrible famine in Petrograd, the transport if Capitalism cannot get over its military posince they finished the war of nations, the ation system of the whole country is broken licy of destruction, also the destruction of capitalists began a new war, a struggle with a down, industrial life is choked off in most European civilization and a return to barbarnew enemy who threatened to deprive them of parts. But if, in spite of all efforts, the Bolshe ism.
the fruits of victory. They started to war viki are not in a position to organize their The eyes of the struggling, suffering, and against the revolution of the international production, who should be responsible for that working class, which first broke out in Russia, except your own governments who reduce the constructing working class of Eastern Europe struck off the chains of Russian Capitalism, working class of Russia to want by their mi are turned towards you. On your revolutionand laid the foundation for the supremacy of litary invasion, who devert the best part of ary will, on your revolutionary strength it delabor, under which there are neither plunder their youth into a struggle with the enemy, ers nor plundered. Your bourgeoisie united who by a blockade and economic isolation have low workers, struggling also for your free dom, gets results; on this depends your future with its worst enemy, the German bourgeoisie, made the work of building up the country on in order that they might together fall on the Socialist foundations difficult if not altogether and that of the working class of the whole world. And for you also peace has new working class Russia, take possession of impossible?
its richest provinces, plunder them, and, as Comrades, the Russian and Hungarian need and heavier slavery. Every victory of brought prosperity and happiness, but great far as possible, destroy the conquests of the workers cannot try for a victory of the revolurevolution and, with the help of the Russian tion either alone or even if the German work working class strengthens the reaction and your imperialists against the republic of the plunderers, establish anew the reign of rapa ing class comes to their aid, formerly the destroys the last remains of that democracy cious exploitation. The German Imperialism, strongest part of the international working that appeared as the result of your previous victorious over the Czar army, and driving class, but now weakend by their own bourgreat revolutions.
its followers far into Russia, was then the geoisie and by the economic ruin of their chief enemy of Soviet Russia. But afterwards, country. Now, when your bourgeoisie has Show your plunderers action: demonstrabeing tied up on the west by hostile armies, reached the height of its power and is prepar tions and mass strikes, show that you are ready Germany could not attack working class Rus ing on its side to catch the whole world in the to take up the mass struggle for Socialism, sia with its full force. The attempts of your claws of its militarism, there is only one power come to the aid of your brother workers, to bourgeoisie in equipping military expeditions that can bring the Russian, Hungarian, and show yourselves worthy of your revolutionary into Siberia, Archangel, and the Caucasus international revolution to victory. And this past. Your revolution will also be difficult expeditions which did not develop on a large sole power is yourselves, workers of the Allied and demand sacrifices, you also will not conscale as merely the effect of independent caus countries. On you, comrades, lies the heavy quer at the first attack, but every step you take es were also directed at using all their responsibility of the future of the workers in the dirction of revolution will prepare for strength to form one strong imperialistic ring. revolution, which is at the same time the future the final victory.
Now the situation is different. The war of of all humanity; your sacred obligation, your nations has ended in the complete victory of historic problem, must be to lift the terrible burden of Allied Capitalism from the oppressLong live the republic of the working class!
one group, that of your bourgeoisie. It has driven its rival forever away from the world ed, hungering peoples, to save the revolutions in the east which are in danger, and to prepare Long live the revolution in France, England market and is getting ready to throw all its for the victory of Socialism over the whole strength against the enemy which up to now and Italy!
has heroically stood against the onslaughts world, and for this purpose you must overof the imperialists. It is trying to suppress throw your governments and take the power the international revolution that started in into your own hands.
Long live the revolution of the international Russia, in spite of the great difficulty and the Comrades! When German Imperialism, in working class!