THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 12, 1919 Bolshevikjabs Here and There Adrift in the sea of revolution on the leaking craft of democracy, the Allied rulers have concentrated all their energies on trying to keep ALTHOUGH many people are disappoint off the rocks of Soviet recognition only to find THE Fourth of July has come and gone and ed in the work of the Peace Conference, themselves caught in the shifting sands of as far as we have heard nothing seems to and particularly in the part played by Mr.
defeated monarchy, consequently they have have gone off except the usual number of fireWilson, it ought not to be forgotten that he decided that they will semi officially recognize crackers it a good job the newspapers scarhas made an important contribution to the their position while they turn their eyes to ed the bomb plotters. Or can the papers have cause of internationalism. When in 1916 Mr.
wards dry land and pretend that they are quite erred?
Wilson sought re election to the presidential safe. The rulers of the Entente went to Paris chair, his managers hit upon a slogan that to make peace. Making peace naturally means It seems as if the whole matter was a put undoubtedly did much towards accomplishing nations of the earth. The people of the Entente coming to an understanding with the other up job to do the cops out of a holiday.
the desired result. He kept us out of war the boardings screamed. And the electorate countries expect that their rulers will arrive who thought war was a pretty good thing to at such understanding. This was one of the And talking about the Fourth of Julybe kept out of, not having been bullied by the Kolchak can always be put forward as Russia reasons they made a deal with Kolchak; Tom Mooney is still in jail.
Espionage Act, the National Security League and the American Defense Society, promptly carefully. But what is going to be done about day who said he feel a lot surer of Irish to the masses who do not examine the situation We were talking to an Irishman the other voted Mr. Wilson into office.
When the Germans had made up their Communists and so far no monarchist advenHungary? The Allies dare not recognize the Freedom if the of had got Mooney minds that if they were beaten in the war out of San Quentin.
they would be skinned alive and were preturer has set up a government. So the paring to to statesmen must go home without recognizNow that the war is over humanity is befourteen points as a basis upon which peace sent to Paris for, without making peace.
Wilsteren wrote a note in which he mentioned understanding, without doing what they were coming sane again, the world is sick of bloodshed 40, 000 people paid enormous sums to might be concluded. The German people, see the Toledo prize fight.
like the American electorate of 1916, thinking there is no peace. Some of the workers are They were unable to deal with Hungary, that peace was a very desirable thing, providEngland is now demanding that the ex Kaied it wasn to be accompanied by the skinn bound to ask why. Surely there must be a ing process, promptly offered to ser be tried for loosing the war.
Kolchak in Hungary to befuddle the issue, conclude peace on these same fourteen points.
surely Bela Kun has not shot all the aspirants Today the Germans know exactly what the to the throne?
Apparently poor old England hopes to Americans who voted to be kept out of war keep the war feeling up long enough to get felt like in April 1917, while these Americans over the present revolutionary period. This is The fourth of July could hardly be called have a pretty fair idea of how the Germans a Glorious Fourth by the super patriots. In a bad sign. English diplomacy is losing its fefelt about signing the peace. And after all, Detroit, Boston, Seattle, Chicago, New York, cunning else it would know that if trying the what is internationalism but the ability of one in fact all over the country, the self appointed ex Kaiser could avert revolution, there is realpeople to understand and sympathize with the guardians of the nation safety were all fired ly no need to try him.
peoples of other countries. up with a heroic sense of duty. They had been armed with nice new guns, bright badges and According to the newspapers Italy has cut the food prices in half as a result of the riots.
The bourgeois press is jubiliant over what of buying lovely military looking uniforms, Now the Italians know what to do; if a few it terms the failure of the Mooney strike. lots of the more dutiful, we are credibly riots bring down prices by fifty per cent what According to reports only a few thousand informed, stayed up all night polishing the would a revolution do?
workers in Seattle, San Francisco, Detroit, old hand grenades, oiling the trusty machine Chicago and several other large centers have translated their words into action. The guns, and cranking the tanks; all for the purIt would appear to be about time that the of is given due credit for the failure. How bombing the bomb plotters.
pose of wiping out the hated reds and outItalian government started another rumpus ever, all is not so rosy as the papers try to about Fiume.
make it appear. There is a biblical story to Early on the morning of the Fourth the the effect that if the Lord had been able to tramp of marching men resounded all over If the Italians plump for the Soviets will find one righteous person he would have tof devoted heroes were marched out to protect they be German agents? Perhaps they ll just It appears that even at the lowest estimate the town clock, the village pump, the little be a bunch of dirty dagos the same as they there are several thousand workers in this red school house and the bosses works. The were before they got the coal.
country who are willing to undergo the rigors sands to grasp their rifles tighter, while the bursting of a Ford tire caused countless thouFrom the examination of some of that an injury to one is an injury to all and explosion of a giant cracker threw machine the witnesses in the Henry Ford case it would this would work out at more than one for they invariably jammed the belt. And at the appear that Clemenceau, Wilson, Jesus Christ gun companies in such a flurry of haste that cach city in the United States. At least the end of the day not and Tolstoy were all the same but then the idea of striking for something else than a a single bomb burst dead can bring libel suits.
enige in wages has been widely propagated throughout the length and breadth of the and the idea that the errors of capitalist country. The reds didn even attempt to justice can be corrected in the work shop set up so much as a village Soviet.
Now that the first of July has gone we is gaining ground.
Taking it all in all, the Fourth was a failure wonder who will expel the rest of the Socialist We understand that though Samuel Gomfrom the American Defence Society point of Party?
pers feels that he has gained a victory, stilī view, and as a result the feeling is stronger he is not elated. Perhaps Sammy has heard than ever against the reds. The revolution It really was a piece of shortsightedness on the famers say that one rotten apple will spoil didn take place and nobody is satisfied.
the part of the old not to have expelled at least half of the remaining quarter of the organization before June 30.
The decision of the Allies that it is impossible to make peace with the Hungarian Send all editorial and business corresBela Kun wife arrived at the Swiss border Soviet Government is noteworthy only inwith a large sum of money the other day but sofar as it helps to clarify the issue between pondence to our new address: was not allowed to cross the frontier, accordImperialism and the world proletariat. After ing to a dispatch from Geneva. We are glad the debacle over the Russian question which 43. West 29th Street to see the Swiss taking a firm stand against ended in the evasion of the entire issue by the glob trotting proclivities of the wives of the semi recognition of Kolchak, which pleased New York Soviet ministers, but after all perhaps Mrs.
nobody except a few monarchic adventurers, Kun merely wanted to visit Trotzky wife for it began to appear that the Entente statesthe purpose of showing that her husband was men were incapable of handling the situation.
doing pretty well also.