2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 12, 1919 The Revolutionary Age But the food riots have ceased being isol and the closing of foreign markets by Revoluated, and are becoming a general class move tion made it of vital importance that AmeriCombined with The New York Communist ment. In city after city the masses are assum can manufacturers have new worlds to exing control of the food, its prices and distri ploit.
National Organ of the Left Wing Section bution; in city after city Soviets those or It was just at this critical time that the CarSocialist Party gans of the masses revolt are actually func ranza Government adopted the new Mexican Louis FRAINA, Editor tioning. The movement, unless smothered by Constitution of 1977, which embodied the EADMONN MACALPINE, Managing Editor the trickery of the government, must assume objects for which the Revolution had been a political character. And the movement is fought: redistribution of landed estates, heavy Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing developing. As in Russia, again, the food taxation of foreign concessions and properSection of the Socialist Party riots arouse strikes. strikes are on in many ties, and the announcement of Mexico right NATIONAL COUNCIL cities, and a general strike was declared in of Eminent Domain over natural resources John Ballam Ruthenberg Naples on Monday. Socialist, union and So in other words, Mexico for the Mexicans, inMax Cohen Benjamin Gitlow viet organizations are usurping municipal stead of for the foreigners.
James Larkin Ferguson functions; soldiers are fraternizing with the The United States Government immediBertram Wolfe workers.
ately warned the Mexican Government that Ferguson, National Secretary Peace with Germany was signed and inter it would view as an unfriendly act such national Capitalism breathed more freely confiscation of American property.
Issued Weekly. Gitlow, Business Manager.
And when a new German revolution did not mate when the Peace Council assembled in Paris, 50. a copy. Six months, 50. One year, 00.
43 West 29th Street, New York City.
rialize. Now comes the revolt of the Italian the American State Department granted passmasses which may yet become a revolution. ports to a delegation of private oil pirates, The world revolution does not proceed ac whose hands still ran blood from the countercording to mathematical calculations: but it revolution they had just launched from Wall proceeds. An Italian proletarian revolution Street, And the diplomats received these Words and Words would assure action in France, Austria and gentlemen, at the same time refusing to reGermany. The revolutionary temper is there; ceive the Mexican delegate, the acts of the Italian masses are all the more The great capitalist press has now come AUDACITY, again audacity, more audacity significant considering the proposed general out in the open, advocating the subjugation of that was the motto of Danton. President strike in Italy, France and England sche Mexico. She has been told officially that the Wilson has apparently paraphrased this to duled for July 21 against intervention in Rus capitalist governments of the Allied and Aswords, again words, still more words. Of sia. International proletarian solidarity issociated Powers will not permit her to either Wilson it may be said as Marx said of Thiers becoming a fact.
tax or buy back her natural resources; that. all his vitality seems to have flown to the no laws may be made which interfere with tip of his tongue. Bourgeois society has On to Mexico foreign property in Mexico.
need of words, to disguise its terrib e deeds.
At the same time there has been formed the Association The cascade of words apparently never for the Protection of American Rights in ends. The president is home and the cascade OR a long time the great American inMexico with an Oil Division, a Minerals comes with him. But his words can no longer terests in Mexico have been squealing Division, a Cattle and Land Division, a Press disguise Wilson deeds.
bloody murder. Their has been a regime Division, etc. whose object is frankly to These deeds are reactionary. Wilson used of forty per cent dividends tempered by revarouse American public opinion to the neceshis 14 Points to argue in favor of the most olution. In the blessed days of Diaz business sity of destroying the Carranza Government, brutal peace of modern times. Wilson, at men could buy a copper mine, a million acres so that the vultures may gorge themselves Paris, was the screen tehind which skulked of cattle land, or a tobacco plantation by upon the Mexican peons, as they have done reaction and international piracy, in all of slipping a few dollars hard cash into the pro all through history.
which he acquiesced. Wilson approves of a per hands; and the Government would arrest page article in the Sunday Times last League of Nations which strangles the peace enough peons to provide penal labor to work week gives the game away. Its headline and liberty of the world. The Peace Conferthe properties.
announces in enormous type the damage done ence, with Wilson at its head, condemned the Then came Revolution, long deferred and to foreign property in Mexico by the Revolupeoples of Russia and Hungary to starvation overdue. The Madero movement was financed tion. The figures show that there has been by American interests, in return for the pawn invested in Mexico by Americans some 650, and war.
ing of the Madero properties: tut although 000, 000 of which about 150, 000, 000 is in These are the deeds of reaction which the great interests did not dare openly to af railroads, 200, 000, 000 in oil, 200, 000, 000 in answer the words of democracy.
front popular opinion by frankly opposing mines, 50, 000, 000 in cattle and land, and And at home? Reaction dominates. Agents revolution, they abette. the bloody murderer 50, 000, 000 in industrials and public service.
of the government suppress Socialist agitation Huerta, and were aided by the Airerican AmTo this 650, 000 000 worth of property the and try to provoke the workers to acts of fu bassador, Fletcher.
Revolution has done 80, 000, 000 worth of da.
tile violence. Congress talks problems press Woodrow Wilson only experimentin mage. But below, in a separate line, down upon the people, but nothing is done. practical, as opposed to verbal, liberalism, occurs this statement. Bourgeois society has performed its historic was his lofty pedagogical moral stand against The investment of 650, 000, 000 has grown function of organizing production. Words are Huerta. At that time the financial vultures in value unti! in 1910 it was said to be worth now its only contribution. The deeds of the were forced to cringe back, and wait for a 2, 000, 000, 000.
Communist Socialist proletariat must answer ore favorable opportunity.
In other words, compare the loss and gain. the words of Capitalism.
They could afford to wait, meanwhile enValue in 1910. 2, 000, 000, 000 gaging in individual guerilla sal ies, backing counter revolutions like Orozco and SalaGain 1, 350, 000, 000 zar and the unremitting attempts of the Damage 80, 000, 000 The masses in Italy are stirring that is younger Diaz and his ilk, and in the mean Sheer Net Gain 1, 270, 000, 000 clear. The depth and width of this movement while, battling with each other; for behind The investinent figures, of course, are not is still a matter of conjecture, since the Italian lalf the clashes between petty chieftains lay of today, but of nine years ago. What the government censorship of news is perhaps the gigantic feud of the Standard Oil inte increase in value has been since then, can only the most drastic in the world.
rests as against the Pearson interests. be guessed at.
As in Russia, in March 1917, this move Then came the War, the opportunity for But what is a paltry billion or two to the ment of the masses starts as a series of food all scoundrels. Under cover of the nation American plunderbund? They want the bilriots. It is not the actual scarcity of food as desperate needs. the great business pirates lions, they want the property tax free. and it is the terrifically high prires that inflames seized the United States by the throat, and law free besides, and they want the Mexican the people. The wrath of the starving is becoming finally conscious of their identity Government to pay damages, moreover, before directed against the profiteers; and the gov of interest, began to hunt in packs.
they kick it finally and forever into the pages ernment, which has protected and encouraged The approach of the end of the War gave of capitalist history, and set up an American profiteers, now order to prevent a the American plutocrats heir opportunity. industrial satrapy in its stead.
revolution, condemns the profiteers and acts The munitions factories needed another war; Will they be able to do this? We think they against them. The government is using force the Army, millions strong, was suddenly re will. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is judiciously and trying to legalizo the revolt leased upon a labor market unable to absorb now the only force which can cope with capof the people against the food pirates.
it. creating dangerous hordes of idle men: italist Imperialism on the rampage.
Italy Moves