8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 19, 1919The Bolshevik Sweep Bolshevism in the French Army, and in ing its first and most important duty, namely, press to the effect that the Entente troops the French und British Navy that of restoring these provinces to a normal in Russia have in great measure been infectcourse of life both in material and a moral ed with Bolshevik ideas. The following ap changed! It is well known that there is now a sense, it is actually imposing chains upon the peal from French soldiers at Odessa to their Soviet Republic in Russia. Are not our two liberties of the Russian people. Now it is Russian comrades, which was published on republics therefore sisters in their ideas, in clear to us that we are dealing with representtheir intensions? Can they not therefore unite atives of two classes. One class flatters us in April ist in the Communist newspaper Nasha in pursuing their common objects? Or is the order to confuse our minds, the other calls Pravda appearing at Riga, leaves nothing to Soviet Republic altogether too Socialistic?
upon us in the name of the purest human be desired in the way of clearness. The very The reason actually is that our imperialistic feelings. We hope that within the next few title is significant enough: The truth about rulers are mouth pieces not for the will of the days we can render account precisely for all our so called voluntary sojourn at Odessa, people, but for their own interests. They do that has happend and thus open the eyes of all In spite of the promises, the appeal begins, the French workers, whose senses have been which were given by him who is rightly called misled by the uninterrupted lies of the govthe dictator, namely, Clemenceau, who, fearing Bolshevik Agitation ernment press. We hope to be able to hasten a weakening both of the military front and of to the aid of the Soviet Republic which is the rear, declared in the Chamber several report from Helsingfors recently stated the only true démocratic and Socialistic remonths ago, when it was not yet known to that the French batleship Curacao which was public.
the flagship of the English Baltic fleet, with a which side victory would swing: We shall base at Helsingfors, has returned home, after group of French Soldiers.
wage war to a victorious conclusion, but when a minor explosion which produced some dam The above appeal shows very conclusively we have reached our goal, we shall not prolong age. Our correspondent, however, learns that the war a single unnecessary hour. in spite there is a report in Finnish military circles that the Entente troops in Russia are experiof these promises, we are still waging war.
to the effect that the cause for sending the encing a real, revolutionary and Socialist eduCuracao home, was not an explosion but a cation. Such soldiers will return to their res The armistice signed November 11th was mutiny among the crew on board, who refused pective home countries as excellent proclaimregarded by us with a feeling of relief, as it to operate against the fleet of the Russian was the end of the bloody slaughter. But the Workers Republic at Kronstadt. As the muers of the truth to the working masses.
tiny threatened to spread to other ships the The newspaper of Deputy Brisson, La yoke of military discipline did not become battleship was sent home, Vague, publishes a letter from a French lighter for us. In fact, we began to feel its Mutiny in the French Baltic Fleet.
sailor at Sebastopol, dated April 30, 1919.
pressure more than ever. Before we knew Reports from Tilsit are that the crew of According to the letter the French are to evawhat was happening to us we found ourselves the French squadron at Libau recently raised cuate Russia because the revolution has in Russia to carry out in that country we now the Red flag. The crews of the warships de broken out on the French armored cruisers recognize this to be the case the most ex mandel of their officers to be returned to tensive and the most shameful attack on the France immediately. France, Justice, Vergnac, and MiThe French vessels were immediately sent rabeau, as well as some other vessels lying lives and the liberty of the working class of home and an English squadron steamed in off Sebastopol, and on April 31st, the crews which we are ourselves members.
to occupy their positions at the port of Libau.
of the ships sang the International and raised After landing at Odessa, unacquainted French Soldiers in Southern Russia. the Red Flag. Those on shore leave joined with the intentions of the government, we were According to a Soviet wireless message, the Bolsheviki and marched through the absolutely at a loss concerning the political mentioned in Avanti of May 4th, General Anselme admitted in a conversation with streets of Sebastopol. There were a number situation in the city.
representatives of the Odessa Soviet that the of encounters in which several persons were On December 18th, blindly obedient to the Bolshevik propaganda had demoralized killed and wounded. When the sailors deservants of capital, the officers, we insolently sixty per cent of his soldiers.
manded that Russia be evacuated the Admiral offended those whom we then did not know, replied with a promise that the evacuation but who are really the representatives of the violence to our own liberties when they sent should take place within fourteen days.
coming, true Socialist republic. Forgive us, us out to check the liberating international So The sailor added in his letter that if Russia comrades and brothers. For on December cialist movement, of which we are so badly in should not be evacuated all the French sailors 18th, we did not yet understand what was the need.
would revolt and no longer be answerable for interest in which we were opening fire. We Our place is not here. We have our own actions.
now have the right to ask why our government people who are eagerly waiting our home Humanite reports that of the one hundred stood in a relation of friendship to Russia coming from the districts which have but re and thirty thousand copies of La Vague, one when a Czar was at the head of that country, cently been freed from invasion. While our hundred and twenty thousand were confiscated a despot, while today the condition has entirely government should be devoting itself to realiz because of the publication of the above letter.
All Power to the Left Wing!
Wing. Continued from Page 7)
split away from the Left Wing Conference compromise. It decided upon an uncomproBolsheviki at all Dennis Batt, John which is so thoroughly Bolshevik that they mising party policy and adopted an uncomson and John Keracher. The program adopt adopt its program as the basis for their pro promising program.
ed at the Left Wing Conference (which the posed new party.
The compromisers of the proposed ComCall for a Communist Party adopts as its The most miserable compromise lurks in munist Party must be disciplined. They must program) was opposed in fundamentals by this whole procedure. At the Conference, the be repudiated. They must realize the necesthese three Michigan comrades.
Russian comrades rallied around the Michi sity of revolutionary discipline in the Left At the Conference, challenged the com gan Call, which they admit was not Bolsherade delegates of the Central Committees of vik; now the Michigan comrades accept a At the Conference the Michigan delegates the Russian and Lettish Federations to deny program which they opposed at our Confer. who had not adopted the Left Wing Manithat the call for a new party issued by Michi ence and which they repudiate in fundament festo and Program) issued an ultimatum, that gan (around which they rallied) was not Bol als. This is petty politics, unworthy of men the Conference must either adopt their call shevik but there was no answer to the chal in the revolutionary movement.
and proposal for a Convention in September, lenge. Communist Party must adhere to funda or they would withdraw and proceed with The Michigan comrades (I mean the leadmental revolutionary principles. It must be their own plans. They acted directly against ers and not the membership) are in funda uncompromising.
the unity and discipline of the Left Wing.
mentals antagonistic to Left Wing principles But the proposed new Communist Party There is danger ahead, comrades, and parand tactics; they never adopted the Manifesto starts with the most miserable compromise ticularly comrades of the Russian Federation.
and Program of the Left Wing; they are, in imaginable. It starts with elements which do The vanity and the lust for power of leaders fundamentals, Menshevik.
not agree. It compromises in caucus, and must be crushed. We must have revolutionIn other words, Stoklitsky, Stilson, Hour starts as a suan It is these promising ary discipline. We must have a mass movewich Co. are willing to unite forces with comrades who at this moment are playing the ment. There is only one Left Wing, organcomrades whom they admit are in theory centre game.
ized in the National Council. All power to actually antagonistic to Bolshevism; but they The Left Wing Conference repudiated the Left Wing!