CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

Saturday, July 26, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Another Peace permanent slaves and assuring the United One Lie Nailed States undisputed financial world power.
Not having any general plan to meet the By KATTERFELD. the shock of the peace terms imposed tics of despoiling Germany and Austria in IN: an article sent broadcast through the 11aupon Germany by the Allies, come the terms order to meet their own obligations, feeling tional Office Press service, James Oneal that are being imposed upon Austria. These that even if these two nations break into rev claims that in our recent Party elections the terms are in accord with the general character olution, the solvency of the Allies will be able old National Executive Committee wasn reof the terms imposed upon Germany, and are to stabilize the situation.
pudiated at all, at all.
if anything still more terrible.
But the fundamental facts are that these He admits the figures published in the Ohio These terms, in general, are: Austria must methods cannot meet the terrific crisis in which Socialist as current, but alleges that these accept responsibility for damages and loses Europe finds itself. The Allies are trying to figures show a very small vote in the states caused to the Allies by her war of aggression; solve an international crisis by national ag as a whole, which confirms the charge that she must pay for all damages to civilians; the grandizing and by a partial internationalism the Left Wing through a campaign of terrorindemnity is not stated, but Austria must pay which is simply the mechanics of Imperialism. ism has driven many party members from the a reasonable sum by May 1, 1921; Austria These terms of peace are indicative of the Locals in sheer disgust. In this article he must surrender all her merchant fleet and one fact that there is no hope for the world, either bases his whole argument upon the assertion fifth of her river fleet; she must abolish cons for peace, security or prosperity, being assured that the vote was much lower than in other cription, reduce her army to 30, 000, and sur under Imperialism. Imperialism means con Party referendums and that therefore the fact render all her cables to the Allics.
quest and spoilation, and war: there is no way that the Left Wing received a majority of Cut these are only a fraction of the terms. out except through the Communist Revolu the votes cast does not mean repudiation of Austria, among other economic measures, tion.
the old must surrender to Italy, Serbia and Rumania, War was a consequence of the contradic Even if it was true that a very small vote a fixed number of domestic animals.
tions; and these unsolvable contradictions was cast in the recent referendums, that would These terms indicate that Austria is to be will yet strangle Capitalism.
not justify the old in suppressing the crushed economically, Her industry is to bereferendum results. But it is not true.
come unimportant, since a nation economically is unimportant without a merchant fleet; and Repudiating Deserters Oneal says. This report shows a TOTAL Austria is deprived of her fleet. She is, more a little more than 16, 000 votes cast for the referendum. The fact is that it shows 20, 674 over, to surrender all cables, and make other AT this moment, while Socialist history is economic cessions which will ruin her.
being written in fiery letters, it is of great votes for the 26 States included in the Ohio Socialist tabulation. Left Wing candidate John Austria is bankrupt. Her industry anl agri importance to know the activities of the adherents of the movement.
Reed received 16, 074, while the leading Right culture are runied. The problems of reconsWinger, Victor Berger, received only 4, 465, truction are enormous. But during the period It is clear that revolutionary discipline in when all resouces should be concentrated on the Left Wing has been disregarded by an while James Oneal, our present Internatioreconstruction, Austria nal Delegate was endorsed by the magnifiis to use these re organized, disgruntled clique composing the cent total of 1, 726.
sources in order to meet the Allies de rands minority at the Left Wing Conference. Disfor tribute.
ruption has been created at the moment when Oneal alleges that the vote was much smaller These peace terms are not simply a threat the rank and file were breathlessly watching than is usually recorded in Party elections.
the actions of their representatives, who were The fact is that it is one of the largest ever to the peace, liberty and security of the people of Germany and Austria; they are equally a to form common plans and a common plat polled in any party referendum. In the election for one year ago 17, 310 votes were thecatoria the peace, liberty and security of crushing blow at the Socialist Party in its cast, of which only 10. 011 were in the 26 present form, laying the basis for a new movetabulated. This It is a peculiar logic that insists upon punishsame 26 states give 20, 674 or nearly TWICE ing the nations guilty of the war in a way AS MANY as last year.
that produces conditions for new wars in the Apparently, the disrupters had believed in the theory of the conquest of the Party by a If the states that have so far suppressed days to come. peaceful and gradual transition. But sud their referendum returns show the same inBut it isn passionate motives of vengeance denly, contrary to this view, the Party bureaucrease as those already, tabulated, the vote this that inspire the diplomats of the Allies. That cracy although not accepting the Left Wing year may actually surpass the high water is simply a means of arousing popular enthu theoretical conception concerning the nature mark. Here are some figures from the official siasm for their brigand program. The mo of revolution abruptly surprised these com reports of the National Office: The spirited tives of the Allies are cold, calculating motives rades by a counter charge consisted of suscontest over the St Louis program brought of power. They must destroy their rivals; pensions, expulsions and re organizations. out 22, 345 votes for the majority and 2, 757 they must secure world power; they must di This terrible shock caused our minority Left for the minority report, total 25, 097. The total vide the world along lines of Imperialism. It Wing comrades to drop their guns in the mud, vote in the 1917 election to Internationl deleis these purposes that are responsible for the like brave soldiers, and start fighting as to gates showed only 14, 219 Comrades voting.
most predatory peace treaty of modern times. who should be in the first ranks of the retreat. Berger was elected at that time with 4655 votes Together with this general purpose involved They measure revolutionary capacity very pe The highest vote ever cast on any referenin world power, there is another and more culiarly: those who soonest leave the Party, dum in the Party history was in 1912, on the immediate purpose. The major belligerents, that is, retreat, are the most revolutionary, question of holding our national convention in except the United States, have suffered heavily and vice versa. In lieu of revolutionary dis Indianapolis instead of Oklahoma City, a little from the war. They are on the verge of bank cipline and common action, the minority act over 34, 000. In that same year John Work, tuptcy. In order to prevent this bankruptcy like bravados and insist upon separate action, received the highest vote ever polled by any (and a revolution among their people) they to the slogan: We are the Left Wing. individual in the Party, 22, 081 against 6, 440 are trying to exact every penny they can cut Among the minority delegates, 31 in all, we for Bentall for National Secretary. When of Germany and Austria with which to meet find the delegates of the Lettish Federation. we consider that at that time the Party had their liabilities.
In spite of the fact that the official organ of about 20, 000 more members than at present, But Germany and Austria are also bankrupt, the Federation, which is under direct control and that this year several thousand good standand to exact tribute means completing their of the Central Committee, has been agitating ing party members were prevented from votbankruptcy. The bankruptcy of these two for the conquest of the Party, these delegates ing because reactionary party officials refused nations must necessarily affect conditions in unscrupulously, without the consent of the them the ballots, we must conclude that all nations. The Allies are trying desperately members of the Federation, is lining up with actually a larger percentage of our memberto avert a problem that must down them in the splitters of the Left Wing.
ship voted in this years referendum elections the days to come.
At its regular meeting July 13, the Lettish than ever before.
The diplomats and financiers of the Allies Branch (Federation) of the Bronx condemnIn view of these facts, what becomes of admit that this problem of financial banked the stand of the Central Committee of the Oneal assertions and allegations? commend ruptcy is serious. The only tangible proposal Lettish Federation. It endorsed the decision these figures to our would be historian thus far made to meet the crisis has been the of the Left Wing majority and advised the James Oneal. Was he ignorant of these facts, proposal that American finance should form Central Committee and the members to act or did he deliberately lie in his efforts to defend a huge corporation to meet the capital needs of with the Left Wing.
the defeated and discredited party officialdom Europe. This might work, for a time, but at Yours for the Communist Party, and to prejudice the membership against the the cost of making the European proletariat STRASDIN. Left Wing and Revolutionary Socialism?