2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, July 26, 1919 The Revolutionary Age sia continues and conomic problems weigh The Communist Party Combined with The New York Communist At the same time come the reports of decisive victories of the Russian Soviet Army on THE National Left Wing Conference at New York laid the foundation for a party National Organ of the Left Wing Section three fronts, against the Finns marching on Socialist Party Petrograd, against the Siberian forces of Kolin the United States which will function acLOUIS FRAINA, Editor chak, and against General Denikin in the cording to the principles and tactics of Communism.
EADMONN MACALPINE, Managing Editor south. The bourgeois press admits that these are serious reverses for the counter revolution designate the movement of revolutionary SoThe name Communist is virtually certain to Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing the New York Tribune mournfull yadmitting cialism in the United States which has already Section of the Socialist Party that the Soviet Republic will now surely enNATIONAL COUNCIL dure for another winter.
taken its more or less definite formulation as John Ballam Ruthenberg the Left Wing movement within the Socialist Max Cohen Benjamin Gitlow Time and the march of the proletariat are Party James Larkin Ferguson working inevitably for the triumph of the Rus There is sometimes magic in a name, and Bertram Wolfe sian Soviet Republic.
no one would now seriously contend that the name Communist is without powerful appeal Ferguson, National Secretary But more proletarian pressure is necessary, Issued Weekly. Gitlow, Business Manager. The struggle of the Russian Soviet Republic itself is an eloquent expression of fellowship to the working class of the world. In the name 50. a copy. Six months, 50. One year, 00. is agonizing, the most terrible struggle of the with the comrades in Europe who stand today Bundle orders, 10 or over, 372 cents a copy. ages. Against the world, against internal enon the firing line of the social revolution.
43 West 29th Street, New York City. emies, against disorganization, Bolshevik Even more, those who sense that our BolRussia is fighting, and fightng nobly. The pro shevik and Spartacan comrades, and the Comletariat of the world must come to its assistmunists of Hungary, are reasserting and adance. It will come.
vancing the call to the workingmen of all the world which went forth from London in 1848, The Shantung Controversy in form of the Communist Manifesto, realize Disarmament the entire fitness of bringing under the one name the unity of the long revolutionary preThe United States Senate is protesting vi paration and struggle which has now come to The disarmament policy o fthe Peace Con gorously against the injustice perpetrated the stage of final crisis. The Communist ference is peculiar. It is disarming the defeat by the Peace Conference in awarding control League of 1848, the Communares of the Paris ed nations, while the victorious nations are of the Shantung Peninsula, with its 40, 000, 000 of 1871, and the Communists who rule today preparing larger armaments.
Chinese inhabitants, to Japan.
in Russia and Hungary all these are of one There is much said about the League of But these protests are not at all a matter of flesh and blood. is justice. The award of Shantung to Japan is On the other hand the name Socialist, alThe military alliance concluded between Great infamous. but there are other infamous acts though not without its inspiring traditions, Britain, France and the United States indiof the Peace Conference, awarding England has been dragged in the mire of opportunism cates that not peace but war is to come in one million and a half square miles of terri too long ever to be resurrected as the party the days ahead.
tory. France as much, destroying Germany name under which the militant proletariat of and Austria economically, blockading Russia all countries can hail one another in comradeFrance and Italy are making plans for more and Hungary, thereby condemning millions ship. It has become hopelessly the name of a military power; the small nations liberated to starvation. But there are no protests worth game of politics which ignores the fundamental by the Allies are developing an aggressive the name against these outrages.
realities of proletarian life.
militarism; Great Britain strengthens its navy.
The United States also strengthens its navy; The motive behind these protests about We do not mean to ignore the fact that there while plans are proposed for increasing the Shantung are purely imperialistic. China, beare individuals everywhere, by the thousands pre war strength of the standing army and fore the war, was the scene of a fierce struggle and millions, who today call themselves Sohaving a National Guard of 440, 000 men.
between competing Imperialisms for control; cialists and yet function in absolute accord anl the struggle must become more acute now.
with the Communist tradition and understandMilitarism has not been crushed, except in The only considerable competitor in the Far ing. We do not ignore the splendid Socialist Austria and Germany. The Allies are ending East of American Imperialism is the Imperial Party of Italy, which has already joined with their war to end war by a more militant mili ism of Japan; and there is a natural protest; the Communist International and which we tary policy. Militarism is necessary to Impe accordingly, against soldifying Japanese conare confident will soon control the destinies ralism.
trol in China.
of Italy as one of the sister nations of the new era of Communist civilization.
The award of Shantung to Japan is charBut in Italy there has been the determined, acteristic of the predatory peace of conquest Temporary Failure consistent march of the Socialist Party toward concluded by the Allies. China was engaged the goal of Proletarian revolution since the in the war against Germany; but not alone is THE plans for a general strike in Europe as defeated Germany dismembered, but China as party threw off its petty bourgeois reformist elements in 19 There is no internal cona protest against intervention in Russia did well, against the futile protests of the Chinese tract impied in ihe two names, as is there in not materialize on the projected scale. That delegation, who refused to sign the peace Germany, in France, in the Scandinavian the militant proletariat made a great effort is treaty.
countries, and in the United States.
clear; but the reasons why the protest strike did not assume larger scope are not yet apThe American government this in Especially is the name of itself given sharp parent. We must secure more information famous act. It has diplomatic precedent, since perspective in the starting of a new party.
before final judgment.
it agreed in 1916, by means of the Ishii Lan In another month the Left Wing will cease to sing Agreement, that Japan had special rights exist as a faction of the Socialist Party. It It is clear, however, that the hesitation and in China.
will merge the Socialist Party within itself, sabotage of the old union officials was a great factor against success. The executive of the President Wilson is making no public stateabsorbng all its vitality and casting off the rotteness of a working class party of potential French Federation of Labor issued a statement ment concerning why he agreed to this act of betrayal in the crucial hour of action.
But calling off the strike, thereby disorganizing But he has invited a number of Senators to a the Left Wing must become the Communist the plans for the demonstrations.
Party, regardless of the fate of the Socialist private conversation and informel them of his Party.
It is equally a fact that the bureaucracy reason under pledge of absolute secrecy. This and parliamentary leaders of the British labor is the diplomacy of open covenants of peace the Communist tradition should of itself be the Assuredly the inspiration and challenge of movement opposed this political strike of the openly arrivel at.
masses in solidarity with their Russian comcrushing answer to the little group, hungry rades.
The controvercy engaged in by the Senate for petty power and conspicuousness, who are is revealing a number of things, prime among now trying to make of the starting of the new But even the censored reports indicate that which is that the Senate is concerned, not party a small game of intra factional politics.
there was a formidable protest on July 21. with problems of justice, but with problems The Left Wing must answer to the instinctive The protest must become still more formidable of power. It favors China in order to beat comradeship of the workers in America with in the measure that the pressure against Rus Japan, and aggrandize American Imperialism. the Communists of the world.