July 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 15 organize the whole working class into indus to realize that industrial self government of troduced by the proletarian dictatorship, there trial unions; the concept of organizing the the workers which alone can assure peace and develops the complete structure of Communist working class industrially before the conquest liberty to the peoples.
Socialism. industrial self government of the of power is as utopian as the moderate Soci Proletarian dictatorship is a recognition of communistically organized producers. When alist conception of the gradual conquest of the the necessity for a revolutionary state to coerce this structure is completed, which implies the parliamentary state.
and suppress the bourgeoisie: it is equally complete expropriation of the bourgeoisie The proletarian revolution comes at the a recognition of the fact that, in the Communist economically and politically, the dictatorship moment of crisis in Capitalism, of a collapse reconstruction of society, the proletariat as a of the proletariat ends, in its place coming the of the old order. Under the impulse of the class alone counts. The new society organizes full and free social and individual automony crisis, the proletariat acts for the conquest of as a communistic federation of producers. The of the Communist order.
power, by means of mass action. Mass action proletariat alone counts in the revolution, and THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL.
concentrates and mobilizes the forces of the in the reconstruction of society on a Com The Communist International, issuing diproletariat, organized and unorganized; it munist basis.
rectly out of the proletarian revolution in acts equally against the bourgeois state and The old machinery of the state cannot be action and in process of development, is the the conservative organizations of the working used by the revolutionary proletariat. It organ of the international revolutionary proclass. The revolution starts with strikes of must be destroyed. The proletariat creates letariat: just as the League of Nations is the protest, developing into mass political strikes a new state, based directly upon the industri organ of the joint aggression and resistance and then into revolutionary mass action for the ally organized producers, upon the industrial of the dominant Imperialism.
conquest of the power of the state. Mass unions or Soviets, or a combination of both. The attempt to resurrect the Second Inaction becomes political in purpose while extra It is this state alone, functioning as a dictator ternational, at Berne, was a ghastly failure. It parliamentary in form; it is equally a process ship of the proletariat, that can realize rallied the counter revolutionary forces of of revolution and the revolution itself in Socialism.
Europe, which were actually struggling operation.
The tasks of the dictatorship of the prole against the proletarian revolution. In this The final objective of mass action is the tariat are. International are united all the elements conquest of the power of the state, the anni a) to completely expropriate the bour treasonable to Socialism, and the wavering hilation of the bourgeois parliamentary state geoisie poitically, and crush its powers of centre elements whose policy of miserable and the introduction of the transition pro resistance.
compromise is more dangerous than open trea1etarian state, functioning as a revolutionary b) to expropriate the bourgeoisie econom son. It represents the old dominant moderate dictatorship of the proletariat.
ically, and introduce the forms of Communist Socialism; it based affiliation on acceptance of DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT Socialism. labor parliamentary action, admitting trades The attitude toward the state divides the Breaking the political power of the capital unions accepting political action. The old Anarchist (and Anarcho Syndicalist. theists is the most important task of the revolu International abandoned the earlier conception moderate Socialist and the revolutionary Socia tionary dictatorship of the proletariat, since of Socialism as the politics of the Social Revolist. Eager to abolish the state (which is the upon this depends the economic and social re lution the politics of the class struggle in its ultimate purpose of revolutionary Socialism. construction of society.
revolutionary implications admitting directly the Anarchist (and Anarcho Syndicalist) fails But this political expropriation proceeds reactionary organizations of Laborism, such as to realize that the state is necessary in the simultaneously with an immediate, if partial, the British Labor Party.
transition period from Capitalism to Socialism. expropriation of the bourgeoisie economically. The Communist International, on the conThe moderate Socialist proposes to use the the scope of these measures being determined trary, represents a Socialism in complete acbourgeois state, with its fraudulent democracy, by industrial development and the maturity of cord with the revolutionary character of the its illusory theory of the unity of all the the proletariat. These measures, first, in class struggle. It unites all the consciously classes, its standing army, police and bureau clude: revolutionary forces. It wages war equally cracy oppressing and baffling the masses. The a) Workmen control of industry, to be against the dominant moclerate Socialism and revolutionary Socialist maintains that the exercised by the industrial organizations of Imperialism. each of which has demonstrated bourgeois parliamentary state must be com the workers, operating by means of the in its complete incompetence on the problems that pletely destroyed, and proposes the organiza dustrial vote.
now press down upon the world. The Comtion of a new state, the dictatorship of the b) Expropriation and nationalization of munist International issues its challenge to proletariat.
the banks, as a necessary preliminary measure the conscious, virile elements of the proletariat, The state is an organ of coercion. The for the complete expropriation of capital. calling them to the final struggle against Capibourgeois parliamentary state is the organ of c) Expropriation and nationalization of talism on the basis of the revolutionary epoch the bourgeoisie for the coercion of the prole the large (trust) organizations of capital. Ex of Imperialism. The acceptance of the Comtariat. The revolutionary proletariat must, ac propriation proceeds without compensation, as munist International means accepting the funcordingly, destroy this state. But the conquest buying out the capitalists is a repudiation of Humentals of revolutionary Socialism as deof political power by the proletariat does not the tasks of the revolution.
cisive in our activity.
immediately end Capitalism, or the power of d) Repudiation of all national debts and The Communist International, moreover, isthe capitalists, or immediately socialize in the financial obligations of the old system. sues its call to the subject peoples of the world, dustry. It is therefore necessary that the e) The nationalization of foreign trade. crushed under the murderous mastery of Improletariat organize its own state for the coer f) Measures for the socialization of agri perialism. The revolt of these colonial and cior and suppression of the bourgeoisie. culture.
subject peoples is a necessary phase of the Capitalism is bourgeois dictatorship. Par These ineasures centralize the basic means world struggle against capitalist Imperialism; liamentary government is the expression of of production in the proletarian state, nation their erle must uuite itseli will tie struggle bourgeois supremacy, the form of authority alizing industry; and their partial character of the conscious proletariat in the imperialistic of the capitalist over the worker. The bourceases as reconstruction proceeds. Socializa nations. The communist International, acgeois state is organized to coerce the prole tion of industry becomes actual and complete cordingly, offers an organization and a policy tariat, to baffle the will of the masses. In forn only after the dictatorship of the proletariat that may unify all the revolutionary forces a democracy, the bourgeois parliamentary state has accomplished its task of suppressing the of the world for the conquest of power, and is in fact an autocracy, the dictatorship of bourgeoisie.
for Socialism.
capital over the proletariat.
The state of proletarian dictatorship is It is not a problem of immediate revolution.
Bourgeois democracy promotes this dictator political in character, since it represents a rul It is a problem of the immediate revolutionary ship of capital, assisted by the pulpit, the army ing class, the proletariat, which is now su struggle. The revolutionary epoch of the final and the police. Bourgeois democracy seeks to preme; and it uses coercion against the old struggle against Capitalism may last for years reconcile all the classes. realizing, however. bourgeois class. But the task of this dictotor and tens of years. but the Communist Intersimply the reconciliation of the proletariat to ship is to render itself unnecessary; and it national offers a policy and program immedi.
the supreniacy of Capitalism. Botirgeois becomes unnecessary the moment the full conate and utlimate in scope, that provides for deniocracy is political in character, historically ditions of Communist Socialism materialize the immediate class struggle against Capitalnecessary, on the one hand, to break the power While the dictatorship of the proletariat per ism, in its revolutionary implications, and for of feudalism, and, on the other, to maintain form its negative task of crushing the old the final act of the conquest of power.
the proletariat in subjection. It is precisely order, it performs the positive task of conThe old order is in decay. Civilization is this democracy that is now the instrument of structing the new. Together with the governin collapse. The proletarian revolution and Imperialism. since the middle class, the tradi ment of the proletarian dictatorship, there is the Communist reconstruction of society the tional carrier of democracy, accepts and pro developed a new government, which is no struggle for these is now indispensable. This motes Imperialism.
longer government in the old sense, since it is the message of the Communist International The proletarian revolution disrupts bour concerns itself with the management of pro to the workers of the world.
geois democracy. It disrupts this democracy duction and not with the government of per The Communist International calls the proin order to end class divisions and class rule, sons. Out of workers control of industry, in letariat of the world to the final struggle.