AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismImperialismMarxismSocialismStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

14. THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 5, 1919 The Left Wing Manifesto lutionary industrial unionism of the proletariat (Continued from Page 8)
The concentration of industry produced the becomes an indispensable phase of revolutionindustrial proletariat of unskilled workers, of ary Socialism, on the basis of which to broaden and deepen the action of the militant protion which emphasizes the implacable character the machine proletariat. This proletariat, letariat, developing reserves for tặe ultimate of the class struggle is an indispensable means massed in the basic industry, constitutes the conquest of power.
of agitation. Its task is to expose through militant basis of the class struggle against Imperialism is dominant in the United States.
political campaigns and the forum of parlia Capitalism; and, deprived of skill and craft It controls all the factors of social action ment, the class character of the state and the divisions, it turns naturally to mass unionism, Imperialism is uniting all non proletarian reactionary purposes of Capitalism, to meet to an industrial unionism in accord with the social groups in a brutal State Capitalism, for for the struggle against Capitalism.
Capitalism on all issues, to rally the proletariat integrated industry of imperialistic Capitalism.
Under the impact of industrial concentrareaction and spoliation. Against this, revolutionary Socialism must mobilize the mass But parliamentarism cannot conquer the tion, the proletariat developed its own dynamic struggle of the industrial proletariat.
power of the state for the proletariat. The tactics mass action.
Moderate Socialism is compromising, vacilconquest of the power of the state is an exMass action is the proletarian response to lating, treacherous, because the social elements tra parliamentary act. It is accomplished, not the facts of modern industry, and the forms it it depends upon the petite bourgeoisie and by the legislative representatives of the pro imposes upon the proletarian class struggle.
the aristocracy of labor. are not a fundamental letariat, but by the mass power of the pro Mass action starts as the spontaneous activity of unorganized workers massed in the basic factor in society; they vacillate between the letariat in action. The supreme power of the bourgeois and the proletariat, their social proletariat inheres in the political mass strike, industry; its initial form is the mass strike of instability produces political instability; and, in using the industrial mass power of the the unorganized proletariat. The mass movements of the proletariat developing out of this moreover, they have been seduced by Imperi proletariat for political objectives.
alism and are now united with Imperialism.
Revolutionary Socialism, accordingly, recog mass response to the tyranny of concentrated Revolutionary Socialism is resolute, unnizes that the supreme form of proletarian industry antagonized the dominant moderate comprising, revolutionary, because it builds political action is the political mass strike. Socialism, which tried to compress and stultify upon a fundamental social factor, the industrial Parliamentarism may become a factor in de these militant impulses within the limits of proletariat, which is an actual producing class, veloping the mass strike; parliamentarism, if parliamentarism.
expropriated of all property, in whose conit is revolutionary and adheres to the class In this instinctive mass action there was not sciousness the machine process has developed struggle, performs a necessary service in mobi simply a response to the facts of industry, but the concepts of industrial unionism and mass lizing the proletariat against Capitalism. the implicit means for action against the domaction. Revolutionary Socialism adheres to Moderate Socialism refuses to recognize and inant parliamentarism. Mass action is industhe class struggle because through the class accept this supreme form of proletarian politi trial in its origin. but its development imposes struggle alone the mass struggle can the cal action, limits and stultifies political action upon it a political character, since the more industrial proletariat secure immediate concesinto legislative routine and non Socialist par general and conscious mass action becomes the more it antagonizes the bourgeois state, besions and finally conquer power by organizing liamentarism. This is a denial of the mass the industrial government of the working class.
comes political mass action.
character of the proletarian struggle, an evasPOLITICAL ACTION ion of the tasks of the Revolution.
Another development of this tendency was The class struggle is a political struggle.
The power of the proletariat lies funda Syndicalism. In its mass impulse Syndicalism was a direct protest against the futility of the It is a political struggle in the sense that its mentally in its control of the industrial dominant Socialist parliamentarism. But Synobjective is political the overthrow of the process. The mobilization of this control in political organization upon which capitalistic talism means the end of Capitalism, the initial retical basis of the new movement. or where action against the bourgeois state and Capi dicalism was either unconscous of the theoexploitation depends, and the introduction of a new social system. The direct objective is form of the revolutionary mass action that will there was an articulate theory, it was a derivathe conquest by the proletariat of the power conquer the power of the state.
tive of Anarchism, making the proletarian revoof the state.
lution an immediate and direct seizure of Revolutionary Socialism does not propose to Revolutionary Socialism and the actual facts industry, instead of the conquest of the power of the class struggle make the realization of of the state. capture the bourgeois parliamentary state, Anarcho Syndicalism is a debut to conquer and destroy it. Revolutionary iat. The class struggle of revolutionary Social action and of industrial unionism, however, Socialism depend upon the industrial proletar parture from Marxism. The theory of mass Socialism, accordingly, repudiates the policy ism mobilizes the industrial proletariat against are in absolute accord with Marxism revoof introducing Socialism by means of legisla Capitalism. that proletariat which is united Intionary Socialism in action; tive measures on the basis of the bourgeois and disciplined by the machine process, and state.
This state is a bourgeois state, the Industrial unionism recognizes that the proorgan for the coercion of the proletarian by which actually controls the basic industry of letariat cannot conquer power by means of the nation.
the capitalist. how, then, can it introduce Socithe bourgeois parliamentary state; it recogalism? As long as the bourgeois parliamentary letariat produces a revolt against the older use this state to introduce Socialism, but that The coming to consciousness of this pro nizes. moreover, that the proletariat cannot will of the proletariat, since all the political unionism and mass action.
state prevails, the capitalist class can bafie the unionism, developing the concepts of industrial it must organize a new state. the state power, the army and the police, industry and of the organized producers. Industrial unionthe press, are in the hands of the capitalists, of the individual craftsmen, who united in craft forms of the government of Communist Social: The older unionism was implicit in the skill ism, accordingly, proposes to construct the whose economic power gives them complete unions. These unions organized primarily to ism the government of the producers. The domination.
must expropriate all these by the conquest of protect the skill of the skilled workers, which revolutionary proletariat cannot adapt the the power of the state. by annihilating the unions developed into job trusts, and not is in itself a form of property. The trades bourgeois organs of government to its own The political power of the bourgeoisie, before it use: it must develop its own organs.
can begin the task of introducing Socialism.
into militant organs of the proletarian struggle; larger, more definite and general the conscious until to day the dominant unions are actual industrial unions, the easier becomes the transiRevolutionary Socialism, accordingly, pro bulwarks of Capitalism, merging in Imperial tion to Socialism, since the revolutionary state poses to conquer the power of the state. It ism and accepting State Capitalism. The of the proletariat must reorganize society on proposes to conquer by means of political ac trades unions, being organized on craft divis the basis of union control and management of tion. political action in the revolutionary ions; did not and could not unite the workers industry. Industrial unicnism, accordingly, Marxian sense, which does not simply mean parliamentarism, but the class action of the zations.
as a class, nor are they actual class organi is a necessary phase of revolutionary Socialist agitation and action.
proletariat in any form having as its objective the conquest of the power of the state.
The concentration of industry, developing But industrial unionism alone cannot conthe machine process, expropriated large ele quer the power of the state. Potentially, inParliamentary action is necessary. In the ments of the skilled workers of their skill, but dustrial unionism may construct the forms of parliament, the revolutionary representatives the unions still maintained the older ideology the new society; but only potentially. Actuof the proletariat meet Capitalism on all gen of property contract and caste. Deprived of ally the forms of the new society are coneral issues of the class struggle. The pro actual power, the dominant unionism resorts structed under the protection of a revoluletariat must fight the capitalist class on all to dickers with the bourgeois state and an tionary proletarian government; the industrial fronts, in the process of developing the final acceptance of imperialistic State Capitalism unions become simply the starting point of the action that will conquer the power of the state to maintain its privileges, as against the in Socialist reconstruction of society. Under the and overthrow Capitalism. Parliamentary ac clustrial proletariat.
conditions of Capitalisin, it is impossible to