The REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 5, 1919 The Communist Program HE Left Wing Program is implied with Adopted by the National Left Wing 7) The old Socialist International has THE in the terms of the program of the ComConference.
broken into three main groups: munist International. We therefore outa) Those frankly social patriots who since line, as the controlling propositions of our own tribution, by transfer to the proletarian state 1914 have supported their bourgeoisie and program, the main principles of Communism under Socialist administration of the working transformed those elements of the working as follows: The present is the period of the dis class; the abolition of capitalist agricultural class which they control into hangment of the International revolution.
solution and collapse of the whole capitalist hess enterprises and financial trusts.
b) The Center, at present theoretically world system, which will mean the complete 5) The present world situation demands collapse of world culture, if Capitalism, with the closest relations between the revolutionary led by Kautsky (by Hillquit in the United its unsolvable contradictions, is not replaced by proletariat of all countries.
States. representing elements which are conCommunism.
2) The problem of the proletariat consists for power is the mass action of the proletariat, 6) The fundamental means of the struggle stantly wavering and incapable of following a definite plan of action, and which are at in organizing and training itself for the cona gathering together and concentration of all times positively traitorous; and quest of the power of the state.
This conits energies; whereas methods such as the c) The revolutionary Left Wing.
quest of power means the replacement of the revolutionary use of bourgeois parliamentarism As regards the social patriots, who everystate machinery of the bourgeoisie with a are of only subsidiary significance.
where in the critical moment oppose the pronew proletarian machinery of government.
In those countries in which the historical letarian revolution with force of arms, a merci3) This new proletarian state must embody development has furnished the opportunity: less fight is absolutely necessary. As regards the dictatorship of the proletariat, both indus the working class has utilized the regime of the Center our tactics must be to separate trial and agricultural, this dictatorship con political democracy for its organization against the revolutionary elements by pitilessly critistituting the instrument for the taking over capitalism. In all countries where the condi cizing the leaders.
of property used for exploiting the workers tions for a worker revolution are not yet ripe, and for the re organization of society on a the same process will go on.
8) It is necessary to rally the groups and Communist basis.
But within this process the workers must proletarian organizations who, though not as Not the fraudulent bourgeois democracy never lose sight of the true character of bour yet in the wake of the revolutionary trend of the hypocritical form of the rule of the finance geois democracy. If the finance oligarchy the Left Wing, nevertheless have manifested oligarchy, with its purely formal equality, considers it advantageous to veil its deeds of and developed a tendency leading in that direcbut proletarian democracy based on the possi violence behind parliamentary votes, then the tion.
bility of actual realization of freedom for the capitalist power has at its command in order Socialist criticism has sufficiently stigma working masses; not capitalist bureaucracy, but to gain its ends, all the traditions and attain tized the bourgeois world order. The task of organs of administrations which have been ments of former centuries of upper class rule, the International Communist Party is now to created by the masses themselves, with the multiplied by the wonders of capitalist tech overthrow this order and to erect in its place real participation of these masses in the gov nique; lies, demagogism, persecution, slander, the structure of the Socialist world order. Unernment of the country and in the activity of bribery, calumny and terror. To demand of der the Communist banner, the emblem under the communistic structure this should be the the proletariat that it shall be content to yield which the first great victories have already type of the proletarian state. The Workers itself to the artificial rules devised by its mor been won; in the war against imperialistic barCouncils and similar organizations represent tal enemy, but not observed by the enemy, is barity, against the privileged classes, against its concrete form.
to make a mockery of the proletarian struggle the bourgeois state and bourgeois property, 4) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat for power a struggle which depends prim against all forms of social and national opshall carry out the expropriation of private arily on the development of separate organs of pression we call upon the proletarians of all property in the means of production and dis working class power.
lands to unite!
Program of the Left Wing WE favor international alliance of the Adopted by the National Left Wing as the organ of contact with the revolutionary Socialist Movement of the United Conference proletariat of other lands, the basis for interStates only with the Communist groups national association being the same politica of other countries, such as the Bolsheviki of understanding and the common plan of action, Russia, Spartacans of Germany, etc. according public office not if these are in direct line the international crisis develops.
value of success in electing our candidates to tending toward increasing unity and detail as to the program of Communism as above outwith the class struggle. The trouble comes lined.
with the illusion that political or industrial 6) Socialist platforms, proceeding on the 2) We are opposed to association with immediate achievements are of themselves steps basis of the class struggle, and recognizing other groups not committed to the revolutionin the revolution, the progressive merging of that the Socialist movement has come into the ary class struggle, such as Labor parties, Non; Capitalism into the Co operative Common historical period of the social revolution, can partisan leagues, People Councils, Municipal wealth.
contain only the single demand for the DictaOwnership leagues, and the like.
The basis of our political campaigns should torship of the Proletariat.
3) We maintain that the class struggle is be: a) The basis of this demand should be essentially a political struggle, that is, a strug. a) To propagandize the overthrow of thoroughly explained in the economic, politicai gle by the proletariat to conquer the capitalist Capitalism by proletarian conquest of the and social analysis of the class struggle, as state, whether its form be monarchic or demopolitical power and the establishment of a evolving within the system of Capitalism.
cratic republican, and to replace it by a gov Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
b) The conclusions of this demand should ernmental structure adapted to the Socialist b) To maintain a political organization as be illustrated by the first steps and general tranformation.
a clearing house for proletarian thought, a modes of social reconstruction dependent upon 4) We favor organized party activity in center of political education for the develop and involved within the proletarian dominaco operation with class conscious industrial ment of revolutionary working class action. tion of the political life of the nation.
unionism, in order to unify industrial and polic) To win representatives in public offices c) municipal platform of Socialism tical class conscious propaganda and action.
to serve as special propagandists of the social a) The Party shall propagandize incannot proceed on a separate basis, but must revolution.
conform to the general platform, simply redustrial unionism and industrial union organid) To keep in the foreground our con lating the attainment of local power to the imzation, emphasizing their revolutionary implicasistent appeal for proletarian revolution; and mediate goal of gaining national power. There tions.
to analyze the counter proposals and reformist b) The Party shall make the great indus palliatives in their true light of evasions of class are no city problems within the terms of the iggle, nly the one problem of capitrial battles its major campaigns, to develop the issue and impotent; recognizing at all times talist versus proletarian domination.
the understanding of the strike in relation to the characteristic developments of the class the general proletarian emancipation. We realize that the coming of the conflict as applicable to all capitalist nations. social revolution on an overwhelming asser5) We do not disparage voting nor the e) To propagandize the party organization (Continued on page 13.