July 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Left Wing and the Socialist Party this moment two campaigns are being Issued, on Authority of the Conference, jugglery of phrases out of the whole concepA the by the National Council of the Left tion of Socialist internationalism in the midst of a world wide proletarian responsiveness to Party. One is a campaign to defeat the transWing Section.
the Russian challenge in the world struggleformation of the party into an organ of revois a betrayal of the same calibre as that of lutionary Socialism. The other is an intensive the worst Socialist reactionism of Germany, campaign of Socialist education, the greatest which recognize our revolutionary class policy France, and England. It lacks only the setting campaign of Socialist education ever carried in spite of the party bourgeois reformist platon in the United States.
forms the life experience of world and Amerof a crisis of action to give it the tragic con The official control of the Socialist Party, ican Socialism has already changed the face sequences of the Scheidemann Ebert Kautsky treason to the Social Revolution.
now centered in the repudiated National Exe of the party notwithstanding the stubborn reConsistently with its innate character, mocutive Committee and in some of the local fusal to record this change in the party proderate Socialism plays the role of working executive bodies, is being used to thwart the clamations and action.
The American party, formerly a Socialist aggressive in its revolutionary expressions. In class betrayal, when the proletariat becomes demand of the overwhelming majority of the membership that the Socialist Party shall cease organization of farmers. shop keepers, profes the United States. not yet having come to the to play capitalistic politics with the revolutionary aspirations of the proletariat. ship largely of the petty bourgeois craftsman stage of open imperialist servitude, because its aid is as yet spurned, moderate Socialism is The Left Wing movement within the party type, has now become predominantly, an orhas been in actual terms a campaign of edu ganization of the industrial proletariat, massed already rushing in uninvited to play the role cation. The Left Wing has brought to the in the large industrial centers.
This is the of agent provocateur against the rising prolemembers of the party not only the most faithtariat. From its vantage point of working class fundamental explanation of the easy conquest ful record of the historic achievements of the of the party for revolutionary Socialism. It representation it intensifies and fortifies the revolutionary proletariat in all countries, but is the Left Wing which speaks the real proprejudices against Bolshevism and the also an analysis of the changing character of letarian aspirations. by purging itself of all such contamination, meanwhile offering resolutions of symworld Socialism in relation to these achieve Recently the party officials, still mouthing ments. And, in turn, the awakened impulses the phrases of Socialist internationalism, have pathy and donations in pietistic affirmance of its working class character.
and understanding on the part of the rank and been insistent upon an American Socialist In like manner moderate Socialism now file of the membership accounts for the present Party which is American in membership and insistent demand that the American Party American in its program and methods. In this plays its dastardly role of proletarian betrayal in its attacks on the Left Wing movement shall at once transform itself, in spirit and they manifest their utter blindness to the truths within the party. The criminally reactionary methods, in harmony with the Socialism now of Socialism and of the social conditions about carried by the current of history into the fore which they speak. In what country have not party moderates, not content with the party front of the world social drama.
the active Socialists been branded as forchannels of vituperation, carry into the capiSocialists everywhere Socialists who really cigners. In what country have not the magic and abet the capitalist repression of revolualist press assertions and innuendoes to urge. have been moved to the depths of their be depth of reactionism is revealed by this tionary working class education and organizaing by the tremendous events since August Socialist aping of the blood suckers who treacheries, moderate Socialism sanctimoni4th, 1914. They realize that the historic heap fulsome, flattery upon the immigrants ously cautions against the advocates of prole changes of these five years cannot be without while in meek servitude, only to curse, hartarian Socialism as paid spies within our meaning to the proletariat of America. They rass, and kill them when there is an assertion ranks!
realize that American Socialism can no longer of class action!
remain the confused, listles, anaemic expresThink of Americanizing an international thing more strange than the coming to life As if the Left Wing movement were anysion of radical democratism which it was in party by eliminating Russians, Poles, Lithuof Socialism within the American Socialist the years preceding the world war of finance anians, Ukranians, Letts, Jugoslavs, and HunParty!
imperialism. It must become a proletarian garians, meanwhile keeping within the fold expression in terms of the class struggle. Germans, Scandinavians, Jews, Finns, Italians, The Left Wing is the instinctive proletarian To those who have not yet grasped the full Greeks, etc. Nothing could reveal more clear response to the Social Revolution and banksignificance of this new assertion within the ly the unprincipled, hypocritical, inherently reruptcy of the Socialism of the Second Internaparty, who have not yet visualized the real actionary character of the official Socialism tional. The attempted resurrection of the Sec challenge of life which must weakly express challenged by the Left Wing.
ond International, at the February Berne Conitself in phrases and who yet suspect that there The industrial proletariat. in the United ference, was a ghastly exhibition of the peris an element of artificial stimulation in this States. is predominantly of foreign birth. Of version of Socialism to the purposes of imperialist Capitalism. The statement of prinprocess of party change. to these comrades the native elements, the largest groups are particularly we call attention to the quiet pro the negroes, more alien than any of the aliens ciples issued by the National Executive Com gress of revolutionary transformation within But even this is beside the point, for the strugTittee of the Socialist Party in June is made the party which has been going on since the gle against Capitalism is not a national but a up of a series of hypocritical evasions, epitom adoption of the St. Louis platform in April, world struggle, and when is this more apparentized in a scoring of the Berne Conference 1917. For the year 1916, the state of Okla than in the present phase of open alliance of coupled with a refusal to repudiate the Second homa had an average membership of 9, 369, the capitalist forces in the League of Nations International and align the party with the Communist International. Opportunism never surpassed only by the state of New York, with for the object of checking the onsweeping soan average for the year of 774. Next came cial revolution? Even American Imperialism reached a lower level than in the theorizing Illinois, with 6, 600, and anly Pennsylvania was quick to accept its mutuality of obligations and performances of this Committee. Avoidand Massachusetts also stood above the 5, 000 in laving seige to Soviet Russia, though the ance of clear statement on fundamental issues mark. For 1918 the Oklahoma average was American economic interests in Russia are was never more unworthy the party mission than in this time of heroic accomplishments under 2, 000, with New York at 12, 642 and re atively of small account.
Illinois, 8, 098. Ohio was added to the list of It is only the corruption and decadence of an gigantic efforts by our revolutionary conirades in many countries.
states with over 5, 000. The big gains for the the opportunistic Socialist parties which makes first part of 1919. are in New York, Illinois, understandable how the true internationalism Out of this Left Wing conquest of the parOhio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and of the early Communists and of the First In ty comes an American Socialism of the temper Massachusetts. From 1916 to 1918, 13 West ternational became the lip internationalism of and power of the militant proletariat; a Socialern and South Western agrarian states lost the Second International. The betrayal of the isn which speaks only in the unequivocal unapproximately 14, 000 members.
class conscious proletarians of the United derstanding of the revolutionary class strugIt is at once apparent that there has been States by their party officials in making a gle; a Socialism which seeks it formulas of transfusion of blood within the Socialist action in the immediate mass response to imParty during the past two years.
The losses MASS MEETING perialistic oppression; a Socialism which can have been rural, petty bourgeois, losses in fav Manhattan Lyceum, 66 East 4th Street truly hope to gather under its banner the agor of the Nonpartisan League. The gains Monday, July 7, at p.
essive elements of the American working have been proletarian, cosmopolitan, interna New York delegates to Left Wing Conven class; a Socialism which must soon become a tional tion will report. All comrades invited.
formidable factor in the great social strugIn other words, the stress and strain of Admission by Party Card only.
gle; a Socialism of revolutionary inspiration war, revolution and prosecutions prosecutions and promise.