July 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE the capitalist class against the working class, concessions and became a semi privileged of war, accordingly, the dominant moderat.
since world power means power over the pro caste; and, on the other, the decay of the class Socialism accepted the war and united with th letariat.
of small producers, crushed under the iron imperialistic state.
But the dominant Socialism accepted the war tread of the concentration of industry and the Upon the adverrt of Imperialism, Capitalism as a war for democracy as if democracy. un accumulation of capital. As one moved up emerged into a new epoch, an epoch reder the conditions of Imperialism is not di ward, and the other downward, they met, quiring new and more a pressive proletarian rectly counter revolutionary! It justified the formed a juncture, and united to use the state tatics. Tactical differences in the Socialist war as a war for national independence as to improve their conditions. The doninant movement almost immediately came to a head.
if Imperialism is not necessarily determined Socialism expressed this unity, developing a The concentration of industry, together with upon annihilating the independence of nations! policy of legislative reforms and State Capital the subserviency of parliaments to the imperiNationalism, social patriotism, and social ism, making the revolutionary ass struggle a alistic mandates and the transfer of thetr vital Imperialism determined the policy of the domi parliamentary process.
functions to the executive organ of governnant Socialism, and not the proletarian class This development meant, obviously, the ment, developed the concept of industrial struggle and Socialism. The coming of Social abandonment of fundamental Socialism. It unionism in the United States and the conism was made dependent upon the predatory meant working on the basis of the bourgeois cept of mass action in Europe. The struggle war and Imperialism, upon the international parliamentary state, instead of the struggle to against the dominant moderate Socialism beproletariat cutting each other throats in the destroy that state. it meant the co operation came a struggle against its perversion of parstruggles of the ruling class!
of classes for State Capitalism, instead of liamentarism, against its conception of the The Second International on the whole the uncompromising proletarian struggle for state, against its alliance with non proletarian merged in the opposed imperialistic ranks. Socialism. Government ownership, the ob social groups, and against its acceptance of This collapse of the International was not an jective of the middle class, was the policy of State Capitalism. Imperialism made mandaaccident, nor simply an expression of the be moderate Socialism. Instead of the revolu tory a reconstruction of the Socialist movetrayal by individuals. It was the inevitable tionary theory of the necessity of conquering ment, the formulation of a practice in accord consequence of the whole tendency and poticy Capitalism, the official theory and practice was with its revolutionary fundamentals. But the of the dominant Socialism as an organized now that of modifying Capitalism, of a gradual representatives of moderate Socialism refused movement.
peaceful growing into Socialism by means to broaden their tactics, to adapt themselves to MODERATE SOCIALISM.
of legislative reforms. In the words of Jean the new conditions. The consequence was a The Socialism which developed as an or Jaures: we shall carry on our reform work miserable collapse under the test of the war ganized movement after the collapse of the to a complete transformation of the existing and the proletarian revolution, the betrayal of revolutionary First International was moder order.
Socialism and the proletariat.
ate, petty bourgeois Socialism. It was a So But Imperialism exposed the final futility of THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION.
cialism adapting itself to the conlition of this policy. Imperialism unites the non pro The dominant Socialism justified its accepta:ional developinent, abandoning in practice letarian classes, by means of State Capitalism, the militant idea of revolutionizing the old for international conquest and spoilation. The ance of the war on the plea that a revolution did not materialize, that the masses abandoned world.
small capitalists, middle class and the aristocSocialism.
This moderate Socialism initiate the era of racy of labor, which previously acted against constructive social reforms. It accepted the concentrated industry, now compromise and This was conscious subterfuge. When the bourgeois state as the basis of its activity and unite with concentrated industry and financeeconomic and political crisis did develop postrengthened that state. Its goal became con capital in Imperialism. The small capitalists tential revolutionary action in the proletariat, the dominant Socialism immediately assumed structive reforms and cabinet portfolios accept the domination of finance capital, bethe co operation of classes, the policy of ing allowed to participate in the adventures an attitude against the Revolution. The proopenly or tacitly declaring that the coming of and the fabulous profits of Imperialism, upon The dominant Socialism united with the capiletariat was urged not to make a revolution.
Socialism was the concern of all the classes, which now depends the whole of trade and instead of emphasizing the Marxian policy that industry; the middle class invests in monopotalist governments to prevent revolution.
the construction of the Socialist system is the listic enterprises, an income class whose inThe Russian Revolution was the first act of task of the revolutionary proletariat alone. come depends upon finance capital, its mem.
the proletariat against the war and Imperialism.
In accepting social reformism, the co op bers securing positions of superintendence, But while the masses made the Revolution in eration of classes, and the bourgeois its technicians and intellectuals being exported Russia, the bourgeoisie usurped power and orparliamentary state as the basis of its to undeveloped lands in process of develop ganized the regulation bourgeois parliamentary action, moderate Socialism was prepared ment; while the workers of the privileged republic. This was the first stage of the Revoto share responsibility with the bourgeoisie in unions are assured steady employment and lution. Against this bourgeois republic organthe control of the capitalist state, even to the comparatively high wages through the profits ized the forces of the proletarian Revolution.
extent of defending the bourgeoisie against the that come from the savage exploitation of Moderate Socialism in Russia, represented by working class and its revolutionary mass move colonial peoples. All these non proletarian sothe Mensheviki and the Social Revolutionists, ments. The counter revolutionary tendency of cial groups accept Imperialism, their liberal acted against the proletarian revolution. It the dominant Socialism finally reveals itself in and progressive ideas becoming factors in united with the Cadets, the party of bourgeois open war against Socialism during the pro the promotion of Imperialism, manufacturing Imperialism, in a coalition government of bourletarian revolution, as in Russia, Germany and the democratic ideology of Imperialison with geois democracy. It placed its faith in the Austria Hungary.
which to seduce the masses. Imperialism rewar against German militarism, in national The dominant moderate Socialism was ini quires the centralized state, capable of uniting ideals, in parliamenetary democracy and the tiated by the formation of the Social Demo all the forces of capital, of unifying the indus Co operation of classes.
cratic Party in Germany. This party united trial process through state control and regulaBut the proletariat, urging on the poorer on the basis of the Gotha Program, in which tion, of maintaining class peace, of mobil peasantry, conquered power. It accomplished fundamental revolutionary Socialism was aban izing the whole national power in the struga proletarian revolution by means of the Boldoned. It evaded completely the task of the gles of Imperialism. State Capitalism is the shevik policy of all power to the Soviets; conquest of power, which Marx, in his Criti form of expression of Imperialism, precisely organizing the new transitional state of procism of the Gotha Program, characterized as that State Capitalism promoted by moderate, letarian dictatorship. Moderate Socialism, even follows: Between the capitalistic society and petty bourgeois Socialism. What the parlia after its theory that a proletarian revolution the communistic, lies the period of the mentary policy of the dominant moderate Sowas impossible had been shattered by life itself.
revolutionary transformation of the one into cialism accomplished was to buttress the capi acted against the proletarian revolution and the other. This corresponds to a political talist state, to promote State Capitalism, to mobilized the counter revolutionary forces transition period, in which the state cannot be strengthen Imperialism!
against the Soviet Republic, assisted by the anything else than the revolutionary dictator The dominant Socialism was part and parcel moderate Socialism of Germany and the Allies.
ship of the proletariat.
of the national liberal movement, but this Apologists maintained that the attitude of Évading the actual problems of the revolu movement, under the compulsion of events, moderate Socialism in Russia was determined tionary struggle, the dominant Socialism of merged in Imperialism. The dominant So not by a fundamental policy, but by its conthe Second International developed into a cialism accepted capitalistic democracy as the ception that, Russia not being a fully developed peaceful movement of organization, of trades basis for the realization of Socialism. but capitalist country, it was premature to make a union struggles, of co operation with the mid this democracy merges in Imperialism. The proletarian revolution and historically imposdle class, of legislation and bourgeois State world war was waged by means of this de sible to realize Socialism.
Capitalism as means of introducing Socialism. mocracy. The dominant Socialism based itself This was a typical nationalistic attitude, since There was a joint movement that affected upon the middle class and the aristocracy of the proletarian revolution in Russia could not the thought and practice of Socialism; on the labor. but these have compromised with Im persist as a national revolution, but was comone hand, the organization of the skilled work perialism, being bribed by a share in the pelled by its very conditions to struggle for the ers into trade unions, which secured certain spoils of Imperialism. Upon the declaration (Continued on Page 8)