July 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE immediately sever all connections with the recommending that the executive body of the Council. The 31 practically bolted the ConSocialist Party of the United States and pro Left Wing Section shall be a National Coun ference.
ceed at once with the work of organizing a cil of nine members, elected by the Conference At the following sessions (eight in all were new party.
itself. minority of two, Hourwich and held) the reports of the Committees on ManiPractically all the delegates participated in Lindgren, brought in a minority report that, festo and Program, Labor Organization and the discussion. The advocates of an immedi in addition to these nine, there shall be at Resolutions, were disposed of. discussion ate organization of a Communist Party argued least seven other members to be elected one took place on the question of a resolution enthat this was the psychological moment; that each by the Central Committees of the Rus dorsing the The report of the further work in the Socialist Party would sian Federations (this, in time, would mean Labor Organization Committee was finally simply secure for us centre elements; that at least eleven members on the Council elected adopted, accepting the as a revoluwe should organize immediately on an un by Central Committees of the Language Fed tionary mass movement, but condemning the compromising party basis.
The opponents erations. This proposal would have meant theoretical short comings of its spokesmen.
argued that a Communist Party must be or control of the National Council by delegates Resolutions were adopted approving the class ganized; that no one could oppose this party, the Federation Central Committees. The war prisoners strike, sending our greetings to and that the only issue was one of judgment argument made in favor was that the Federa all comrades in prison, condemning and opposand time, wether it should be done now in tions constitute the backbone of the Left Wing, ing intervention in Mexico, expressing our New York or two months later in Chicago; and are solidly Bolshevik; the argument made solidarity with the comrades of Russia and that it was absolutely necessary to proceed against was that the Conference could not Hungary, and calling upon workers to refuse with the struggle the Socialist Party for approve of separate and duplicate representa to work on munitions for the counter revolutwo months more, in ord to rally the broad tion, the Federations already being adequately tion, that the National Council be inrevolutionary masses of the party for Com represented by delegates at the Conference it structed to study the agrarian problem. The munist Socialism. The resolution in favor of self; and that we should have membership con Labor Organization Committee brought in a immediately organizing a Communist Party trol, not Central Cammittee control. The min plan for actual agitation among the workers, was defeated by a roll call vote of 55 against ority report was defeated. National Coun a permanent Labor Committee being elected, 38.
cil of nine members was thereupon elected, subject to the National Council, for this work, The issue came up in another form, when, as follows: Ruthenberg, of Cleveland; as follows: Reed (N. Jim Cannon (Kanafter a caucus, the delegates representing the Louis Fraina, of Boston; Ferguson, sas. Marion Sproule (Mass. Carney Central Committees of the Russian Federations of Chicago; John Ballam, of Boston; James (Minn. Cosgrove (Mass. Stankowitz brought before the Conference the Call of the Larkin, of New York; Eadmonn MacAlpine. Penna. Key (Cal. Gitlow (N. and Socialist Party of Michigan for a convention of New York; Benjamin Gitlow, of New Jurgis (Mass. in Chicago, September 1, to organize a new York; Max Cohen, of New York; and Bert The final act of the Conference was the Socialist Party, asking that the Conference Wolfe, of New York. At the first meeting adoption of the following motion, made by endorse the Call. Challenged to deny that of the Council, Fraina was elected Editor of Fraina: That the National Council call a the Michigan call was not a Menshevik one, The Revolutionary Age, and MacAlpine Man conference in Chicago September of all revoall the Russian comrades remained silent. aging Editor; these two comrades thereupon lutionary elements willing to unite with a This was also defeated. The Conference, an resigned as members of the Council. revolutionized Socialist Party or with a Comticipating that the repudiated National ExOn the third day, 31 delegates, consisting munist Party that may be organized by Left ecutive Committee of the Socialist Party might mostly of the Federations, decided, after Wing delegates seceding from the Convention call off the Emergency Convention, passed a caucus, that they would withold further activ of the Socialist Party to be held August 30.
motion that, in that event, the national Left ity in the Conference because of its attitude After an inspiring singing of the Red Wing itself carry on the August 30 convention. on the Communist Party, these delegates resig. Flag and the Internationale the Conference Another intense discussion took place on ning from all committees and having pre adjourned, determined to conquer for Comthe report of the Organization Committee, viously declined nominations for the National munist Socialism.
To the Workers of Germany In this terrible hour when the German By CHICHERIN.
the mighty weapons of the Red Armies. The people are suffering under the cruel blows hour of the final victory is yet distant. Serious Russian Soviet Commissaire of Foreign of a victorious Imperialism, the revolutionary battles against the hosts of imperialism and Affairs (Moscow, May 26. workers and peasants of Russia send their against the counter revolutionary bands which fraternal greetings and expressions of workhave penetrated into our territory are still beers solidarity. Entente imperialism has deing waged. But the Russian workers and tion will continuously hang over the whole feated its enemy and is now elebrating its feast peasants know that they are progressing step of victory, which will not, however, last very country.
by step towards the final victory.
Under the cover of guarantees and conlong. Recognizing no restraint, devoid of For the workers and peasants of Germany shame, it exposes. its bandit nature, which trol, the victor, the new slave driver, will also, their present sufferings are only a tranknows nothing but profit, force and robbery. follow every motion of his captives and slaves. sitory trial which must strengthen your forces Woe to the vanquished. cries out. Drunk The situation which is thus created for the ten fold. Your sufferings are felt by the workwith victory, and with the animal lust of the German working people is well night unbearing masses of Russia who are united with you in workers solidarity. The shamelessness and to wound as cruelly as possible the vanquished able, and its misery would have no bounds if brutality of the victor, forgetful of all reason, peoples, to exploit them as completely as pos it was not a certainty that the dreams of the are in themselves sufficient proof for us that sible, and to make them eternal captives and victors, who have lost all reason, will last but the world of robbers and violators is on the slaves.
a short time, that the barbarous governments eve of its final destruction. In all the Entente Unparalleled robbery, unparalleled servitude.
countries, whose mighty rulers are plundering of imperialistic violations are passing through the defeated German people of their all, the Such is the meaning of the Peace Treaty which their last days. The revolutionary workers working masses will obtain nothing more than has been shamelessly forced upon the German people by the Entente rulers. This so called and peasants of Russia have passed through a new sharpening of their servitude, and new and heavier chains. But in those countries also, treaty which an exhausted nation is forced some tribulations; they know what the merto sign is nothing short of a downright crime. ciless triumph of a victor means.
the eyes of the proletarians will open, and Territories with an unquestionable German with every victory the revolutionary movement The revolutionary workers and peasants of will boil and bubble more and more powerpopulation, are torn from the German people, Russia have placed all their hopes in the work fully. And thus, in the ceaselessly growing their most precious natural resources are taken away. They are compelled to pay such moners revolution, which is approaching with world revolution of the working masses, in the strous contributions, that even if the whole giant strides by means of the revolutionary fraternal solidarity of the workers of all lands, German people should labor day and night ex solidarity of the workers of the whole world, and in the international union of revolutionary clusively to satisfy their conquerors, they Soviet republics, lies the pledge of their apwhose hour of triumph will strike in the near would be incapable of disposing of the burden.
proaching liberation from the heavy chains of future. In the days of battle, the revolution the dictators, as well as the pledge of the liberThey are being so thoroughly disarmed, that ation of the workers of all lands from the capithe victors may at any time penetrate into the ary forces have been steeled. Surrounded on interior of the country and inflict upon it the all sides by relentless imperialistic and coun talist system, which makes such acts of robbery final blows. The Damocles sword of destruc ter revolutionary elements they have forged possible.