July 5, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Bolshevikjabs Clear the Decks!
lutionary Socialism. The issue was forced by the moderates in control of the Party machinery; but the Left Wing accepts the chalTHE struggle in the Socialist Party, be lenge.
CHINA refuses to sign the Peace Terms tween moderate Socialism and revolu Unity! Of whom and for whom? of which merely proves that all the money tionary Socialism, has assumed a char moderate Socialism for State Capitalism; or we have spent on missionaries failed to coracter making a split not alone inevitable, but of revolutionary Socialism for the Communist rupt the heathen.
conquest of power?
Action that is necessary cannot be evaded.
Unity! The moderates constituted unity And it is much more than a treaty of peace The integrity of a movement is more important their litany, until the upsurge of revolutionary with Germany says President Wilson in than the unity of a party. The unity of a party Socialism in the Socialist Party compelled speaking of the Peace Terms. We would have is a means to an end; and when the end itself them to recognize that their salvation was to put it the other way round and said: It is is jeopardized by this unity, the unity must break the unity of the Party, which was ac much less than a treaty of peace with Gerbe broken.
complished, treacherously and impudently. many it is a declaration of war.
There is a tendency to attach too much imBut this broken unity becomes the condition portance to the expulsions perpetrated by the for the emergence of a revolutionary Socialist General Smuts protest which accompanied of the Socialist Party. These acts movement. It means the easier conquest, if his signature shows at least that he learned constitute treachery, of a particularly mean not of the machinery of the Socialist Party, something from his visit to Hungary.
variety. But that is not the issue. The issue of the revolutionary masses in the Party.
is much more fundamental, and the funda The Left Wing has conquered the Socialist We suppose that the signing of the document in Versailles means that we can now mental aspects must be emphasized: the issue Party. That is indisputable. Equally indiscomprised in the impossibility of reconciling putable is it that the moderates may, through proceed with the other 22 wars in peace.
revolutionary proletarian Socialism with mod police power, control the Emergency National erate petty bourgeois Socialism.
Convention on August 30, refusing to admit There is an important omission in the newsThe and the reactionary party the delegates of suspended states and locals.
paper accounts of the ceremonies at Versailles.
The entire press forgot to mention that the bureaucracy generally are animated, not by In that event, the Left Wing will constitute Bolsheviki were not present.
individual malignancy (this is there) but fun its own Convention and organize a new Comdamentally by their particular conception of munist Party of revolutionary Socialism.
Their absence must not, however, be taken Socialism, which is not in any sense in accord Should the Left Wing capture the Party as indicative of a lack of interest on their with fundamental Socialism. They are con Convention, it will proceed immediately to part. It was merely due to the fact that they serving the Party as it was. an expression reorganize the Socialist Party on the basis of felt confident that the Big Four would do of middle class Socialism and of a Communist Party. This implies not simply the job to their entire satisfaction.
Laborism. They represent the social tendency the adoption of resolutions; it means not simcomprised in social reformism and trades union ply a transformation in words, but in deeds.
activity, which, while dominating the Socialist How well their expectations have been fulThe moderates, under these circumstances, will filled is proved by the fact that they intend to movement until now, is directly contrary to the secede; and we shall hasten their secession actual facts of the proletarian class struggle by the implacability of our policy.
make the Peace Treaty their chief means of in its revolutionary implications.
It is necessary to clear the decks. Conquer It is against this non Socialist tendency, and the Socialist Party for a Communist Party of Lenin is quoted as saying that he regards not simply against the Party bureaucracy, that revolutionary Socialism!
the document as a masterpiece, while Trotzky the Left Wing (and revolutionary Socialism is of the opinion that a comparison of the in the whole world) is in revolt.
propaganda values of the Paris document with The tendency of the Left Wing is that of those of the one signed at Brest Litovsk conthe militant proletariat, an expression of the Debs in Prison clusively prove that in this field the Allies are mass struggle of the proletariat. a struggle immeasurably ahead of the Germans.
Much has been written of the liberal not alone against the dominant Capitalism, but equally against the smaller capitalists, the midtreatment which Debs received at the After Brest Litovsk says the Russian war dle class and the privileged aristocracy of hands of the authorities since his incarminister, we swung Hungary into line and labor of the dominant trades unionism.
ceration. But this liberality apparently we were enabled to make the first definite ceased with his transfer to Atlanta Jaii.
There is no compromise conceivable on this impression on Germany herself. With the VerSince then no news has been received of fundamental issue. An issue of a treacherous sailles treaty as a basis we expect to swing his treatment and his comrades have bureaucracy, an issue of momentary disputes the rest of the world into line and complete been living under a false impression.
in tactics, these can be compromised on the the conversion of Germany to the principles Whatever may have been his fate in basis of unity of the Party. But an issue of Bolshevism.
Moundsville Jail, a brutal autocracy has that goes to the heart of Socialism and the since seen to it that Debs suffers all the proletarian class struggle, an issue that means It is reported in London that, as spokesman rigors of prison discipline. In Atlanta the conquest of Capitalism by Socialism or for the Monarchs Union, King George has obthe annihilation of Socialism by Capitalism, Jail, Gene Debs. the pulsing heart of jected to the document on the ground that it the American Socialist movenient now this issue excludes compromise. To compromgives the revolutionists altogether too much grown old and bent in the physical body ise on this issue is to compromise fundamental propaganda material. The Mikado has also with years of service in the cause of the Socialism.
lodged a formal protest on the ground that oppressed masses of America and the the League of Nations has usurped his Divine Facts are facts.
world, is condemned to work in the Right.
The elemerfts represented by the dominant clothing factory during the hours of bureaucracy in the Socialist Party are not sunlight. From o clock in the evening On the other hand Samuel Gompers exelements of Socialism; they are elements that until in the morning Debs, in whose pressed himself as entirely indifferent, saying should affiliate with the Labor Party. Revolusoul is the freedom of the lashing sea, of that if the of could survive Atlantic tionary Socialism cannot compromise and the rushing wind as it sweeps the plains, City it certainly was proof against any propaunite with these non Socialist elements; and by is locked in a narrow cell, like a beast ganda written in Versailles.
their campaign of terror and expulsion, these in a cage. For twenty minutes each day moderate elements recognize that they cannot he is allowed to exercise out of doors, The Lusk Committee took a more serious compromise or unite with the Socialism of the for twenty minutes each day he may view of the matter and, while stating that VerLeft Wing of the Communist International.
tramp the prison yard and gaze upon sailles was outside its jurisdiction, informed our that little tent of blue that prisoners call If the moderates retain control of the Social the sky.
correspondent that it had the subject under ist Party, they will expel all revolutionary eleconsideration and would probably seize the He is prohibited from reading any Soc document if it entered through the port of ments; if the Left Wing gets control of the ialist or radical literature, he may not kued e ou: Ked əy; wiose. J1 TI! 7! Kued New York and thus prevent its distribution in receive any packages and he is permitted America.
of revolutionary Socialism, of the Communist to send only one short note each week to International. The Left Wing will brook no his family.
William English Walling was one of the This is Capitalism answer to Socialfew people entirely satisfied. He said that he The unity of the Party is broken. It was ism. Let Socialism answer Capitalism.
knew all along that demoracy could be relied necessary to break this unity to promote revoupon.