8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 21, 1919 The New International By Samson Freiman form of the Party are certainly not sufficient proof by the Communist Party of Russia (which did of the Party vindication of its honor. In words it not invite the official Socialist Party, but its Left from the masses, but that is part of the process. went as far as Kerensky in his speeches perhaps not Wing. Alexander Trachtenberg at the time insisted Friedrich Adler defense of his assassination of so far but its deeds have failed to convince as they that the Socialist Party itself was worthy of inclusion, the Austrian Premier tries to justify his act in conson have been inconspicuous and not at all in keeping with since it adhered to the principles of internationalism ance with the best traditions of Socialist history. The the tone of its program. The official policy of the during the war. No matter whether this statement backround that he describes as leading him to choose party was bourgeois pacifism, not revolutionary Sois insincere or only erroneous, the question which it to do his heroic deed is in a great measure the back cialism. It was well enough for Max Eastman to takes up ought to be set clear to all. It bears on a ground in which our Socialist Party found itself dur justify this policy of words by the official Party, but subject of extreme importance to the success of the ing America participation in the war. Assassin fear that lois defense is meant more as an apology Revolutionary Movement throughout the world. ation was a method of expression to which the indi for his own failings. His argument is not convincing.
If there is any one formula which is necessary as vidual might resort, but a Party had to find other In fact, lie exemplifies the general action of the Party a means for a successful revolution that formula is, tneans of expression, positive mass means in order to bureaucracy in Iris personal acts. In a measure, we. the Confidence of the masses. Conversely, any vindicate its name and traditions.
might pardon stman for accepting his horn acts which violate the confidence which the masses By its failtire to present a clear and positive front dilenima in starting the Liberator, yet we cannot close have in a revolutionary organization is a direct and of opposition to the government during the prosec our eyes to the fact that the first issues of the magopen violation of Socialist principles. The successution of the war the Socialist Party of America (I azine were a betrayal of the Socialist cause of of the Soviet Government of Russia lies, for one speak of the official party, not the membership whose course under the mask of Eastman words it might thing, in the fact that the Soviets won the confidence will was baffled) has failed to do its part and does have been found that he was camouflaging his language of the masses and held it. Perhaps one of the most not deserve representation at the conference of the in order to issue his magazine during the hard months impressive and suggestive statements that have read New International. that is, not until the Left Wing of the war. But that is just the policy that leads to ruin.
on the Russian Revolution is a statement appearing conquers the party. The mere verbal adherence to Diplomacy has always been the tool of the masters.
in the New York Times in an article by Arthur Ran principles such as are expressed in the St. Louis Plat The successful avengers of oppression have been some about a year ago. His observation was frank and uncompromising under all conhat the people of the Ukraine when the ditions. The true representative of the proThe Most Important Book of the Year Just Out!
situation in the Ukraine was at its worstletariat expresses himself in unequivocal having once tasted the fruits of Soviet instilanguage.
tutions were loath to let this institution slip The Proletarian Revolution The St. Louis platform was never really form their lives, although it was the Soviet carried out by the bureaucracy, nor was it Jrganizatior which caused all the bitter in Russia meant in sincerity. It degenerated into fighting that took place in the Ukraine and pretty hourgeois pacifism and nationalism.
By Lenin and Leon Trotzky tore that fertile land asunder. In spite of Both Berger and Hillquit finally sponsored all the immediate miscry clearly attributEdited, with an Introduction, Notes the Majority Report. It is interesting to able to the Soviets the masses had recognizand Supplementary Chapters recall some events leading up to the adoption ed the true worth of the Soviets and were By Louis Fraina of the St. Louis Program.
willing to pay the price, counting nothing too This unique book traces the course of the great Russian RevAfter the break in diplomatic relations dear if they could only win back the self olution from March 1917 to October 1918, in the words of the two between the United States and Germany, the masters of the Revolution.
government that was their under Soviet It consists of a mass of articles and pamphlets written during leaders of the Socialist Party ahandoned organization. Experience had been the the Revolution, covering every important phase of the Revolutioni, their opposition to the calling of a nationa!
means of imbedding in their hearts the conarranged to make a consecutive story.
convention and hastily issued a call for a fidence that is so necessary to the success of CONTENTS: Part One The First Stage of the Revolution, hy Party Convention in April instead of June the Socialist revolution everywhere. Lenin (March 12 to May 18. Part Two The General Program of the Bolsheviki, by Lenin (tactics. program and genor September, as had been proposed by those Milyukov was overwhelmed the moment eral policy. Part Three The Struggle for State Power, hy who had been clamoring for a convention.
he opened his mouth and betrayed the imLenin and Leon Trotzky (May 18 to the uprising of July 16 17. Part Four The Revolution in Crisis, hy Leon Trotzky (written Naturally the election of delegates and the of the Revolution. Kerensky deceived at the end of August, analyzing the Bolshevik defeat in July, the convention policy agitated the entire Party masses with honeyed words and lasted Moscow Conference and the problems of the future. Part Five membership Leon Trotzky was at that time one until his deeds bred suspicion and then The Proletarian Revolution Coriquers, by Louis Fraina (September to January, the coup etat of November 7, the Conin New York. At a general membership distrust. All the detestable appeals for the stituent Assembly: includes articles of Lenin and Trotzky and docu meeting in Local New York of the Socialist confidence of the populace made by the ments. Part Six The Revolutionary Struggle for Peace, by Leon Trotzky and Lenin (December to Brest Litovsk. Part SevenParty to discuss our attitude on the war, a Ebert government in Germany today are a The Soviet Republic and its Problems, by Lenin (May, 1918. very lively debate occurred between Fraina Supplementary Toreign Relations (July to October, 1918; Lenin, betrayal of trust which the inexorable deTrotzky and Chicherin. of the Left Wing and Hillquit of the modermands of proletarian history will repay with ates. The minority committee report of 477 Pages. More than 200, 000 Words.
relentless severity. revolution that goes Paper Cover, 100: Library Edition, Cloth, 50.
Fraina and Trotzky was defeated by the to the very roots of society in building a new Hillquit report which was the nucleus of the structure must meet a great many tremendSt. Louis Resolution. Apparently, Hillquit The Social Revolution in Germany ous difficulties which it cannot overcome unresolution covered the same ground as the less it has the full confidence of the proleBy Louis Fraina minority resolution except that it was couchtariat. In the face of a world of enemies fundamental study of the great struggle in Germany, which ed in language to protect it from legal prosecthe Social Revolution can not afford to make is at the same time a study in revolutionary Socialism. Indispensution, to make it quite unintelligible to the any mistakes. Yet our venture is of such a able to an understanling of the character of the European Rev. masses. It was a resolution without teeth.
highly experimental nature that it is utterly olution. Including two articles by Karl Liebknecht and Franz The fight of New York was practically Mehring. Popular, Comprehensive, Incisive.
impossible to avoid a great many errors. repeated at a similar meeting held in Essex 112 Pages: 250 a Copy.
Only if the Revolutionists succeed in County, New Jersey. After securing the winning the revolutionary confidence of the approval of the State Committee to the Hillmasses can they expect to bring their venture Revolutionary Socialism quit resolution with a few minot changes.
to a successful conclusion. Surrounded by By Louis Fraina George Goebel presented the resolution enemies that have no conscience, that lie deWhat is Bolshevism, this left wing Socialism which is shaking to the Essex County Local. An opposition liberately, that try to bring all kinds of conCapitalism? This book provides a thorough analysis of the concepts resolution following the lines of the Frainafusion into the ranks of the proletariat, and program of revolutionary Socialism. It considers Socialism Trotzky resolution in New York was also there is nothing to hope for unless the pro and the War, Imperialism, Socialism in Action, the Death of Demo presented. heated debate occurred and letariat ha: full confidence in the revolution. cracy, the collapse of the dominant Socialism upon the declaration But this confidence which must be implicit the Left Wing finally won the day, but only of war, Socialist Readjustment, Class and Nation, Problems of State Capitalism, Unionism and Mass Action, and Proletarian Dictbccause the German nationalist group of the is so liab! to abuse that a very sharp disatorship.
extreme right voted with the Left. When tinction must be made and firmly adhered to Son Kalayama, the Japanese Socialist, declares this the Majority Resolution at St. Louis carried, in punishing those that violate the confidence took the finest interpretation of the new development in there was no intention of carrying it out by of the proletariat. Compromise breeds deInternational Socialism.
the Party leaders that sponsored it. If the ceit and suspicion which destroys confidence.
258 Pages: 750 a Copy.
Party deserves representation at the meeting It behooves Socialism to stand clearly and all lers of the New International then Victor Berger mly on its own ground on the bulwarks THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE also deserves the recognition that Lenin has vi the proletarian dictatorship and the Com885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
accorded to the Left Wing groups of the inunist State. The development of this conParty, which have now conquered the party fidence may, temporarily, mean isolation for revolutionary Socialism.