Saturday, June 21, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Left Wing Manifesto and Program act. the mass Moderate Socialista. Struggle.
state System and FTER having indicted the dominant moderate By Louis Fraina Buf parliamentarism cannot conquer the power of III the state for the proletariat. To imagine that Socialthat produced it, the Manifesto proceeds to proRevolutionary Socialism ism can secure a majority in the parliardents is sheer ject the fundamentals of revolutionary Socialism: Utopia, a refusal to understand that Capitalism can Revolutionary Socialists hold, with the founders of their social instability produces political instability; use the power of the state to disfranchise the workers, scientific Socialism, that there are two dominant classes they have bean seduced by Imperialism and are now if in modern society the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; united with Imperialism.
that between these two classes a struggle must go on, The conquest of the power of the state is an extrauntil the working class, through the abolition of the Revolutionary Socialism is uncompromising, resol parliamentary It is accomplished, not by the capitalist state and the establishment of the dictator ute, fevolutionary, because it builds upon the industrial legislative representatives of the proletariat, but by ship of the proletariat, creates a Socialist system Revolutionary Socialists do not believe that they can be priated of all voted into power. They struggle for the conquest of property, in whose consciousness the dynamics mere of the proletariae in action by the power by the revolutionary proletariat. Then comes technological integration of the machine process power of the proletariat inheres in the political mass the transition period from Capitalism to Socialism, has developed the concepts of integrated unionism and Strike, in using the industrial power of the proletariat of which Marx speaks in his Criticism of the Gotha mass action Socialism Program: Between the capitalistic society and the com class struggle because munistic, lies the period of the revolutionary transformproleta of the poli ation of the one into the other. This corresponds to a concessions and political transition period, in which the state cannot with complicacastri rieke of the Russian revolutian started be anything else but the revolutionary dictatorship of its will upon society, in this way forcing the vacillating the process of conquering the power of the state riat secure list tan this industrial 681 alone The Belgian workers secured the franchise by means the proletariat.
aristocracy of labor and the petite bourgeoisie to make The class struggle is fundamental to Socialism. It the decision of aligning with the proletariat. dynamic, which alone represents power and can mobilis the material basis for realizing the ideal of Socialisin. The class. struggle, according to Marx, is a politicalize the proletariat for the revolutionary struggle against But the class struggle is not as simple as moderate struggle. It is a political struggle in the sense that its Capitalism.
The two dominant Classes in society are the proleta tem and its government, and the introduction of a new Revolutionary Socialism, accordingly, recognizes that the supreme form of proletarian political action riat and the ne bourgeoisie. the workers and the capital social system and its government. The revolutionary is the political mass strike. Parliamentarism is a factor ists. In between these two dominant class divisions class struggle is political, since its objective is the con in developing this mass strike; parliamentarism, if it there are other minor divisions, which are an import quest by the revolutionary proletariat of the power ant factor in the social stos of the state.
forms necessary service in mobilizing the proletariat comprises its policy in an attack The is the expression of a particular social for the mass struggle against Capitalism.
upon the larger capitalists, the trusts; and maintainis its ruling class. It is organized to impose Moderate Socialism refuses to recognize this shinthat all other divisions in society including the lesser the will of a a class upon society. The state is organized reme form of political action, limits and stultifies Capitalists and the middle class, the petite bourgeoisie, the proletariat. The proletariat must conquer this epid action into legislative routine and, petty bou coercion: the bourgeois state is organized to coerce itical are material for the Socialist struggle against Cap the italism. Moderate Socialism says, in sırt parliamentarism This is a negation of the ma: state, destroy this state. destroy this political power a of the proletarian struggle, a betrayal of the of the capitalist ruling class, and organize a new pro a struggle of all the people against the trusts tasks of the Revolution.
and big capital; and it makes the realization of Social letarian state for the coercion of the bourgeoisie by proletariat to conquer Capitai.
the proletariat lies not in its numbers which are scattered and ca of the workers, the small capitalists, the small invest Revolutionary Socialism does not propose to cap he nullified but in its control of the industrial process, ors, the professions. in short, moderate Socialism ture the bourgeois parliamentary state, but to conquer the mobilization of this proletarian industrial control actually depends upon the petite bourgeoisie for the and destroy it. Revolutionary Socialism, accordingly, against Capitalism means the end of Capitalism; and But these non proletarian repudiates the policy of introducing Socialism by means this proletarian industrial control can be mobilized classes are not at all revolutionary simply liberal; of legislative measures on the basis of the bourgeois by means of the political mass strike.
and inoderate Socialism in action becomes dependent state. This state is a bourgeois state: how, then, can What is the purpose of the final political mass strike, lipon a liberal progressivism which makes for State it introduce Socialism. As long as the bourgeois of revolutionary mass action. To conquer the power Capitalism and promotes Capitalism; and which, more parliamentary state prevails, the capitalist class is in of the state. How is this accomplished. By destroying nver, under the conditions of Imperialism is directly mower: it can baffle the will of the proletariat. since the bourgeois parliamentary state and organizing a counter revolutionary all power, Revolutionary Socialism, in accord with Marx and press and industry, are in the control of the capitalists workers in the plants and the farmers in the fields.
the actual facts of the class struggle, makes the real The revolutionary proletariat must expropriate all The revolutionary proletariat organizes a new state, ization of Socialism depend upon the industrial pro these, hy the conguest based on industrial divisions and the industrial franchcapitalists, before it letariat. Revolutionary Socialism, moreover, excludes political power of the of power, by annihilating the the aristocracy of labor from the revolutionarv move the task of introducing Socialism.
can begin ise.
Put the abolition of the bourgeois political state ment. these skilled workers being united in policy with petty bruismepis nmgressivism. The realization of So conquer the nower of the state. It Revolutionary Socialism, accordingly, proposes to dnes not immediately dispose of the political state.
It proposes to conquer The proletariat itself needs a state during the transition cialism is the task of one class alone the class of the hy means of political action in the Marrian sense, neriod from Capitalism to Socialism, a state rede And political action in the revolutionary Marxian sense The hat.
class strurgle of revolutionary Socialism mobil. dnes not simply mean parliamentarism. but the closs state is an organ of coercion. The ing force, with which to coerce the hourgeois state izes the industrial proletariat against Capitalism. that action of the proletariat in any form that has as its coerces the proletariat. The proletariat must organize proletariat which is homogeneous, united and discip obiective the conquest of the po of the state.
lined tv the machine process. and which actually cona state to coerce the bourgeoisie, since the proletarian Parliamentarv action is necessary. On the field of. trols the hasic have reserves for action of industry against the nation. In this class the state of parliament, the proletariat meets the can the revolution.
set any other class in society, it is a strugele of the revnlutionary proletariat must fight the canitalist on ing as a proletarian This state of the revonucionary proletariat, functionserves two functions: proletariat amainst all other social eroups. The small all fronts. in the process of developing that final action to completely, expropriate the bourgeoisie and forced into line after the roletariat has imposed its will tipon throw Canitalism. Parliamentary nolitical action, new system of Communist Socialism. oreanized intSorintv, and organized the state of proletarian dictat accordingly. is revolutionary: its task is to expose porally and based upon the industrial administration of the industrially, communistically organized nrodModerate Socialism is compromising, vacillating, the state and Capitalism. to meet Capitalism on all After this task is accomplished the nolitical treacherous, herause the social elements it depends issues, to rally the proletariat for the struggle against state of the proletariat disappears. together with coerinon the small hourgeoisie and the aristocracy of Canitalism. The purpose of Socialist parliamentary cion and proletarian dictatorshin, then we shall have, labor are rot a fundamental factor in society: thev nolitical action is to enhasize and clarify the revolu under Socialism, not the government of persons, but vacillate between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; tionary character of the class struggle.
the administration of things.
only conrust of Dower will proletariani 11cers.
The Bolshevik Agitation in Hungary AT TTH time when the rentile press of the Allies Rehel Yet, addressed to the German and the Austro Our aim is the armed rebellion of proletarians and was insisting that the Bolsheviki had definitely Hungarian armies, appeared with the signature of peasants for the capture of the power of state: social nroven that they were pro Gerinan by signing the Karl Radek. Bela Kun had a two column editorial revolution without delay.
Brest Litovsk peace, the Bolshevik party was actively entitled What Is Imperialism?
The paper contains several articles attacking bitterly carrying on its revolutionary agitation among the The programme of the new paper was announced Austro German prisoners of war in Russia. among the on nave one as follows: the German Majority Socialists led by Scheidemann, Austro German troops, and in Austria, Hungary and as well as the official Social Democratic party of HimgGermany. With the first issue of The Social Revolution a little ary. The Stockholm conference is assaned as a reactigroup of Magyar Communists joins the battle The work of organizing the Hungarian prisoners for the international social revolution. We have to onary bourgeois gathering.
was put in charge of Bela Kun, a Magyar Socialist, struggle on two fronts at The peace of Brest Litovskis denounced in the himseli a prisoner in one of the concentration camps.
We shall same time.
fight ruthlessly, without compromise, tor article by Radek as the peace of the victorious brigTo dav Bela Kun is head of the Soviet republic of the destruction of the oppressor of proletarians and ands. He flavs the proletarian soldiers of Germany, Hungarv. The origin of the upheaval that turned the poor peasants: the social order based on canitalistic Avetria and Hungary for their submissiveness, for ancient Hungarian realm into a stronghold of Bolshe nroduction. But we shall fight none the less ruthlessly their treachery toward the Russian revolution, and certainly deserves the adjective humble. It was against the official Social Democratic parties, which concludes: page paper. published in the Magvar before and durine the war have betrayed the cause of You will have to rise against your governments, language at Moscow twice a week under the title proletarian liberation.
vnu German, Austrian. Magyar slaves, because nobody Szocialis Forradalom.
meaning social revolution. We stand firmly on the basis of class war. Under else can do that job for you. The German gove.
The first number of The Social Revolution was no circumstances do we recognize a social truce. ment is the bulwark of reaction in Europe. Germar issued on April 1918. Its editorial office was in Our creed is revolutionary Marxism. To spread is the prison of peoples. It is up you, slaves, it rom 21 of the Hotel Dresden, Moscow. The first this doctrine, the scientific expression of proletarian our duty, to blow up the rates of that prison. Everynumber carried an article by Bucharin, editor of class struggle, in a popular form, so as to make it thing else is futile: Revolution or a slow bleeding tr the Communist, entitled Why Are We Commun intelligible to all, will be one of the principal aims of death; this can be the only choice. And you will rebel ists? Another article, headlined And You Will this newspaper, yet.