THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 21, 1919 The Allies in Siberia gone! was the claim of the Allies that the Russian masses War Against the People was startled by a cry from the latter, wliose pistol was would acclaim intervention as providing the opportunity to throw off the vile yoke of the Bolsheviki. over, it is to a very large extent an army of passive Gone! said the officer crossly. You ought to Instead, events are proving that the Russian masses resistance.
know better than to lose your gun! Where did you are eager to throw off the vile yoke placed by this During the winter just past, this vanishing army wear it?
counter revolutionary intervention upon their liberty.
entered the cities occupied by the Allies, and, in the Meekly the orderly indicated the position of his The whole course of intervention proves that it is guise of refugees, or loyal Russians, received food, holster on his right hip.
it. impose an alien will upon the Russian people. The Allied guns it spent the period of bitter cold weather the exasperated officer. Keep it well to the front like masses of Russia have had ample opportunity to overin comfort, perfecting its plans for the on coming mine. Look here! And he slapped his own holster, throw the Soviet Government, if they wished; but in spring, carrying on its propaganda of hostility against worn well to the front on his belt. Then the red of spite of starvation, in spite of war from the whole the interventionists, and mingling with the troops chagrin spread over his face. Lord! he cried. Aline world, the revolutionary masses refuse to make a which had come half way round the world to render gone, too!
counter revolution, refuse to overthrow their governit harmless.
The workmen of Siberia act as they can against the ment.
This is how this vanishing army fights: invaders. Captain Moore says: Nothing but contemptible dishonesty could now Take the case of one of their earlier engagements The trans Siberian Railroad is virtually in the claim that the Russian people welcome intervention. With the Japanese. The attack was south of Habar lands of the Bolsheviki Bolshevik firemen, engineers, In Siberia, the Allies have crushed the liberty of the pvsk. It was significant that the Japanese took scarce conductors, repairmen, signalmen, switchmen, stationmasses, have imposed a bayonet autocracy upon the many prisoners. That was because a few of the Bol masters and, to a large extent, telegraph operators.
people, have supported the infamous Kolchak and his sheviki held back the Japanese, giving the main Russian Not only do these men absorb graft, but trains move reactionary coterie. The masses of Siberia, accord front time to break up. Then, when the Japanese only at their will, or if against their will, are wrecked.
ingly, are against the Allies and their intervention. forces inoved forward, they passed through the Bol And if instead of accepting the statement that all of This is proven by an article in the June issue of sheviki jariny without knowing it. and actually ask the fighting Bolsheviki are to be found on the EkateHearst Magasine, written by Frederick Moore, ed it where it was!
rinburg front, the newspaper correspondents would Late Captain, Intelligence, of the American Exped What the Japanese force thought it saw was large understand the situation better if they could realize that all Siberia, all Russia, is a front.
itionary Force in Siberia, under the title The Vanish numbers of badly dressed peasants, busily at work in ing Army of the Bolsheviki.
the fields.
This revolutionary sabotage is used all along the Captain Moore nakes the unequivocal statement. Overwhelmed by superior munitions and equipment, line against the Allies, who answer with executions Ninety five per cent of the people in Siberia are Bol of fighting. This is how they secure weapons: the Bolshevik masses of Siberia adopt their own forms and the Cossacks with Aogging and worse. The Soviet as an institution in Siberia has been crushed by sheviki. It is clear, then, that the Allies mission in but truck load of Kolchak machine guns at Omsk alien reaction, Siberia is to restore the rule of a reactionary minority Tisappeared while in transit from one barracks to anlives in the hearts of the masses.
in a moment, at the appropriate moment, the masses of per cent. surely a case of making the world safe for democracy!
other, and the men who were making the transfer will rise and assert their Communist independence.
But, what is more important, Captain Moore proves know how the Bolsheviki added to their own coupply by the Russian people? Lies, all lies. They cannot dropped from sight. Some of our officers and soldiers Considering this testimony of a non Bolshevik, what becomes of the Allies claim concerning being invited have adopted the policy of passive resistance and sah the American officers travelling with orderlies had shoot the Russian masses into submission, nor can otage. It is an effective expression of the will of the their automatics either taken by stealth of snatched they bribe them into accepting reaction by promises of masses. The Captain says: from the holsters in crowded railroad stations. One food. Man does not live by bread alone. The Allies in Siberia have been surrounded by an of these officers expostulated with thief. Here! The news that comes from Siberia, in spite of the army without uniforms or other visible military equip ho shouted. That my gun! Well, you re wrong, blockade, indicates an appalling condition of misery ment, without any apparent machinery of organization. was the reply in good English; it mine, and you and oppression there, under the civilized domination This army has the ability to vanish without being better not start any trouble here. It seemed good of the Allies.
missed, to reassemble when and where it chooses, to set advice.
In a criminal war of plunder and aggression, the up a front if it so desires, or, if it sees fit, to dissolve One story going the rounds is to the effect that an most criminal episode is the intervention of the Allies again, concealing itself once more under the wings of officer of high rank, while pushing his way through a in revolutionary Russia. The proletariat of the world the very host which is seeking to overcome it. More jam of people in a station, followed by his orderly, must end this abominable crime.
All Power to the Workers!
THES THESE are the resolutions adopted at a special conResolutions Adopted at the Chicago Convention ations; not by special committees or trustees not elected vention called to express the stand of Local Cook by and not responsible to the membership.
County (Chicago) on questions before the party, and May 17 18, 1919 d) Establishment of a Central Lecture Bureau, made up of one delegate to each ten members. Nearly and of a Press and Information Bureau.
100 branches were represented, with membership over of Socialism, like all other platforms, can contain only e) Standardization of party platforms, propaganda, úooo.
one clemand: All power to the working class local dues and methods of organization.
The foregoing was offered as a composite resolution. Be it resolved, that the following propositions shall power as the basis for further gains of power.
constitute the platform of Local Cook County of the 3) We favor organized Socialist Party activity in discussed and adopted item by item. The further resSocialist Party until further action by a future Cook co operation with class conscious industrial unionism, olutions dealing with party questions of general application are as follows: County Convention, and shall be binding upon all in order to unify industrial and political class conscious Officials, candidates, speakers and committees of local propaganda and action.
7) Whereas the National Executive Committee of Cook County. 4) We are opposed to Socialist Patty association the Socialist Party of the United States has obscured a) We favor international alliance of the Social with other groups not committed to the revolutionary Amnesty Convention; and the class nature of our organization hy the call for an ist Party of the United States only with the Communist class struggle, such as Labor parties, Nonpartisan Whereas it is essential at all times to keep the class groups of other countries, such as the Bolsheviki of leagues, People Council, Municipal Ownership leaRussia, Spartacans of Germany, and so forth, accordgues and the like.
nature of our organization clearly defined by non affiliation with non working class organization; ing to the call issued for the Third International by a) The political action of the revolutonary prothe Bolshevik Party of Russia, and upon the program letariat is not limited to the use of the ballot; we realize the action of the National Executive Committee in Be it resolved: that this Convention is opposed to as presented in this call.
that our primary dependence must be on the mass calling the Amnesty Convention now set for July 4th, b) We demand that the National Executive power and the mass political action of the proletariat; and that we recommend that this call be rescinded.
Committee of the Socialist Party and our International and we realize also, that this mass power and this mass 8) Resolved that this Convention go on record as Delegates shall take at once some decisive action to political action are more closely related to the induscut off our party from the Bureau or Congress of the trial struggle of the proletariat than to routine politics. endorsing the and that it will do all within its power to acquaint the American workers with revSecond International. 6: The activity of the Socialist Party in polit olutionary industrial unionism. a) Socialist Party platforms, proceeding on the ical campaigns shall keep distinct the class nature of 9) Endorsement of Sunday Schools under direct basis of the class struggle, and recognizing that the our political action, and shall not foster the idea of the party control.
Socialist movement has come into the historical period Socialist Party as the advocate of an advanced labor 10) Recommendation of organization of agitation of social revolution, can only contain an explanation progressivism.
and literature distribution on the basis of factories and of the class struggle and the demand for the Dictator 6) We favor centralized party organization cor industrial units, with division of county into industrial hip of the Proletariat.
responding to the Iniglily centralized imperialistic con districts. b) municipal platform of Socialism cannot 1rol to be overthrown, and to this end make the follow11) Resolution providing for calling of County roceed on a separate basis, but must conform to the ing recommendations: Conventions, with plenary powers, by direct initiative eneral platform, simply relating the attainment of loc a) Organization for quick action and immediate of branches. power to the immediate goal of gaining national response to new situations by having a National EmThe other resolutions of the Convention are in the Yower. There are no city. problems within the terms ergency Committee, composed of three or more memof the class struggle, only the one problem of capital bers of the National Executive Committee, who shall the intervention in Russia, the Winnipeg strike, the nature of greetings and remonstrances concerned with st versus proletarian domination.
act as party officials and propagandists with offices in the national headquarters.
class war pogroms, the Lawrence strike The particular evils of national, state and city gov(accompanied by contribution of funds. pledge of co operation in nment are merely illustrative of the central problem, Control by the party organization of all Social general strike for release of class war prisoners; greetd should be thus presented: they should not be listed ists elected 10 public office.
ings to Russian Soviet Republic, Hungarian Soviet Rethe things to be reniedied item by item, as the basis Control by the party membership, through the public, Spartacans of Germany, and the Third ComSocialist political activity. The municipal platform regular executive committee, of all official party public munist International.