day, June 21, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE T HE ugliest feature of the action of the were helplesse against this Totes its oficials revolutionary Socia which the language press: there is 11, 981 Clear the Decks!
fore, be to organize and reorganize all grades and The Speaks strata of labor on broad class lines, not only nationally, IV but internationally. Not as trade unions, nor even as HILE it is being repudiated by the Party for jis article, The Socialist Task and Outlook, in How? By means of Socalist propaganda. mere industrial unions, but as one working class union. its criminal actions in trying to split the Party, he. Call of May 21, Morris Hillquit admits that the the justifies itself in a declaration cond International broke down, although This is sheer evasion. Industrial unionism implies to the membership. The declaration is signed Janies by pudiates the Third Communist International. His one working class union. To speak of Socialist Oneal, Shiplacoff, Dan llogan, Seymour Stedman, sal, in fact, is to re constitute the old Interna propaganda is another evasion, since the whole issue George Goebel, Fred Holt, Fred Kratti and John. In speaking of the collapse of the Internationis the character of this propaganda. We must emM. Work four of whom were pro zear, all of whom Ilquit says: phasize revolutionary Socialism, fight the official favored a Wilson peace, and all of whom have been of organize a new labor movement. This is the overwhelmingly repudiated by the arty in the electIt was the economic organization of the European task of the Socialist Party, of the Left Wing that is ions for a new orkers, and the pressure of immediate economic interts (as understood by them) that broke the solidarity revolutionizing the Party.
This declaration is a unique document. It is a the Socialist International. It was not parliament Clear the decks!
tissue of lies and slander. lt viciously attacks Die revrism that was primarily responsible for the mischief. The organized lahor movement. was a movement The slogan of the moderates is: Split the Party for olutionary comrades in the Party. It sets its face as or the benefit of the hetter situated strata of labor. petty bourgeois Socialism, for the labor moveinent steel against the development of revolutionary Socialje skilled workers.
of social Imperialism!
ism in the Socialist Party. It is a document of desperi his appears as an acceptance of the revolutionary ate men, and of criers after the lead.
cialist analysis, until it is considered in itself and The slogan of the Left Wing is. Conquer the Party for revolutionary Socialism, for the militant class The declaration says: Evidence in our possession. gether with the conclusion.
struggle of the industrial proletariat. indicates an organized and systematic attempt, of The labor moveinent was not really a labor movenation wide scope, to capture the organization by fair ment at all, but a caste movement of the skilled workmeans or foul. using the foreign language papers ers. The demands of this movement were moderate.
Repudiation in a disgusting campaign of slander against the Party and its elected It has occupied a sort of privileged position.
and cowardly tirade as we could Always moderate, this labor Inovement with the advent of Imperialism, became directly counter revin trying to split the Party for moderate, petty not know what was taking place. Our italics. The olutionary. Imperialism requires a satisfied working ponsible bourgeois Socialism, is that the gentlemen res Left Wing organislisu. It appealed to the inember openly to conquer the Party for the nefarious act have all been overwhelmclass, in order to develop that national unity. requsite ingly repudiated by the membership in the elections ship, by means of constructive criticism and. the struggles of international Imperialism. labor movement the skilled workers were given national secretary.
This for a new international delegates and inter Its campaign was open. It is dishonest for the to limit the agitation to the in the profits of Imperialism; in return for The offical vote has been secured from the following The Proletarian, the Ohio Socialist, the Buffalo New The Revolutionary Age: York. it had to support the government and accept social Imperialism. This meant that the labor movestates. Texas, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Ohio, Colorado Age, and other English papers that agitated for the ment had to use its organized power and prestige to maintain the overwhelming mass of the workers, the Georgia, Rhode Island, Arkansas, Maine, Kentucky, industrial proletariat of unskilled labor, in subjection. Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Virginia, and the against the campaign, of which they were perfectly Out of this circumstance developed a class struggle District of Columbia. The results for international pudiated by the mass of the comrades in the Party. The within the working class, a development ignored by delegates are as follows: capture of the Party is simply the party itself assertthe official representatives of Socialism.
The Left Wing ing its control against the reactionary bureaucrats.
The industrial proletariat of unskilled labor constiJohn Reed 14, 006 Fair means or foul? Let the membership judge who tuted the potentially revolutionary class; and it was the task of Socialisrn to awaken, articulate and organLouis Fraina uses the foul methods: the Left Wing uses agitation, ize this class. The dominant moderate Socialism reA. Wagenknecht 9, 061 constructive criticism, ideas; the moderates use expulsjected this revolutionary task; it accepted the labor Ruthenberg 8, 981 ion, sabotaging referendums, stranglir:g the will of the Ferguson 6, 607 membership. Eight men split the Party, after being movement as its basis, and united with this movecverwhelmingly repudiated by the arty: are the ment against the revolutionary expressions of the unThe Moderates means fair or foul?
skilled proletariat. as did Morris Hillquit Co. against the Victor Berger 2, 798 Fear means or foul? Let the membership judge: This labor movement, hesitant and moderate, imAdolph Germer 2, 401 The declaration says: If constant repetition Seymour Stedman posed a hesitant and moderate policy upon Socialist 2, 100 Shiplacoff of phrases, common action with government officials, parliamentarism, emphasized by the fact that the dom1, 736 Louis Engdahl and systematic sabotage of the Party are revolutioninant moderate Socialism also expressed the requireOscar Ameringer ary, then this group (the Left Wing) is correct. Can ments of the liberal petite bourgeoisie.
you conceive anything more foul than stigmatizing the James Oneal 1, 410 The fundamental task of Socialism, accordingly, action of the revolutionary comrades of the Left Wing Algernon Lee 1, 252 was to split the labor movement of the skilled workas common action with government officials. John Work 1, 142 ers and organize a new militant movement of the un Boudin 910 The Left Wing was against the Anmesty. Conskilled proletariat, the dominant fact In concentrated vention because it considered the convention as an industry. The official moderate representatives of the In these same states, for international secretary, the abandonment of the policy of the class struggle. The International, and of the American Socialist Party, revote is: Kate Richards Hare, 10, 627; Morris Hill Left Wing agitated in favor of militant action to rejected this imperative task. Under the control of the quit, 3, 720.
lease our class war prisoners, in favor of the mass moderates, our party officially has been the protector At the session where 40, 000 revolutionary strike to compel the government to act; it was against and the ally of the ultra reactionary of comrades of the Socialist Party were either expelled amnesty, appeals to the government of the capitalHillquit dodges the issue completery. The labor or suspendd, James Oneal feelingly and sanctimonious ists and co operation with reactionary bourgeois libermovement was what it was. But the task of Social y spoke about the confidence that the membership als.
The Left Wing maintains that only the action ism is to represent the fundamental revolutionary inCon of revolutionary Socialism can compel the release of terests of the proletariat, to articulate and organize fidence! James Oneal, Shiplacoff, John our imprisoned comrades. But the declarthat proletarian class which alone is the carrier of the Work, Seymour Stedman, and Adolph Germer were ation in speaking of the Left Wing opposition to the Revolution. not to become the expression of react of the majority: look at the votes they secured Amnesty Conference makes this contemptible stateionary labor.
for international delegates, and then measure the extra ment: Between betrayal inside the party and supMoreover, out of this dependence upon the reaction ordinary confidence that the membership has in these presion by government officials, our imprisoned cum ary labor movement and the middle class (why does sabotagers of the Party.
rades are inade a sacrifice to capitalist reaction.
Hillquit not mention this middle class. developed Frederick Krafft and George Goebel were also We urge a revolutionary policy to release our imcertain concepts of the dominant moderate Socialism: of the majority that sabotaged the Party. prisoned comrades and are accused of using con1. Socialist emphasis on parliamentarism. accept They were candidates for reelection to the mou action with government officiais. We demonstrate ing that parliamentary idiocy of which Marx speaks, from District Two. In this district the Left Wing that the petty bourgeois policy of the will that imagines parliaments decide all things and forgets candidates swept the field, the results never release the class war prisoners and are stig the rude outside world.
matized as making a sacrifice of our comrades to Accepting the bourgeois state as the basis of Ruthenberg, 5, 786; Marguerite Prevey, 4, 885; capitalist reaction. These are the fais means itsed Socialist action, and making Socialism a movement for Fred Harwood: 2, 774. Fred Krafft received 849 votes, by the treacherous against the fosul means State Capitalism.
and George Goebel 492. In their own state of New of the Left Wing of the Party, for the Left Wing is Becoming absorbed in the petty bourgeois na Jersey. Goebel received 167 votes and Krafft 246; now the Socialist Party!
tional liberal movement, the dominant Socialism acwhile the Left Wing candidate Harwood received 1, 158 votes.
The declaration accuses ile Language cepted nationalism and social Imperialism.
Federations of trying to cloninate the Party, in an4. Repudiating industrial unionism and mass act James Oneal was a candidate for re election to the ion, the revolutionary expression of the real proletarother statement, the speaks of an American from District One. In three states of this Party The Left Wing is acting in accord with any iat of unskilled labor.
district Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Mainepeculiarity in social and political conditions: Having abandoned the revolutionary task and Oneal received 688 votes, Morris Hillquit 838. while its acceptance of of industrial unionism, developed by accepted the bourgeois state as the basis of action, the Left Wing candidates received: Fraina, the American revolutionary movement and which the moderate Socialism repudiated proletarian dictatorship, 130: I: Hourwich, 2, 544; Lindgren, 1, 472. repudiates, is proof of tłat. But the fundawhich alone is capable of realizing communist Social The speaks of fraud, but fraud could mentals of Socialism are international in scope: our ism.
lever have been perpetrated on such a large scale as must be an international movement. The AmericanThe answer of revolutionary Socialism this to give the Left Wing candidates the tremendous ism of the is simply petty bourgeois Socialistration of Socialism was mass action in Europe and majority they have received.
ism. dustrial unionism in the United States, together The Party membership in the elections has overwhel The convicts itself. It evades all problems with repudiation of the policy of petty bourgeois parl mingly repudiated te Old Guard, the representatives of revolutionary action and of fundamental Socialism.
iamentarism and reformism.
of moderate petty bourgeois Socialisin. That is clear. It is desperately using the most desperate and infamous Hillquit now admits certain things which previously And it is just clear that the moderates, by refusing means to preserve the supremacy of molerate. petty he denied. But his conclusion shows his evasion: The to abide by the election results, are trying to steal the bourgeois Socialism, to wreck the Party. Comrades first task of the post war International must, there elections. Comrades, protect the integrity of the Party! of the Socialist Party, act to protect your Party!
1, 647 1, 584 to