2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 21, 1919 The Revolutionary Age of. are at as old timers who were repudiated completely by the Conference of May 17 18, now declared illegal.
The Russian Offensive The Left Wing elements of Chicago are not worried Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events HE Allies are still at their miserable business o kipation in the rump conference. This probably Russia, a war that constitutes aggression agains Lovis FRAINA Editor means more expulsions.
But since the bulk of the Party is now Left Wing, the peace and liberty of the world.
Contributing Editors the moderates must soon expel the whole party. Let In Paris. the Peace Conference has recognized JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA them! They ll have a nice batch of expulsion orders, the Russian Government of the Czarist Admira HOURWICH Kolchak. FERGUSON and revolutionary Socialism will have the Party.
LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE In New York City, the offices of the Soviet Repre Bulwark of Reaction sentative Martens have been raided and all paper RUTHENBERG seized, while Washington terms with rumors of de HE dominant fact emerging out of the convention portation.
ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY of the American Federation of Labor is the These two facts occuring almost simultaneously apparent conclusion of a temporary partnership indicate a new offensive against the workers of Russia By LOCAL Boston, SOCIALIST PARTY between organized labor and the employing element and equally against the workers of the world. STEINER, Business Manager for the suppression of Bolshevism, to accomplish Soviet representative Martens, according to th 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
This is the declaration in a news story by Louis Seimurgeois law of nations, is covered by diplomatic bold, appearing in the New York World of June 16. apparently, decided to prevent German violation. But the Allies Subscription 00 for sit months (26 issues)
Bundle orders 2c a copy This is not at all surprising. excopt, perhaps, to the the law of na ons only in order that they migh yellow Socialist who all these years has been huttress freely violate it themselves.
the as a misleader of labor. Two of these yellows Mahlon Barnes and Max moi cela ne recognized Kolchak as a mvernment.
But that is There is dispute whether the Allies have actually Aggression Against Mexico role of equivocation.
American intervention in Mexico. International The of started as a movement to smash the in an official form the aid and co operation they have capital, particularly American finance capital, is using old Knights of Labor, which in that day was a radical rendered the reactionary forces of Admiral Kolchak all its resources to bring about a state of affairs pro organization. It developed as a craft union organin their war against the people of Russia. The Allies.
viding the pretext for intervention.
ization of the worst sort, actually splitting up labor in fact. recognized the Czarist gangster Kolchak It is the oil wells of Mexico, particularly, and its instead of uniting it. In all its years of supremacy, ment, with arms munitions, foud, money. The Allies months ago, by providing him with moral encourageother natural resources generally, which are beckoning the of Officially through its bureaucracy was foreign capital to the conquest of this devastated the ally of Capitalism against Socialism and against liave been waging war against Soviet Russia since militant labor. supporting Capitalism often while labor November 1917 country.
was engaged in a death struggle against then employment on March 1913, the British Government decided to create Who is this kolchak? What is his goverinent? In Thic Peace Conference has said, in so many words, that Mexico, is legitimate prey. Its recognition of the leaders, whom Mark Hanna designated his labor American Monrne Doctrinean imperialistic doctrine lieutenants. These labor lieutenants of the capitalist Folchak at its head, as the only dependable strong for the aggrandizement of United States capital on the class, torether with the aristocracy of labor, aspired American continents indicated the general policy: and to petty bourgeois case and status. and in the pursuit ocratic government at Archangel. but old man Tchaithe exclusion of Mexico from membership in the of this object made their offensive and defensive pact kovskv. could not deliver the goods. The Allies League of Nations is proof positive of the intention. with Capitalism. The symbol of this pact was the acordingly. centred their support upon the reactionar Counter revolutionary generals are financed by National Civic Federation, where Samuel Gompers overnment of Kolchak, which they organized ani hanks: handits in Mexico are supplied with funds and and other misleaders of labor wined and dined with financed. while informing the world that it was the inunitions all in order to create that anarchy which the capitalist oppressors of the workers.
government of the Russian people. will their become the pretext for intervention to Out of this policy developed the of support Arlmiral Kolchak is a monarchist, a believer in make Mexico safe for democracy and preserve civil of the reactionary war, the labor leaders accom strong government. The Allies made a bluff of ization. plishing excellent service not alone in mobilizing labor exacting democratic guarantees from Kolchak, but Workers will do the fighting. Workers will do the for the war. but in preventing labor making excessdving. Gapital will reap the profits. War against ive wage demands while the capitalists were inaking crush the Bolsheviki, establish a strong autocratic gove Mexico is equally war against our own workers. This fabulous profits and hundreds of new millionaires ernment, imprison democracy, and then call a Conis the new world promised out of the war, a world created.
stituent Assembly!
of depredation and oppression.
The social condition behind this co operation of the The government of Kolchak would have beer And what else did you expect? All expectations. Fof Land Capitalism is comprised in organized resily crushed by the Russian people if it had 110t heel.
of progress and peace and liberty from Capitalism are for the Allies. It is the Allies who are waging the dominate the other unions of unskilled labor, while punter revolutionary war against the Russian worker illusions. Capitalism is predatory: Capitalism is onpression. Capitalism and Imperialism can assure only the bulk of the proletariat is unorganized. The skilled and peasants. The recognition of the Kolchak gov workers occupy a sort of war and plunder and oppression. International revprivileged status: the comes at the moment that the great offens olutionary Socialism must become the proletarian in the spoils of Imperisterialism and receive a share heen corrupted by ival of the counter revolution had collapsed, when the answer to this international menace.
in return for which org Snyiet tromps had re captured Ufa, when it appeare anized labor protects Capitalism and crushes the rev gre if thin Volelak government was finally to be crushed.
olutionary movements of the proletariat. This is the The Allies to the rescue!
Expel the Party!
social condition. equally, that produces the savage war waged by the of upon the iv.
But this new offensive against Soviet Russia conies, The National lixccutive Committee of the Sawialwhich represents the militant proletariat of unskilled crinally, at a moment when the massse of the Allies ist Party, nverwlicluingly repudiated in the electare about to protest. Italy and France are afame with ions for a new is preparing new expulsions.
strikes: and tere is an intensive agitation for a political The World states that the of is concecled At the State Convention of the Party in Massachumass strike against intervention in Russia, a protest be the best equipped for waging the struggle setts, whiclı adopted the left Wing Manifesto and against Bolshevism. Why? Bolshevism, that is to say, strike which its originators hope to produce in Italy, Program, a group of delegates sececled, led by two France and England simultaneously.
revolutionary Socialism, makes its appeal to labor, and lawyers. They telegraplied Executive Secretary GerMoreover, the recognition of Kolchak, that murd.
mer. wfio thereuvon telegraphed the Contemhers capital must use labor in order to wage a successful In the name of labor.
erer of the people. comes at the moment when the one or whom. James Oneal. thereupon made this accordingly, the of strikes at the heart of revolutionary proletariat of Norway las lecided to moti labor the break the blockade of Russia, and accepted the Com That the National Secretary secure documentary munist International.
States, class using class conscious and alert, is evidence, is such exists, of repudiation of party labor to fight militant labor and maintain the sup This recognition comes, again, at the moment tha rolicy in Massachusetts, if obtaineil the National Secrthe Soviet troops are conquering, when new revolution ctary shall recognize that organization which supports sia, as is being done in Germany and England. Trades ary troops are being mobilized, preparing to make thei the policy and principles formulated in national con unionism everywhere, the aristocracy of labor, is cor juncture with the troops of Soviet Hungary.
vention melly referendum.
rupted by Imperialism, betrays the bulk of the proleIn the nited States, in spite of the reactionary Power to cxpx:1 000 members of the Party, accord tariat to Capitalism. of convention, the proletarian masses are against ingly, is placed in the hands of our man. the National It is the task of revolutionary Socialism to crush intervention, are developing a more intense sympathy Secretary. Two reactionary Socialists, George this labor bulwark of reaction, by co operating with for the cause of Soviet Russia, which is the cause of Goebelino! Jamex Carcv, both of rchom gepre pro the militant elements of the of in the con the workers of the world.
scar: came to Toston, looked around, and went right struction of a new labor movement of revolutionary Soviet Russia has completely exposed the miserable home again. Massachusetts has no use for moderates. industrial unionism. ideals of the Allies. It has lemonstrated that the The State Committee of Illinois the citadel of re Allies represent reaction, that they are strangling the action in the Party seems to be the hold over Executive The Labor Movement in Japan peace and liberty of the peoples of the world. It is Committees, eleted a long time ago is out with for the proletariat to capitalize this demonstration. It constitutional casuistry to set aside a completed revBy SEN KATAYAMA is for the proletariat, the natural ally of Soviet Russi: oluton in the Chicago organization. as if constituti 1 fine story of the militant Labor Movement to accept the task of preventing the strangling of the onal (nis) interpretation would affect the convictions Russian Revolution. The system representeel ly the of the revolutionary menthership.
in Japan, by a pioneer of Japanese Socialism.
Incispensable to the International Socialist.
Allies, the system of Capitalism and Imperialism, is The State omniter orders a new county confernot simply the enemy of the workers of Russia: it is Cloth 00 a copy enemy of the rkers of the world. Peace and ence, with the seven suspended Federations eliminated.
liberty cannot prevail as long as this system prevails.
and with limitation to delegates who have been party THE REVOLUTIONARY ACTE members two years and one vear in the local. Under It is the revolutionary task of the international pro885 Washington Street the conditions of rand change in the party memberletariat to break the offensive of international Capitalship. esperially in Chicago, this is a perfect scheme for Boston, Mass.
ism against Soviet Russia, which is an offensive against arrangig a nice little conference of a small group of the peace and liberty of the workers of the world.
compost labor.
and United Capitalism.