The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 36 Saturday, June 21, 1919 Price Cents Workers Control of Industry Struggling Kurso hich is financed by Aamera ing warith the smarte y proyer ver to the great masters of problem.
is any other collapse of of factory to States: veryd existence.
But democracy, murder, the best HERE is a counter revolutionary, Capitalist industry, moreover, is an autocracy. Start of Soviet Russia, means workers control of industry.
How does this work?
can banks with Russian money. carrying on a finance, the capitalist class absolutely controls industry. In proletarian Russia, the factories are put in the very large campaign of advertising against the Work This autocratic control of industry culminates in the control of the workers. The system of control starts men and Peasants Republic of Russia. This mag absolute control of the industrial life of the nation at the bottom, with the workers, not with a bureauazine insists that Bolshevism is the central world and of the world exercised by finance capital, by the cratic state, or politicians, or capitalists. Every factory The conscious capitalist press is now stressing this ificant minority of the anks and industrial monopolists, by an insign elects a Factory Committee, from among the workers people and the technical staff, which is supreme within the aspect of Bolshevism. They now recognize that it is. The workers have no say in the management of in factory. Where the capitalist owner has not been not a problem of pro German agents, of mass murder, dustry under this industrial autocracy. They have no eliminated in many cases he is temporarily retained of chaos in Russia; nor simply a Russian problem it vote in the management of production, or in the disthe central world problem of Socialism against Cap posal of the goods they produce. They must accept to the control of the Factory Committee, which regulas a manager) he is subject absolutely, in all his actions, Italism.
the decisions of the industrial autocrats. They may The determining factor in international ale io. e purchase and sale of products, factory conevents ease their bondage a bit here and there, by means of not that Germany has been crushed, or that a number But one uc of small nations have emerged is not independent of to independence, or that the world is being divided territorially and finanRush Your Seconds!
is a complicated process that requires centralized management. The various factory story, produce factor is that out of all this, Resolved, by the Joint Meeting of the branches of out of the war and the committees in Local Cuyahoga County, Cleveland. having an averCapitalism, has age of 1821 members in good standing for the year 1918, representatives to a Lower Workmen Council of emerged the definite proletarian Socialstruggle for that we initiate the following referendum motions, to be Control, whi the hom. This struggle for Socialism is no longer a theory submitted to the party membership of the United in a particular isolated in action; it is now a fact of life itself, the of Control are centralized into Resolved, that the act of the National Executive All Russian an Council of Control, which unifies factory ppoindustrin Superior nost vital problem for Capitalism and the proletariat.
Committee in expelling from the Socialist Party of In meeting the problem, Capitalism is fighting for its Michigan from the Socialist Party of the United States, in all the country.
of a state with 6, 000 members, without giving the state control is the Supreme Council of National Economy, yethods. The workers of Russia initiated this world a trial or even a hearing in its own defense, is hereby which unifies the Workmen Organs of Control, the. and so international Capital, rescinded and annulled and the Socialist Party of peasants committees of management, and the Soviet ism, represented by the Allies, concentrates its attack Michigan restored to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Socialist Party of the United States.
Government. In this way are unified production, disupon the workers of Russia as the resolute defenders Resolved, that the action of the National Executive tribution, wages and conditions of labor.
of the interests of the workers of the world. Starv Committee of the Party in arbitrarily suspending the This is the basis of industrial democracy, of work tison counter revolutionary plots, assassination, in Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Lottish, Polish, South ers control of industry: All these committees and Slavic and Hungarian Federations from the Party is hereby rescinded and annulled.
councils of control are elected from the bottom up, by struggle to.
spathe apologists of Capitalism try to complicate the Resolved that the action of the majority of the the workers, who are industrial citizens and use the National Executive Committee, which is largely comindustrial vote to control the management of productproblem. They try to make it difficult for the workers posed of candidates for re election in the referendum ion.
to understand.
just, closed, in holding up and refusing to tatrulate the It is on the basis of this worlåters control of industry the problem is very simple. It is not a problem vote on Referendum and C, for the election of the the end of capitalist industrial autocracy and National Executive Committee, International Delegates of the or of communizing women, or of mass and International Secretary, and calling a National profit power of the capitalists that the workers and or of any of the lies spread so feverishly by Convention, is hereby rescinded and the national secre peasants of Russia are constructing a new society.
bourgeois press and other agents of Capitalism. tary instructed to immediately tabulate the vote and to The central world problem of Bolshevism, accordThe crux of the Russian problem is simply this: declare the candidates receiving the highest number ingly, is a simple workmen proposition. It is within workers control of industry.
of votes elected, in accordance with the National the comprehen in Party Constitution.
Let us for a moment consider the purpose of the of every man and woman who works for a Resolved, that the action of the National Executive Soviet Government. political in shop, mill or mine. easily comCommittee in preparing to place the property of the prehended. in power of Capitalism has been crushed. The Socialist Party in the hands of a Board of Directors, deshen enteral world problem of Bolshevism workers have the nood political power. The workers conquered three to be elected for three years, three for six years and three for nine years; these director not being means simply the determination of the proletariat to are using this power to crush the industrial power subject to recall by either the National Executive crush the industrial autocracy of Capitalism and the capitalists. giving the land to the peasants and Committee or the membership of the Party, be reversed the factories to the workers. capitalist republic introduce the industrial democracy of Socialism. and rescinded.
workers control of industry itself, which is of a political rights tem is based upon the supremacy of supreme: the whole social sys unions. but this slight advantage is offset by the in character while elected industrially by the workers in viet Republic, which is the masses of of the workers alone. The they live to work. They live to produce wealth and political the Under this system, the workers do not work to live, ary affair. It serves two purposes. 1) to crush the and the resistance of the capitalists, or alien; and 2) to develop the conditions for industry, industrial democracy. Slowly, painfully, in This industrial spite of starvation and alien invasion, the Russian ernment. It controls the press. It controls the schools.
autocracy of capital controls the gov the construction of a new the introduction of Socialism in Russia and the masses are crushing the of capital, freeing the It controls because these industrial autocrats bave the world) is completed, then the Soviet Government, the ital, and constructing a new society of communist labor This industrial autocracy workers from the tyranny and the exploitation of cap wealth, and wealth under Capitalism means power. ccomplished of the proletariat, will disappear, having to purchase the servand fraternity, of workers control of industry, in ices of a mercenary army of intellectuals, educators, which will remain (which is not a government in the which labor work for the peace and the people, Russian not for the profit of the canPiness of politicians and journalists, whose task it is to deceive old sense) will be the industrial administration coinrevolutionary masses are introducing the masses and promote the supremacy of Capitalism. prised in the management and regulation of production Democracy in government becomes a fraud under a for the workers. This final now beSocialism. This fact is against the interests of ing constructed by the Soviet Republic, through the italism, since if Socialism proves a success in Cap systein where industrial autocracy prevails.
Out of the industrial autocracy of Capitalism comes Factory Committees, the Workmen Councils of Conthe workers the world will struggle for a similar the misery and oppression of the workers, wars and all trol and the Supreme Council of National Economy, objective. Capitalism, accordingly, mobilizes against the evils that afflict humanity. Out of this system dev It is a simple proposition, this workers control of the Socialist workers of Russia in order to crush the elops the class struggle of the proletariat to overthrow industry: but it means the end of Capitalism. That workers of the world Capitalism.
is why Capitalism, predatory, reactionary, brutal, rcis Capitalism? Capitalism is a social system As a contrast to this terrible system, the Soviet Reby the Allies. is determined to crush the based upon private property, upon the private owner public of Russia looms as an oasis in the desert, as Sresented by Republic.
ship of industry by the capitalists. The workers are the Promised Land of working class emancipation. This means to crush everywhere the developing prodeprived of industrial property; they must secure a First of all, the government of Soviet Russia is a letarian movement for workers control of industryjob in order to live, and these jobs are dispensed by the working class government. The capitalists are exclud which alone can bring peace, liberty and happiness to capitalist owners of industry. The owner of industry ed from participation in this government, since the the workers.
is out to make profits; he employs the workers simply class interests of the them to exploit Capitalism means oppression, misery and degradin order that they shall profits for him. The the workers; and the Soviet Government is a a govern ation for the workers. The democracy of Capitalism the workers do not represent all the values ment of the workers. Where a capitalist government (limited to politics) is a fraud. means for the opProduced by their labor: the employers apped above ists. the Soviet government uses its power against the cracy mean want, unemployment, starvation wages, 11ses its power against the workers and for the capital pression of the workers. Capitalism and its demoof these values, a surplus value over and the value represented in the wages, which becomes the capitalists and for the workers.
oppression for the workers; and wealth, ease and luxprofit of the capitalist class. In other words, the work The purpose of the Soviet government is to break urv for the capitalists.
er are robbed of a portion of the fruits of their labor. the power of the capitalists, and develop the conditions Industrial democracy, workers control of industry, out of which booty the capitalists acquire wealth and for the introduction of Socialism.
means the world for the workers, peace, liberty, happower.
Socialism, in the theory of Marx and the practice piness. The as capital Russian power power is able its shali capitalists compel produce wages of part