8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 14, 1919 The Convention was to lea siege.
their TOW is the really getting along? Has By Ferguson for employment of Haywood on the road for the One the lost its nerve and become conservBig Union Monthly, and for general organization help. ative? After the terrific onslaughts of the past The defense work was separated from organization three years, is it still an organization? Or nothing is unfortunate enough to be enmeshed in courts under work, and made subordinate. The sharpest contest of more than a bogey for capitalistic propaganda? Will the influence of Capitalism. Why not review the the Convention came on the proposal to bar all indicted the persist as a real organization, or become defense, the many defenses the has made men from party offices: The Resolutions Committee merged as an idea in the general labor movement of and ponder a moment: consider the magnificent results. split even on this question, one not voting. The final the nited States. There have been rumors and remember, every fight made has counted for organiz yote was by roll call, with the resoluton defeated by rumors, questions and challenges, judgments and ation. Are you going to say that the court is one prophecies. Let the Convention now answer. battlefront upon which we will not fight? The letter Closely related to the above, a two year limit of is The lilevently Amual Convention (with some gaps results, the Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone defense, editors. This rule against successive terms in office since 1905. was held May 5th to 16th at Chicago. the Ettor. Giovanitti and Caruso case, and some others, was explained as intended to drive them back to the Since 1916 a national convention of the has and concluded with a plea for a defense for every masters in order to retain the proletarian psychology.
been impossible. The governmental, press and ku indicted member.
As long as they are insecure they will fight. Office discussi ques holding tends tous conservatism and to the building efforts of many years. Raids, trials, official stealing tion to the decision of the members, on referendum. 111 of a machine. This rule will develop executives, of supplies from. vote against legal defense will become efftctive ten instead of forcing us to grab tp inexperienced men in sle berlingor members into bull pens without charges, from the mails: conscription, deportation le days after the referendum, except as to those already emerge of the officiallom hardly seems warunder indictment.
But there was a general sentiment against giving ranted when we learn that the pay for the lightst office experienced officials aimet organizers. lynchings and indicted inen, or those out on bonds, control of the in the is 84 per day. There is the suggestion murders. the expectation would be that no organiz organization. It was voted to discontnue all public that the many jailings left thic organization temporarily ation could survive such a siège with a shred of solidations which dealt with personal testimony at the trials. rudderless, and this is to be avoided by a wider diffuOr rather, make a showing in the midst of the With few exceptions the names of indicted men were sion of responsibilty and control. The fundamental kept off the party ballots, even Haywood getting few idea is to have the men on the job rule the organization. The Convention opened quietly. The Chicago papers votes as nominee on the referendum for the editorship to avoid official cliques.
had whipped themselves into the usual hysteria. In of The New Solidarity. Later, provision was made Many constitutional changes were made on this spite of the staunchness of Mayor Short of basis. In fact, the entire constitution was reSioux City, the Agricultural Workers ConDelegates to the national convenvention had been raided, the delegates scat The Most Important Book of the Year. Just Out! tion must he clected from those on the job, the officials being barred as delegates, or before the Metal Miners had been forbidden public simply allowed voice without vote. This was meeting in in Salt Lake City. They The Proletarian Revolution held a gathering of about fifty men direct from the convention privately, using numbers job, and there was constant insistence on the instead of names in the minutes, to guard in Russia main issue, organization on the job. The Generations tende black listal Theatrica en police Convention went on record against workers By Lenin and Leon Trotzky councils at this time. also against propaganda Council was spurred into passing a resoluorganizations within the organiztion against permitting the Convention. But Edited, with an Introduction, Notes ation, both being considered as diverting Mayor Thompson remained silent. The Conand Supplementary Chapters energy from the main purpose.
vention took its way. The ku kluxing was By Louis Fraina Another evidence of the determination to confined to tht rooms of soine of the delbuild rcal industrial unions was the hostility egates; it was disavowed by the city police This unique book traces the course of the great Russian Revolution from March 1917 to October 1918, in the words of the two shown toward the Cieneral Recruiting Union.
and federal authorities.
This union has served as a sort of clearing masters of the Revolution.
The dominant theme of the Convention It consists of a mass of articles and pamphlets written during industrial union branch established. By lax was the conflict between organizing for legal the Revolution, covering every important phase of the Revolution, defense and organizing for industrial union arranged to make a consecutive story.
administration sceruiting charters have been ism. The argumet may be summarized in granted: also members have not taken transthis fashion: The has become too CONTENTS: Part One The First Stage of the Revolution, by Lenin (March 12 to May 18. Part Two The General Profers out of the recruiting branches after shift much an organization for the defense of its gram of the Bolsheviki, by Lenin (tactics. program and gening their occupations. Provision was made members in the courts. This has stopped the eral policy. Part Threc The Struggle for State Power, hy for enforced transfers, and for limitation of organization of industrial unions. We must Lenin and Leon Trotzky (May 18 to the uprising of July 16 17. recruiting charters. Also the universal delget back to our real business, let the courts Part Four The Revolution in Crisis, hy Leon Trotzky (written at the end of August, analyzing the Bolshevik defeat in July, the for do what they will. First the lispionage Law, crsal credentials, whereby any job delegate Moscow Conference and the problems of the future. Part Fiveand now the criminal syndicalism statutes The Proletarian Revolution Conquers, by Louis Fraina (Septcan initiate new members «irectly into the. there is no end to these prosecutions. If ember to January the coup etat of November 7, the Con appropriate industrial union, no matter what we allow ourselves to throw all our energies stituent Assembly: includes articles of Lenin and Trotzky and docu union the delegate himself belongs to inents. Part Six The Revolutionary Struggle for Peace, by Leon The into legal defense, we cannot organize unions existence of three separate unions of Trotzky and Lenin (December to Brest Litovsk. Part Seven and our only real defense is outiside the The Soviet Republic and its Problems, by Lenin (May, 1918. transport workers was criticized as contrary courtroom. It is economic, not legal.
Supplementary Foreign Relations (July to October, 1918; Lenin, to the basic principles of the and Trotzky and Chicherin. On the ninth day the question came up in soine other instances the question was raised as to when an 477 Pages More than 200, 000 Words.
an industrial union is directly: shall we make legal defense? This an industrial union.
Paper Cover, 00; Library Edition, Cloth, 50.
As to the transport was tht one session which broke away from workers, the Convention ordered that the the driving economy of the eleven days. The three divisions hold a special conference and Convention was a business affair. There was The Social Revolution in Germany get together. It may be added that there crisp talking. quick action, 10 speech makappears to be a prospect for the formation By Louis Fraina ing. But eaclt delegate was asked to take the floor on roll call to of an International Marine Transport WorkA fundamental study of the great struggle in Germany, which ers Inclustrial (injon.
legal defense. Some were absolutely opposed is at the same time a study in revolutionary Socialism. Indispensto legal defense as That there is virilc new hlood in the able to an understanding of the character of the European Revdiversion from and a olution. Including two articles by Karl Liebknecht and Franz is indicated by the change from a threeMany were organization work.
opposed to legal Alchring. Popular, comprehensive Incisive.
cars to a two years qualification for office.
selves, but prefered to let others make their 112 Pages; 25c a Copy.
One of the most conscpicious figures in the choice according to the actual circunstances at this time, and one of the three as they arose. The silent defense at Sacrawhose names are on the referendum for mento had made its marked inmpression.
Revolutionary Socialism General Secretary Embree, the genThough agrceing, principle, others cautioncral of the recent Putte strike a two years ed that an absolute rule against legal defense By Louis Fraina menrler. The other nominees of the Conwould be unfair and a (iscouragement to What is Bolshevism, this left wing Socialism which is shaking vention are thos, Whitehead in action hereni those active in organization work. To wait Capitalism? This book provides a thorough analysis of the concepts eral Secretary, and Tewins, anot for a revolution to take a man out, 1ean and program of revolutionary Socialism. It considers Socialism the forceful new figures in the organization.
while leaving him without organization sup: and the War, Imperialism, Socialism in Action, the Death of Demow The revolutionary wave in Europe has port, would be ungrateful. Also, it would cracy, the collapse of the dominant Socialism upon the declaration brought its response within the destroy incentive to work. Economic defense of war, Socialist Readjustment, Class and Nation, Problems of several new branches having already been is best, but we have not yet any general con State Capitalism. Unionism and Mass Action, and Proletarian Dict formed among the Russians, Ukraininans, trol of economic power. Legal (lefense, it atorship.
Finns, Hungarians and Chinese. Organizwas further argucri, is very good propaganda.
Sau katarama, the Japanese Socialist. declares this ation is also going on among a lialf dozen letter was read from Haywood, dealing book the finest interpretation of the new development in other foreign language groups, aided by sevmainly with this question. few sentences International Socialism.
Dut reluctance to organize cral new papers.
are quoted: Those who are manning the 258 Pages: 750 a Copy.
is reported among those who consider their residence liere tenporary, planning to return ship now know the course she started on, and Adress all orders to proleatrian governed lands where demoif we expect to make port, here is what we THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE cracy is not a scrap of paper but a real thing.
must sail by: An injury to one is an injury to all. repeat this now to prevail upon 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
the delegates to take no action that will preBut the proletarian revolutions abroad have vent a complete defense for any member who (Continued on page 6)
Wals univ; is really to express his ideas about of funds, for them in1 thing