Saturday, June 14, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Left Wing Manifesto and Program theory.
ducing proto ary state, of of destroying it in The experiencem a struggling of using the parliaas AVING indicated the collapse of the dominant against parliamentarism and the dominant Socialism. Н By Louis Fraina moderate Socialism, of the Second InternationSyndicalism was a departure from Marxisni, theoal, upon the declaration of war on August 4, retically unsound, although its life impulse was a factII 1914, and during the war, the Left Wing Manifesto or of prime importance, becoming a distorted expresproceeds to trace the development of moderate SocialModerate Socialism sion because of the time of parliamentary Socialism: ism. But the Left of mass action and In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the problems of the Revolution, Socialisin developed into the American concept industrial unionism were in Social Democracies of Europe set out to legislate Capitalism out of office. The class struggle was to be won absolute accord with Marxian Socialism a tactical a peaceful movement of organization, of trades union in the capitalist legislatures. Step by step concessions were to be wrested froni the state: the working class lation and the bourgeois state as the means struggles, of parliamentary action, of conceiving legis supplementary to Marxism.
of intro The struggle against the dominant Socialism became and the Socialist Parties were to be strengthened by Socialism.
a struggle against its perversion of parliamentarism, means of constructive reform and social legislation. No more were the parliaments used as platThe period 1875 1900 was a period of feverish in against its petty bourgeois conception of the state forms from which the challenge of revolutionary Sodustrial cialism was Aung to all the corners of Europe. Another expansion on the basis of the national state. Industrial unionism and mass action equally realized In this period. there was a joint movement which afera had set in, the era of constructive social reform fected the ideology and the practice of the Socialist in order to wage the immediate struggle of the legislation. Dominant moderate Socialism accepted the bourgeois state as the basis of its action and strengten movement: on the one hand, the organization of the letariat and ultimately realize the Social Revolution.
There was another fundamental skilled workers into trades unions, which secured cered that state. The goal bocame constructive reof agreement forms and cabinet portfolios the cooperation of tain concessions and became a privileged caste; and, boniteois the necessity of weakening the classes, the policy of openly or tacitly declaring that fealize Socialism.
on the other, the decay of the industrial middle class, the coming of Socialism was a concern of all the classfor the revolutionary proletariat in crushed by the iron tread of industrial concentration.
es, instead of emphasizing the Marxian policy that As one moved upwards and the other downwards, Russia and Germany, abundantly confirns, while the construction of the Socialist system is the task of Supthe revolutionary proletariat alone. Moderate Social they met, formed a juncture, and united in a plementing, this theory of revolutionary Socialism.
ism accepted the bourgeois state; and through its lead to use the state to improve their conditions.
The clash between the dominant moderate Socialism ers was now ready to share responsibility with the hourgeoisie in the control of the capitalist state, even and revolutionary Socialism. accordingly, developed necessarily meant the use of a political party; and in into this: moderate to the extent of defending the bourgeoiste against the Europe, the party chosen was the party of Socialism, of legislative activity ism emphasized the necessity upon which the trades unions and the middle class imworking classes in the first Briand ministry in bourgeois France, when the official party press was opened to a posed a petty bourgeois policy of reform legislaton mentary state to state to realize Socialism; revolutionary Sodefense of the shooting pf striking railway workers and State Capitalism.
at the order of the Socialist bourgeois coalition cabinet.
The ideal of this middle class crushed under the e simply a means of agitation, emphasized that the Socialism, considered parliamentary action It is absolutely necessary to clearly understand the ership and control of the large aggregations of capital finally overthrown by means of revolutionary industiron tread of industrial concentration was state ownparliamentary political stateřshould be weakened and differences between moderate Socialism and revolu of the trusts. Unable to wield real economic power, rial and mass action in order to realize Socialism. The tionary Socalism in order to understand the develop the middle class tried through state beneficence, by one was petty bourgeois a and moderate; the other prodispute are simply manifestations of one central issue and reassert its independence. This policy was doomed moderate. petty bourgeois Socialism which Revolution evolutionary.
where is actually or potentially counterYeye economic necessity of Capitalisin itself, could be of parliamentary reform promoted State Capitalism, Socialism appears upon the stage of events as a revprevented olutionary movement. It appears as a revolutionary and a privileged status because of its skill, was equally ship or control of industry was a step toward SoThe aristocracy of labor, having secured concessions tionary: moderate Socialism maintained that every hut out of the compulsion of life itself. Socialism was propriated the skilled workers of their skill. These werably. by making State Capitalism the mechanism conceived proletariat, as the most consistent and resolute ex combined with the middle class to secure legislative of Imperialism.
pression of the working class movement for emancip measures of reform on the basis of Capitalism.
Imperialism develops out of the concentration of ation.
Considering itself as the expression of the mass privileged unions, and the middle class, the smallepre perialism requires the centralized out of thig e bonity of the aristocracy of labor, the capital the unity or industrial and bank captain a long movement of the proletariat, Socialism necessarily was ducers, arose the general campaign for legislative reaffected by the prevailing social condtions. After the the forces of capital of maintaining the disFranco Prussian War and the collapse of the first In oms and for State Capitalism. The dominant orgCont bclass groups in subjection, of mobilizing the ternational. social conditions determined organized geois policy, abandoning fundamental Socialism and Imperialism. State Capitalism is anized Socialism became the the expression of this bour whole national power in the international struggles of Socialism as a mor ement of the aristocracy of labor the revolutionary class struggle Bourgeofs liberal of expression of Imperialism, the final stage of is the particular form the middle class. In other words. Socialismions and ideals were absorbed by the Socialist spokesmen and official Socialist policy, with paritalism. What the parliamentary policy of the domin o a petty bourgeois liberal reform move liamertarism the means of ment, with nationalism as an inevitable struggle.
the capitalist lism accomplished was to strengthen state, State Capitalism, and, The table accompaniment This development meant, obviously, the abandonment accordi ize de emergence of this new movement was character of fundamental Socialism. It meant working on the accordingly, to strenuen. Socialism. expressing the The dominant moderate of the Social Democratic Party in basis of the bourgeois parliamentary state, instead of middle class and the aristocracy of labor (two groups Serenany.
These factions were wified and the party classes for State Capitalism instead of the uncomp into consciously counter revolutionary agents) develorganized unity. fundamental revolutionary Socialism was aband stead of the revolutionary theory of the necessity of the cleclaration of war. accordingly, this dominant oned, the Gotha Program being mercilessly criticized conquering Capitalism, the official practice now was hy Marx, particularly in its conception of the state as of of a peaceful of the policy the means for proletarian emancipation. This Progthe imperialistic governments, betrayed the ram evaded completely the revolutionary task of the reforms. in the words of Jaures, we shall carry on ism is a traitor to Socialism and a betraver of the pro concuest of power of that fundamental problem which reform work to a complete transformation Marx. in his criticism of the Gotha Program, characof the letariat in war and in peace, and particularly during erized as follows: Between the capitalistic society and existing order the Revolution. Moderate Socialism is the expression But instead of modifying or transforming the exist of the national liberal movement, which is fundamentthe communistic, lies the period of the revolutonary ing order of Capitalism, the legislative reform policy ally reactionary, the movement in theory of the middle transformation of the one into the other. This cor of the dominant noderate Socialisin strengthened Cap class and the aristocracy of labor, which have been responds to a political transition period, in which the italism. Out of this fact, and out of the fact that bribed. by Imperialsm into nationalism and reaction.
state cannot be anything else than the revolutionary concentrated capital was nobilizing the typical prole It is the worst enemy of the militant proletariat and dictatorship of the proletariat. Evading the actual tariat of unskilled labor, developed mass movements Socialism.
by the state.
to promomeperialism Socialism modifying Capitalism grad handys of legislative fari growing that our The Declaration of Party Principles (Continued from page On the contrary, practically all of the majority for a whole Socialist Party like Milwaukce! Therewith inperialistic Capitalism, and by insistence of committeemer scoffed at the idea of a political party fore moves the expulsion of the Michigan stales orgCommitteeman Hogan the following sentence was having anything to do with industrial unions, exept to anization, as too purely of a propaganda character!
added. say a kind word about it. The adoption of Hogan Think of this protesting against the emasIt will continue to agitate in favor of the industrialamendment, which was sincerely offered and certainly culation of the political activities of American Socialization of all national and international unions, strislooks in the right «lirection, was rank hypocrisy on the ism! And need we recall how our politician Socialists ing always to have the closely related crafts unite in he part of the others.
have functioned in public office during the past two various industries, and finally, all industries in a conyears?
federation which co operating with the political power Large scale constructive working class action will effect the transition from economic autocracy to Certain abuses have recently crept into some locals industrial deinocracy.
of the party due to an over valuation of the importance what more could anybody ask? Massive phraseology, Which is, at any rate, a nice. sonorous sentence.
of practical polities within the economy of the Socialist indeed. It satisfies all the reasonable requirements of movrment. These abuses must be corrected wherever the vocal organism.
But there is no question of Hogan sincerity in adding possible, and Socialist politics restored to the position The whole political life of the nation and also his amendment. Only it is a principle of words, not of an instrument of propaganda and large scale conthe economic problems. And this is the party of action. If the party is to continue an agitation structive working class action. But the political activities of American Socialism must neither be aliansloned of the ass struggle, the party which is concerned for the confederation of unions, the industrial nor emasculated. The Socialist Party is and remains basis, and for common union and political action, this precisely with the overthrow of the whole political essentially a political party, and is concerned with the agitation must some time ago have begun. We are whole political life of the nation, just as it is with its life of the private property system. This is the party int aware of it. Nor did Hogan or anyone else give economic problems and movements.
which calls the proletariat into action against the polthe least indication of a first step toward this consumitical doinination of capital, the party of the class war Words, words, words!
and the Social Revolution. And this is its declaration ation, in terms of something actually to be done. And Stedman who approves this statement pines of principles!