AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainTerrorismWorld War

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 14, 1919 An Appeal to the Workers of the Allies fortune They they assure or ammunition in to They Russia will not lay. Therefore, a different nations call to the workers of the Allied countries By Chicherin provisions, and suffering from the torments of famine to bring pressure to bear on their governments and unemployment.
not to crush and stifle the Russian revolution. People Commissar on Foreign Affairs of the Russian The Allied governments call the Russian revolution At the time the armies of the Allies and the White Socialist Federated Soviet Republic. the work of the dregs of humanity. They shamelessly Guard, supported by the Allied governments, began (Translated by SIDES)
declare that these culprits must be summarily dealt the attack on the Russian Soviet Government, they with, and at the same time declare that they have stated that it was necessary in the interests of France, abandoned all intention of intervention.
and it was declared to be a blow at Germany: How roy the revolution, for the general awakening of the ever, even at that time of the war those armies oper masses of the workers and soldiers will not permit believe wish to make the workers of their countries them to come out in the role of executioner of freedom ated rather like allies of Germany. Though they were in As fighting separately by would be willing for the destruction of revolution.
from the Gerinan forces, their enSending food.
send their regiments against us, were cny was tlie sanie: the Russian revolution. The attack In Bessarabia and Ukraine these armies have refus that the soldiers would ed to become the unthinking instruments of oppression. not spare materials of the Allical forces prevented the Russian revolution refuse to obey: They, do not to help from defending itself against the incoming German the niost savage reaction and the most terrible monarchists and for proteering alre revolkintima grohe istrength necessary against the suppression of Russian Freedom Workers of the Allied countries, do not believe your revolution of Ploiters in their struggle against the workers and peasants of Russia.
urinese areas in the sea Which, in the course of the endings no There are o dies eine interna, Tehough And these governments still wish to make us believe world war, shed the blood of many millions of prole are in their sincerity and they do not reveal their perfidy tarjans in order to annihilate each other, together at tinuing the blockade troops to Russia, they are conthe workers of their countries.
have established a regime of the most un Workers of the entente nations! The workers and ants. rom tivat clay when the German people freed luridled reaction in Poland, and, under their orders, peasants of down their arms while themselves from the yoke of the Kaiser and consented the Polish working masses are being shot down. Your the enemy is not driven from their territory. They conquerors, the are not afraid of any sacrifices, they will bear the war of the Allies on Russia could no hirelings of the initary party in Finland to establish itself into a gov and they ask you not to weaken the pressure on your a war against Germany.
the capitalist press have been busy piling up the most abominable accusations against the Russian revolution. Poles, Rumanians, Finns, Germans, the reaction direct or indirect atterypt at attacking the Russian governments until you make them abstain from any But if even German Imperialism had to fall, the aries, the monarchists of Southern Russia and Siberia, revolution.
masses of the people understood that it served the inte living in wealth and luxury, that is who is conducting Make your governments stop their infernal game erests of the cislavers of the masses. and the military a desparate struggle against Soviet Russia, cut of and treacherous attempts. Let them not crush the power of the entente nations will be too weak to dest from the grain regions, deprived of the most necessary freedom of the Russian workers and peasants.
The Crisis Capitalism in Collapse TE censorship during the war directed its efforts By sary materials must be obtained outside Europe, and to presenting in a rosy light the terrible situation only then can Europe get on its feet again. All this in Europe. Every attempt to pierce through the lies Europe. Even as concerns bread Europe cannot get would be but half tire trouble, if there had not occured to the facts and indicate the approaching catastrophe along on its own supply. Rumania, which before the sharp change in the dispositon of large masses of the was mercilessly suppressed by a war government. No war exported a million bushels of wheat, now can people. War has lowered the people morale. This wonder, then, inw that war is over, the capitalists of scarcely feed its own people. The area of cultivated is particularly true in Belgium, where during the four the United States are becoming alarmed. It seemed land in Poland has decreased one third. there are no and a half years of the war a considerable part of the of the Allies. and again there would begin, as of old, of field horses in tilling the soil. There is a terrible 800. 000 men receive allowances from the unemploysufficient to them that Germany sign the peace treaty horses or domestic cattle. People are taking the place population was forced to go idle. In Belgium alone the struggle between the capitalists for the markets of the world. The only difference scarcity of sell the necessary products should come of ment fund.
But even And the situation is no better in England. There.
from other a million workers receive allowances from the unemfrom the competitors, would not be a serious interfer: beyond the ports, since all the transportation systems ployment fund. In England, in accordance with the Stangela part and the United States to fifteen are demoralized. There are not sufficient locomotives, data of the capitalists, there is a minority, from ten France, England, which population, 1st being forced out of the world markets way stations to the interior of the country. The necessays that Tahun det hele boven can capitalistes; and was soon as the hustoty private property must be abolished. This for Communism. Such an easily comarmistice was signed, Europe was flooded by an army American capitalists financiers eager to study material can be found in all countries. Leave conditions and these social elements without defense, leave them idle for The Yellow Streak thiese American financiers and capitalists saw and hungry, and the result will be such a social break DIFFERENCES of opinion and outlook do not up which may become a plague, a source of contaminwar las so dislocated the industrial life of was not exactly what they had europe, But it becomes pardonable to characterize that Socialmake some persons red and others yellow.
that it will not be able to become Unemployment in Italy is so great that the governagain withour blue aid seiretece si in This aspect of the Socialism in assaults upon the revolutionary proleism as yellow which uses the name and language of ment is afraid to demobilize the army, not knowing problem was recently And in neutral countries the situation is far from being Vanderlip.
National City Bank, a nervenormal. Take Spain, for example, where Bolshevism entre of American limperialism. Mr. Vanderlip, who to intensify its own eminent respectability by outdoing has secured such a footing that it dictates the policy the the regular capitalist editors in reviling the Socialism the Spanish cratie leonomie (lub, by began which looks to proletarian mass assertion for its pointing out that his government and the political attitude his results, 101 to liberalistic intercession.
In short, the whole of Europe is a seething volcano, the of finance The Chicago Herald and Eraminer of June 3rd which may at any moment sweep the fiery lava of of aliosi revoluton over Europe and the world. Unemployment men, and his facts and observatons are undeniable. of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist and hunger may bring into action such forces as will The essere of Mr. Vanderlip speech, which is Party, in connection with alleged bomb explosions, prove more destructive and devastating than the war.
wortly of analysis, may be summarized thus. We am very, very glad we expelled the extreme radicals and Mr. Vanderlip is right. The war has opened the must save Lurope from a catastrophe, otherwise it may the disrepute efit is if according to this American financier, are three! upon all Socialists who believe in orderly political means all the same a half starved existence and large. opposed to There are financal clisul whered a larger output of printing under many foreigners in the Left Wing who do not unemployment?
great These are the facts. Shall we wonder, then, that The war has our political machinety or our political and the workers attempt to reconstruct modern society on and this machinery is working feverishly economic methods. Some of them do not trust at entirely new producing paper currency. The result is that even all. They are not citizens. they cannot vote, and their In order to stave off the ever growing revolutionary such a powerful country, financially, as Great Britain ideas of what action to take are not our ideas at all.
Iris one and one half milliards of paper currency as movement, Mr. Vanderlip proposes that the American. am very sure these things have not been done by any uld go to to the help of their European against the 28 million pounds of stering in gold. In true Socialists of the type with which am associated.
other words. Pritain las carethren, Should 54 credit paper bonds for every muund sterling in gold (about five dollars. In ation, the fact that Stedinan would choose such an the hope of receiving payment in the near future.
Making all clue reservation for inaccuracy of quot ces and disregarding the edits, demanding no guarany according to the the American increased from milliard francs to 36 milliards, that capitalists is, times as much.
The circumstance that the paper constitutes a cowardly, dastardly attack on many foregoing copy, and with a disavowal of Bolshevism, pean capitalists and theinselves.
eit is doubtful if the American capitalists will prove gold tender results in depreciation of the value of thousands whom Stedman has heretofore greeted as putasientlye farsighted and adopt Mo Vanderlip promoney. comrades. There is the repeated innuendo that these ation. ID 15 of the discontented, the Commun on the world. money is falling heavily in value alleged bomb explosions might be related to the activ on. The even this proposal would not save the situs stock is felt part anges. The influence of this matter of fact, to comprise the are coming, as ities of the Left Wing not to real Socialists of the in foreign trade transStedman variety actions, when a franc or pound sterling does not circthe former social structure, with its ruthless ulate according to its noininal value but on the basis This is the yellow streak with a vengeance. It out exploitation, slavery and misery, to be restored. Degenof a fluctuating rate of exchange.
Bergers Berger. Stedman niust be presumed to know eration, starvation, misery and destruction are inevitThere is no hope that Europe can exist without for the gulf between Marxian Socialism and individual able accompaniments of Capitalism. The Socialst eign trade. Europe needs machinery to start pro istic Anarchism; between the tactic of terrorism and prophecy that the war would signalize the end of dr. tion and food products to feed the people, all of the tactic of mass action. Either his ignorance is italism seems being realized. To Communism the Cap.
which is at this moment available only outside of abysmal, or his cowardice. Let him make the choice. world and the future!
the teen per cent of the the right of S: of the future.
What in End pluto is based on on facts spoke before secured while of different papers.
internet y met die ry sainters the Apabien carried Schoenen vie revient Seyourlistedman, mempeng 3) the labor machinery open unlimited antees ists: Lepreciation