Saturday, June 14, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE T bolicy Slois Moderate.
bourgeois of the doctrine of to convert the memberEnergency Left iling Socialists.
against Clear the Decks!
dictatorship and mass action, it is upon that that Dictatorship and Minority Socialism must build its immediate policy. An actual III HE moderates in the Socialist Party, while des. met tuipen the basis of many action sud proletaria HE petty bourgeois characteristics of moderate Socialism are clearly apparent when they try to perately using terror and expulsion to crush the dictatorship, since inass action and proletarian dict discuss the problems of revolutionary Socialisin.
Left Wing, as desperately refuse to discuss the atorship have their immediate as well as ultimate im Then they indulge, with pseudo Marxian trimmings, fundamental theoretical implications of the tactical plications.
of course, in all the stupid arguments of the petite controversy. In this refusal they tacitly admit defeat. e acceptance of the Left Wing program implies innurgeoisic.
They cannot afford, considering the party temper, to a reconstruction of the immediato tactics policy of Consider proletarian dictatorship. The petty bouroppose the implications of their petty bourgeois reform the Party. We shall not wait for the revolution: we apologists of Capitalism stigiiatize it as dictatto the revolutionary implications of our Com shall engage actively and aggressively in the immediate urship of the minority as a violation of the rights nunist proletarian policy the proletariat, out of which will be najority. Now comes the New York Call. in Accordingly, the moderates indulge in sneers and emerge uperation. In his article in the New York Call of realization of proletarian in the Party characteristics of the its the dynamic force and conserousness for June 8, and stigmatizes the left Wing con. ay 21, The Socialist Task and Outlook, which has ception of proletarian clictatorship as having all the the militant ininorecome the life saver of the moderates, Morris evades all actual problems of Socialism and the Rex ity as it was worked out by the French Syndicalists. Hillquit says: The call says the crisis not being imminem, an actual crisis is Left ll ing attempt to estabThe Left Wing movement as see it, is a purely upon us a dictatorship within and the moxlerates are helpless, hopeless, incompetent rection of the militant minority: the Socialist Party is emotional refles of the situation in Russia. The is it? The left Left Wing movement in. surt sof burlesque on the They reject, not only the Revolution, but the revol ll ing has used agitation Russian revolution.
party has urged an National This answers no argument and solves no problem. ternational: they cling to the old tactics and the old arly Convention to discuss problems of policy and which is characteristic of the opportunist policy. We reformism; they castrate Marxism and abandon rer tactics. It has used the referendum of the Party to plead guilty to an emotional response to the Russian olutionary decks! Let us clear them now!
Sociaism. get across its policy to the membership. In the Revolution: we acted, to the extent of our power, in Clear the solidarity witli our revolutionary comrades in Russia. The slogan pois Socialism, for the abandonment of measure that certain groups have taken the initiative wwhich is more than can be said of Hilquit Co. who for petty in this agitation you have a militant minority but not in the pretty bourgeois sense uised by the Call. since were deliberately. coldly. traitorously silent, until the the immediate revolutionary struggle!
upsurging tempor of the Party compelled them to The slogan of the Left Wing is. Conquer the Party lwers in the party.
our purpose has been 16) convert the muss of the membecome me too acclaimers of the Russian Revolution for revolutionary Socialism, for the immediate and But the moslerates are using the tactics of the militBut our response is equally a response of the mind, of ultimate revolutionary struggle against Capitalism! int minority. small minority, the National lixertheory.
mive Commitee, sabotaged the call for Hom energency The New York Call, having heard the voice of its master, develops the argument of initiation in its The California Convention Surkeittightine minterity, the bureanerney of local New State Executive Committee, expelled the issue of June 5: locals and comrades. striking thing about the pretended Left Wing By Alanson Sessions C. expels and suspends 40. 000 members of small minority, the organization within the Socialist Party is the effort to duplicate every phase of the experience of the Russian CHE California State Convention of the Socialist Party and refuses to recognize the will of the mases THI Party, held on May 30th, 31st and Jumeist at of the Party as expressed in the referendum to elect a Socialists have always held that the workers of each San Francisco, resulted in a more or less clefinite new international delegates and international country must work at their wwn policies and that these decision to affiliate with the Left Wing movement of secretary: policies will vary according to the nature of the eco the American Socialist Party. The greater part of This is the militant minority in action, liecome a nomic, social anil wlitical conditions of each country.
Lessons can be learned from other countries, to be sure, Sunday, June 1st, was spent in a discusion of the practmurdering minority of the Party.
but policies cannot be copied everywhere, icability of the Left Wing Program. It is unfortunate The revolutionary Socialst concepts of mass action a clear cut decision was unt tálken before male and proletarian dictatorship are not derivatives of This appears formidable, but in reality is cheap.
Anarcho Syndicalism, but of Marxism. AnarchoThe heart and soul of the Left Wing policy, and of adjournment of the convention. While Left Wing Syndicalism is petich it revolts, and counter revosentiment seemed to be dominant, a. a vote on the subject bourgeois, as is parliamentary Bolshevism, are mass action and proletarian dictatorwas either adroitly avoided by the machinations of Sereialsm ship.
iutionary. In theory and in practice (as proven by Marx. In this, the Left Wing imitates Marx, and in the discussion of methods of organization and Proletarian dictatorship was first formulated by the Right or overlooked by the left.
The first two days of the convention were occupied atible with proletarian dictatorship. Proletarian dictatnot the Russian Revolution.
The tactic of mass action, as a revolt against petty construction of a transition proletarian bourgeois parliamentarism and the answer of militant press. But from the outset it was clear 10 alietiace salisi state ami les consecueriest of the political concentrated industry of imperialof basic hasic party policy was determiner. The subject of two concepts repudiated by Anarcho Syndicalista.
istic Capitalism, was developed prior to the conquest propaganda must be confused and Is the theoretical scholar of the Call ignorant, or of power by the revolutionary proletarfat in Russia.
incoherent if the party does not know where is he a sophist. The Russian Revolution has made reality of the precisely with relation to the Left Wing.
This scholar insists that the Russian revolutionists theory of in the second revolution were cautious enough to wait while revealing han dictatorship and the general forms for the realization expected, therefore, that the first two days of the come vention would be wasted tiresome verbosity: until they were sure that they represented the feelings and desires of a minority; and implies that the Russian is the final, by sentiment, il not by intele Left Wing of the Socialist Party is acting to the against petty bourgeois revolutionary ary Socialism, in lectual conviction.
is conscious subterfuge. Prior to the need for a radical alteration in tactics, second Revolution the Bolsheviki were militant minImitation? The Communist International calls for int few of them had done any serious and consecutive ority urging mass action and proletarian dictatorship the masses. revolutionary gration for a reSocialism which is conquering puwer for the proletar. Dolsen, one of the most prominem of the party or agita is precisely our tas iat. Or shall the party cling to the Socialism of the anizers, are both Left Wing. Others like Lillian is agitation. We must revolutionize the party, convert it Ebert Scheidemam Social Democracy. Symes and Cameron King. recognized its big figures in into a militant minority (or in Marxian terms, Our task is is not the immediate seizure of power: the California movement. were emphaticall; Righit the most advanced and resolute section of the workrevolutions come, they are not mamufactured. our task Wing in their attitude. King especially, bilierly alting. olutionary factor in the immecliate struggles of the zied liraina as a phrase monger and a vulgar disrupt proletariatet tacked the Left Wing rogram and klenounced ren ation to develop a revolutionary mass policy of the militant proletariat, and prepare for the final revolMass action and proletarian dictatorship exclude utionary struggle that is King based his argument principally on the fact Anarcho Syndicalist sense.
the Bland tactics of the militant minority in the imitating.
recoils upon its mak that a revolution in the United States is not likely for ers. These moderates imitated the policy and practice inany years to come. This being the case, he contended.
Revolutionary Socialisin builds upon the mass power of the German Social Democracy, apishly and disof the it was idle to agitate for a dictatorship of the prolethe proletariat. Moderate Socialism builds upon They never tried to develop tactics in acastrously cord with American conditions. except in the matter tariat and an application of Russian tactics. Com Publiegeois state, upon votes, upon bourgeois liberal can conditions.
The leader of the Left Wing, opinion. Petty bourgeois Socialism makes the politics.
The American proletarian movement has made a possiblity of an immediate overturn in this country the task of dynamic mass struggles of the proletariat, in answer to King, argued that the introduction of Socialism the task of a minority of real contribution to international Socialism. the ism. In accord with the giant character of industrial tionary in its aims and tactics and to prepare thothe conquest of power by the masses.
practice of revolutionary industrial union; Wing wished only to make the party strictly revoluSocialism cannot conquer without the masses. But, concentration in the linitech States, industrial unionism roughly lor doubt that the referendum vote on the of the proletariat. and this mass struggle is reequally, is for the revolution when it comes.
no Socialism without the mass struggle dustrial divisions, in the integrally. com Proposed to organize the workers There is little concentrated in constructed industa and Right rial unions. In this industrial unionism, moreover, there of the former. The lealers of the locit, however, reWing isstie will result puulated by by the moderates. roletarian dictatorship implies a recognition of the mass character of the struggles of the working the practice of content cetion and proletarian dictator not well grounded, and they are carrying on a strenu filas of mass action. It accepts parliamentary pod moderates, consistently and persistently sabotaged inlustrial unionism in favor of the reformist parliament have is interesting 19 note although the left Wingers the idea of using the bourgeois state to introduce sos iry policy of the liermau Social Dennocracy. Who by the re the imitators?
cal, etc. at the Californis light llingers as hyster cialism. Proletarian dictatorship is the unifying conconvention of the exponents cept revolutionary Socialism.
The Socialist Party must rally the masses for the of the Left Wing were far more scholarly and inhystThe Left Wing in the Socialist Party is not a pro erical than their opponents. Cameron King, for inst revolutionary struggle against Capitalisin. In order to duct of today only. It has its past, as well as its future.
llie Left Ving has always exister in the Party, umiance, did not liesitate to resort to epithets and personal accomplish this, it must reject its petty bourgeois lenunciation in his speeches, wliite (olunun talk policy, revolutionize itself, develop a consistent and ied largely aronnd the question of industrial imion was a dispassionate, impersonal analysis of the situ iggressive policy. That is the task of the left Wing: ation.
Conquer the Party for revolutionary Socialism and then Conditions vary, and the application of theory and This convention is a preliminary convention to a rally the masses for the struggle against Capitalism, practice varies in imeliate expression. But the tend larger and more representative one which will be called the means being mass action and proletarian dictatorincy is fundamental. The tendency of proletarian in the near future.
ship, in their immediate and ultimate implications.
organization and it to stands of fator comtrary. This of Socialisin.
al er.
of playing cheap rade there in favor Tias implict.