The Revolutionary Age accompany it.
olution: a He is a class war of capitalists THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 14, 1919 the consideration and study of every militant in the movement. Out of it may come a revolutionary labor Strangling Russia movement. Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events HE most contemptible thing about the war waged The olel unions, cloninantly, are reactionary, their lwy tle Allies against Russia is the deceit and the ulicials corrupt. But there is unrest in these unions. hipocrisy that It is a counterEditor a membership, often betrayed, is becoming aware Louis FRAINA that things are wrong. and is acting: We must direct against democracy. against civilization and humanity revolutionary war. against the Russian masses, Contributing Editors and organize this mass movement in the old unions.
Nor is this war against Russia accidental or incid JOHN REED Sen KATAYAMA The old unions must be split. precisely as they have ental. It is to the Allies much more important than HOURWICII FERGUSON leen split in Canada; and a new labor movement forged out of those elements in the of which the war against Cerniany, since Soviet Russia men LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE are unskilled and potentially revolutionary.
aces the whole system of international Capitalism. RUTHENBERG In other words, it is a class war between the reactionThe problem of unionism is a crucial problem. The ary capitalists of the world and the revolutionary reconstruction of the unions is a necessary task of workers of Russia. This class claracter of the war revolutionary Socialism, in accord with mass action against Russia is now becoming apparent to all, events ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY and proletarian dictatorship.
being conclusive. The New York Times of May 29 By LOCAL BOSTON, SOCIALIST PARTY admits the class bias of the war against Soviet Russia: STEINER, Business Manager It is being increasingly difficult not to take sides, 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
Industrial Democracy it Irast passively, in the Russian civil war. In the world war ainst Bolshevism, just as in the world war Prainst (rrmany, there is neither satisfaction nor Subscription 00 for six months (26 issues)
THE Convention of the American Federation of profit for those who stay out outil the issue is decided.
Bundle orders 2c a copy tisual. The Stone Age ininds of the delegates. Me capitalists of Iwo imperialistic belligerents for the The war against ciermavy was a class war between who represent the bureaucracy much more than the financial control of the world. The victory of GerAnother Peace of Aggression membership, arc perpetrating a series of reactionary many would have proven very elisastrous to the Allies.
acts that make one stagger.
German Imperialism would have hecome dominant Thr HE terms imposed upon Austria by the Allies Accepting in toto the infamous peace treaty, reject in the markets of the world, the Imperialism of the are terms of a victorious Imperialism, bent upon cd even by conservative labor in Europe. repudiating Allies being weakened accorclingly. The issue was aggrandizing itself and maintaining its supremacy: industrial amalgamation of the crafts, the of vital, and the original European war (leveloped into a The Austrians are Irellowing in protest. but to what degeneration of industrial unionism: dodging the world war.
avail accept capitalism and reject the Reigovernment suppression of civil rights. sabotaging But the victory of Soviet Russia las infinitely more Dr. Renner, the Socialist head of must exploit and oppress them the Mooney strike, and suggesting memoralizing serious consequences than the victory of Germany.
Peace relegation was all urbanity at Paris, making spirit and hearts of the convention. German victory would have not destroyed the CapReactionary italism of the Allies, however much it might have hafa worabile mozares simplisporesthes stiplome soroltate and petrified. is it any wonder that Fresident Wilson weakened its this a nights of properties lifbid. parei riat. Dr. Renner is the Austrian Scheidemani, who cluring the wife uscel all means to uphold the war and ciomers, as usual, performs the task of indulging the militant proletariat to end capitalism, to convert the government. a social patriot, and the evils in progressive camouflage. In his opening address. private property into conununa!
this Old Man of the Sea said: The day of autocracy, Soviet rial proletariat. The Peace Conference in Paris both industrial and political, is gone. The day for alles against Soviet Russia is een to preserve its very existence. The war of the wa of the world against the workers of Russia.
the Capitalisen, equally reveals the degenerate character who upose the new orler are reckoning without their of the dominant moderate Socialisin. In the revolu host. We are making no unjust demancis, but we are It is, moreover, a war against the workers of the fionary class struggle. alone lies the hope of the pro moing to insist on an opportunity to live full, rounded tion are universal ideals: and in this war the Russian letariat and of Socialism.
lives, worthy of the civilization of our times.
But the revolutionary class struggle is flaring up in Llaving applauded these pious wishes, the conven world for emancipation.
masses are waging the struggle of the workers of the Furope. cacc progressive or reactionary can fiou then proceeded to wreak its reactionary will upon What becomes, then, of the alleger reasons for the not still it. The lunker government of Poland is mol labor and the unions.
war against Russia? Lies. all lies. Every single ilization against the Communist trying to disguise its Compers proposes reconstruction in words. Cap argument against Soviet Russia is fraud. Capitalbitterly reactionary character.
italism equally proposes reconstruction in words. ism cannot admit openly that it figrats the Russian preparation. Austria itself may What are the deels that compers proposes. Nothing Bolshevik Republic in order to maintain the ascendbreak louse in a new revolution. In France, in Italy. It making labor an appendage of the predatory de aney of Capitalism. so it manufactures lies concerning in Eingland. the proletariat is awakening seething mxracy of Capitalism.
tyranny, the community of women. cte. all in with an unrest that may soon become conscious revReconstruction implies limiting, at least, the preto mobilize public opinion against the Soviet Republic.
olutionary action. The Socialist Party of Norway roratives and power of the capitalists. But the The most frequent accusation is that anarchy and has affiliated with the Communist International.
of as expressed in its officials, is actually strength. Isaac Don Levine, adherent of Kerensky, recently cliaos prevail in Russia. Let a 101 Bolshevik answer Communism is the proletarian answer to predatory the class struggle and the Sea York Colic. from wloscow, May 19, Levine Peace is aggression, since. apitalism is aggression. ming Capitalism lx mobilizing the workers against went to Russia to esterly conditions. To makdispatch to make way for the revolutionary conquest of power by construction program of the British not even as the retu says: Party which is surely moderate. These Stone Age minds There is no anarchy either in etrograd or Mosthe proletariat are still wrapt in the past: they still consider craft since its inauguration has the Soviet Government cow, and there is no chaos in Soviet Russia. Never Mass Action in the Unions clisputes more important than the mass struggle of the workers against Capitalism. They are protectors of been more powerful that it is today.
Soviet Russia one is struck by the fact that IT is becoming characteristic of the large strikes (apitalism and betrayers of the proletariat.
whatever Bolshevism may be it is not anarchy. After now in action that they are not only a revolt against Industrial clemexracy under Capitalism is a fraud. having passed some time within the frontiers of the the employers, but cqually a revolt against the old compers may use the term, but in his mouth its only Communist Republic one surpriseil at the situation unions, and the reactionary officials in control of these meaning is reactionary. Recognition of the unions, here. for it is absolutely the opposite of what the uiions.
va treacherous government, this does not con poliestere su er hans sien work or hicago. Before it to be. There are no American people imagine il These strikes are mass movements, developing out of the surge of the membership itself, imposing its stilute industrial democracy, but its opposite.
will upon the uniemus. Invariably, the old unions and wdustrial autoeracy mist be broken. How: com coming to Russia was infornwd that the Soviet the labor lieutenants of the capitalists in these imions piers offers no real answer. The Or has to crnment was tottering and workel soon tall. Tlie newsact against the strike, practicing sabotage. answer, since officially it is part and parcel of the papers lere publish the wireless clisputencs sent from system of industrial autocracy, and serves the autoParis to America. These are absolute contrary to The great strikes in England were revolts against cracy of Cupitalism.
the old unions and their officials. Indeed, so market Bolshevism camiot tind anything to support such asthe facis, and even people most violently opposed to was this particular characteristic of tlie strikes that Plustrial autocracy is based on the private own sertions. On the contrary, numerous signs show that the British government seriously considered proposals ership of the means of production and clistribution the Soviet government has grown considerably in the for strengthening the prestige of the union officials Industrial storey means capitalist control of in last few months.
among the masses. the lalor lieutenants liad bc custry: inlustrial ciemocracy means workers control That very come a recognized bulwark of Capitalism.
of inlistry. The realization of industrial democracy, effctively cdisposes of the chaos. in Russia. In fact, it new social cordingly implies breaking the power of the capbeing conThe Seattle general strike was equally a mass niove italists, encling private ownership of industry, and structed in Russia: the masses are il control, and a ment, opposed toy (lie old union bureaucracy. The placing industry in the control of the workers, organnew life, civilization, a new lumanity, are in Americair Federation of Labor officials even boaster ize industrially and commisistically. All else is process of becoming The proletarian dictatorship, of the fact that the strike was largely sroken because visionary, treachers to the isleals of the militant works the Soviet Republic. is not breaking own, but build ing up That is the international unions refused moral or financial Illies is cager to strangle Russia, since if Socialism support.
The of. bureaucracy is still reactionary. It there proves successful, it would inspire the worker In Winnipes and Toronto, and other cities of Can will persist in its reactionary, policy these labor of the world to set for their own Socialism.
ada, the great general strike is as much a revolt against lieutenants of the capitalist class must promote the There is a terrible scarcity of food in Russia, truly.
the old unism as it is against the employers. Charlsupremacy Capitalism. These betrayers of labor Bu, in the tirst place, this characterizes every biuroers are being revokerl: union officials, in Canada and have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing. But the pean country. result of the war: and, in the second the winted States na te nastaveli sabotaging the strike coming to be her forint per decifraresnare wew ideas are producing a more conscious class food in the markets of the world, Soviet Russia may is unified about industrial unionism, started as a bolt struggle against capitalism. These forces and ideas not. The Allies blockade Russia, deliberately trying from the regular convention of the unions, and an are Ivecoming expressed in a mass movement to either to starve it into subinission.
agitation to re organize into industrial unions.
transforin the. of or secede from it. Social The war against Rusia is brutal, reactionary, vile, isin must assist in the development of this new, ag an atteinpt to strangle the Russian Revolution and This development is most important. It deserves gressive movement of labor.
Socialism a effort.
When one penetrates Sistem is crs.