BourgeoisieCapitalismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 35 Saturday, June 14, 1919 Price Cents The Mooney Strike lease of oping of capital.
concerns were SO a means attack ters.
The moderates, in the must be and lieutenants now an issue is an issue in the against the Oners.
returns: ers.
HE American workers are up against a great of is an act of treason to the workers and a after: the struggle to get thic masses in action must decision. Upon their action depends much that surrender to Capitalism.
never cease.
may happen in the days to come. This decision But the tyrants of capital do not depend upon their This means, moreover, broadening the scope of llic is whether they shall respond to the proposed general labor lieutenants in the of alone.
Mooney strike. It must become a strike for the restrike on July 5, to free Tom Mooney.
Capital las been consciously mobilizing public op all class war prisoners, whio are prisoners of Response means action. It means power. It means inion in order to make the Mooney strike fizzle. The the class war against Capitalism. Mooney is a symbol power not only for the release of Mooney, but devel discovery of alleged power for the. tyranny, and ease of the workers from the the dynamite plots and to seize the government of the class war, and the Mooncy strike must become parcel of the campaign to mobilize public opinion the prisoners of the militant Worllancy, to release all The decision no ed expany case as a means of attack tapon the eral strike. It realizes the potential revolutionary sign were imprisoned consciously Seled to weakMooney alone. It against militant labor and to terrorize labor into abandwar prisoners in the front concerns the whole working class, its action and its oning its plans for a general strike.
lines of the war against were at the immediate destiny. Just as the conscious workers have and they.
italists have usedl Mooney as a of upon There are no arrests being madle of the bomb plotof the whole working class, and particularly the militant be released.
the capitalists. They Apparently, that is unimportant to capital.
AO in the Socialand class conscious elements among the workers.
ist Party, urge a campaign for amilie iinions uirge The labor The Mooney issue is a class issue. It is not an issue of the capitalist class of justice: the The Final Call. Act!
of Capitalism is class justice.
faith in the government and in the courts. The moderIt is not an issue of fair play or of legal rights. The National Conference of the Left Wing ates imagine that the mobilization of bourgeois liberat will decide. It is of power, and power alone of the Socialist Party meets Sunday, June 22, public opinion will compel an anmesty.
proletarian class strug in New York City.
All that will not accomplish anything. The issue is gle against Capitalism, and in the capitalist class strug Considering the reactionary acts of the an issue of the class war, and power alone decides in gle proletariat: and the issues of the class it is absolutely necessary that every Left the class war as in ordinary war. You cannot depen!
struggle are decided by power alone.
local should send delegates.
upon the courts. You cannot depend upou public The capitalists control the government. They control future of revolutionary Socialism in our opinion. You can depend upon your own mass power the courts and the judiciary. They control the press. party, in large measure, depends upon this alone. You must not ask the governinent, you must And all three are united against Mooney, against the Conference compel the government to release our class war prisworkers, against Socialism. They have the power. Comrades, act! Send your delegates! Com.
Power must be met with The workers inust municate with Max Cohen, 43 West 29th St. Ask the government that imprisoned our workerbreak the power of lists.
the New York City.
comrades to release them? Depend upon this reactionThe answer of the workers to the tyranny of capital On the referendum to clect international delegates ary government of the capitalists to free the enemies must be the inass power of the proletariat in action. of the Socialist Party, Texas, Pennsylvania, Oregon, of the capitalists Charity is not a factor in the social the general mass strike, tlie political strike against the Ohio and the District of Columbia give the following struggle. Justice is a weapon in the struggle of class state, to impose the workers will upon the state.
against class. Mercy is the lying fraud of a ruling John Reed, 4312: Louis Fraina, 3364; RuthThe political strike is the most efficient weapon of class intent upon maintaining its own ascendanev.
enberg. 3256; Wagenknecht, 2515: Ferguson tbe proletariat equally in the inmediate struggle 2039. These are all Left Wing candidates. The modAll that is paltering with the issue. altering is very against Capitalism and in the final struggle to introduce erates: Victor Berger, 1123: Germer. 1053; Alger pleasing to the capitalists, but disastrous to the workthe dictatorship of the proletariat in order to realize non Lee, 438; John Work, 473; Seymour StedSocialism.
man, 829: Shiplacoff, 674: James Neal, 365.
The full returns are, from the District of Columbia Power! That is the requirement of the militant ities, general strike for Tom Mooney would be a polА and 15 states Texas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Florproletariat. Power is the means that will Treak the strike, a new departure in American labor histida, Rhode Island, Maine, Kentucky, Arkansas, Min power of the capitalists. The power of the proletariat ory. It would be a jotentially revolutionary mass nesota, Michigan and Massachusetts: alone will compel concessions and ultimately iconmovement, since it would break the old tradition of John Reed, 11, 991: Louis Fraina, 10. 441: Wag ditional surrender passive acceptance of the decisions of the state and enknecht, 7938; Ruthenberg. 779: Ferguson, 577: Victor Berger, 2, 262; Germer, 1961; The mass strike, the political strike, nans power.
introduce the new militant era of aggressive mass Seymour Stedman, 1, 618; Shiplacoff, 1337; James It means the consciousness of class and the the power action to inpose the will the proletariat upon the state Neal, 1, 143; Algernon Lee, 1003; John Work, that comes of this consciousness. The political mass Break the old tradition, awaken the consstrike will weaken the power of the state, make the ciousness of power in the proletariat, and great events In 14 of these states (Pennsylvania and the District power of the capitalists totter. There is no other of Columbia not in the vote on International Secretary is: Kate Richards Hare, 317; Morris Hillquit.
method. The class is not wagezt with words, 2, 422.
but with deeds: it is not a pink tea affair, but an imBiolutionary act of real importance, this is the fact in a successful Mooney general strike. The vote in Local Buffalo, New York (expelled placable war to the end. To this war the workers general strike would threaten vested interests for being Left Wing) on internatinal delegates is: must use force: the force of their control of indlustry, two John Reed. 307; Louis Fraina, 285: Ruthen the force that comes out of mass power, of mass in the American Federation of Labor, and the wested berg, 271: Ferguson. 67: Victor Berger, 61; Kate Hare gets 145 votes and Morris Hillquit 80.
interests of Capitalism, the supreinacy of which de For National Executive Committee in District One The class struggle is faring. placably. Under pends upon the passivity of the workers.
three states, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, the the oppression of Capitalism, the workers are cornThese vested interests, accordingly, equally of lab vote is: Louis Fraina, 3130; Hourwich, 544; pelled to get into action. Illusions are being broken. Lindgren. 1472: Lore, 940: Morris Hillquit, 838; or and of capital. are united against a general strike for Tom Mooney. is uisual, the labor misleaders of James Neal, 688: Shiplacnff. 319. Local Buffalo New fetters are heing forged for the proletariat, il new for. des: raina, 259: Hour tyranny organizing itself. Capitalism is resorting the of are coming to the rescue of Capitalism, wich, 205; Lindgren, 150; Morris Hillquit, 83. the most desperate ineans to preserye itself. It betraying labor. crushing the development of a militant These are partial results, indicating a. Left Wing prisons, it shoots, destroys peace, happiness, denospirit among the sweep. that a reactionary is trying to sabotage for the moderates.
cracy, that it may reign in plinder and in power. The It has been apparent all along that the vested interworkers must act against this cvil system of things.
ests of the bureaucrats in the A: of. were sabotThe class struggle is faring up inplacably. In the aging the Mooney case. They hesitate. they intrigued; but the explosions are being used as a pretext to de midst of war and death and tyranny, the proletariat is they accepted in order to sabotage. These bureau port radicals, as a means of mobilizing sentiinent acquiring a new consciousness and new purposes. It crats did all in ir power to prevent a militant answer against militant labor, as a means of breaking the Moo stirs. uneasily. unaware of its strength: but it stirs of labor to appear. The Mooney case became ney strike. The newspapers report that another exto Mooney And capital trembles.
identified with the mass movement in the of plosion is scheduled for July 4: how do they know, Capital realizes that should this stir become conscious, definite action, it would to transform the organization and impose upon it, and is it not a move to terrorize people and break the mean the end of the world. for Capitalism. But it nore policy: and in order to preserve the old strike?
wouki a new world for the workers.
der and their power, the bureaucrats and misleaders Capitalism visions dark days ahead. It visions so The issue of the class war prisoners is an issue of potaged Mooney in order to sabotage the up surging cial storms of great fury, and is preparing itself.
itant ofThis preparation is sinister. It consists of plans the charitatruggle. ta on this issure, and all other issues The of officials have made it clear again must wage war against Capfor using terror against the working class, for using italism. It must wage this war, consciously, unccasind that they were against a general strike. Now armed forte in strikes, for a more ruthless use of the the proletariat must wage the class war with new implacably: the conyention of the of with its de courts labor, together with the cowing of labor bandon Mooney and all class war prisoners to the beneve lesiones et conspiracy of capital against militant realize that they need power, class power in order to strike must broaden its character; the workers must iercy of the bourgeois courts, bourgeois justice and ne bourgeois government.
labor must broken. It mus be broken This is sabotage. This is a betrayal, not simply of intense revolutionary agitation, by a more aggressive action; and the unifying cenre of class action is the Inoney, who relatively is unimportant, but of the policy of Socialism. It must be broken by making a mass political strike. Socialist mass action to conquer hole cause of militant labor. The decision of the success of the Mooney strike, if not on July 5, then the power of the state and of Capitalism.
and society would come struggle It imworkers a militant in the unions.
again that omes istom a more