6 even ernational; Then parties of evra!
the acknowledged after Gerber of New on this nan domination. there was man with respect way, The question as of the of finance imperialthis only a THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 7, 1919 Monday evening session, May 26th.
The Counter revolution in the Party almost the same sentences, as used by Neal in a Motion by Krafft: whereas, and whereas, and pamphlet on Syndicalism written nearly seven years whereas let 30, 000 members of the Socialist Party (Continued from page five)
stand suspended! All the whereases of the Krafft appeared in the Minnesota Organizer, the official State Wing movement and Syndicalism as the plaything of the expulsion of foreign, branches in New York, the the officia dom made no condemnation of the organi ignoring completely the real social and political basis protest being signed by the Translator Secretaries of cation of the Left Wing, how could it now condemn ainst the reformist the Russian, Lettish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Hun endorsement of the Left Wing program?
Comrade Wagenknecht added that the Left Wing the garian, South Slavic and Polish Federations. The inchalarism of the Second its Socalism, and history this transaction shows its purely arbitrary movement was a natural expression at this time in the the challenge aga oletariat and its special class posiof its tactics of a political action and vindictive nature; it shows on its face how every every country.
unrelated to to the order to win control of the coming Emergency com eventful con mening oksiders Christene in sea this then and powered by Sell a matter of psychologizing.
vention for the present officialdom. certain allegations of fact and sweeping charges reasoned, he condemned the action of the Committee. Vomittee. ich as Nordau deals with genius, for the majority of In firm, deliberate language, impassioned yet clearly the spexplaining York had volunteered to the the psychology of and, by the If this stand, then want to be counted in reducing it all to a formula of emotional insanity, proparty referendumns The meagre showing of facts with the others se was never scrutinized by the Committee; no explicit the remain distinction of being the only one of the transplant foreign policies and graft them Seymour Stedman comes out of this discussion with the influence of the Russian Revolution, wants ceeded to explain further that the Left Wing, under to Glede nations: nobody was asked or given the chance majority members of the who was frank country. No uniform methods can be adopted throughhampered in the elections by holding back of ballots; that the organized voting of the Left Wing branches internationalism is much more tliat a formula of the discussion proceeded that the Federations had been ing about the party change was beside the point; and a Paris did not consult with Neal. because their even destroyed after receipt in the New York office. the organize the Left Wing for capture of the party for throughout the world (for each country its own Sofused hallots from the County office, and these finally damental difference of understanding of the purposes the world social revolution. We have been too long the deficience point was legitimate aand. commendable for cialism, no matter that the nationalistic capitalisms a Ukrainian branch of 300 members was given 35 bal of the Socialist Party upon which there must be a lots. At this time no more need be said about the split. He did not explain why he and his associates not want now to subject ourselves to Russian dominelections, which are to be investigated, than that should not suspend themselves, instead of the suc ation (therefore we remain as we are, e. under Gernothing definite enough before the cessful opposition. The psychology of the Amerto the elections upon which to baseite this is the basis upon which the Socialist Party started with the fact that Soviet imitation and large part of Neal argument concerned itself action is acura not now historic sell recognized.
of the Translator Secretaries on tol consin, New York, and to some extent in Ohio. Other criticism. But not of the Left Wing, because the idea for the adherents of the Left. Wing was con wise it has existed as an organization for education of the goes with the demned as stated in the breach of the party constitution. Judgment being He has no fault to find with such an organization. Left vik od of revolution, and so it is. duly entered, the trial began.
shall we maintain ourselves a poli vik programs. The acceptance of the Bolshe.
document of protest stated that the Executive tical party? That is, a party for regular political social revolution, the realizarod as the era of world present Committees of Local New York and of New York campaigns, on current issues, with real purpose of of a generan revolutionary tactic in conformity with branches; that the National Executive Secretary had Aage. Or shall we be a party with parentes da camouthe present stage e of struggle, does not mean a copying reported these tion of these expulsions as arising from the affilia cidental affair? He is for politics, and others are branches with the Left Section; against this stand because they cannot vote. They the fullest recognition of every special element in our of the Russian experience in the United States without and that action was not Socialist Lettish movement, but that the Russian, Lithuanian, their ideas about tise of parliamentarism, or because as fundamental, whereas Hungarian, passing history answers that and is Berger. Stedman wants more Milwaukee it is the sameness and unity of the struggle in all counerations have endorsed the Left Wing program, recog Socialism.
which Comrade Stilson then asked if this meant that all is fundamental.
nizing in it the most advanced expression of revoluinadvertently, yet quite conclusively, dispostionary Socialist principles. and we declare that these of the Left Wing was to be thrown out? Stedman ed of of the test of revolutionary mindedness arising from Federations taken and look no opposition to the stand they replied frankly that this was the sense in which he convictions under the Espionage Act. They were all lizeve will not consider as valid any propos made vote. No other member of the Committee a matter of chance, instancing Krafft sentence to five ad from any Executive Committee, either for The debate was continued by Comrade Wagen truth for hardly saying anything. To this ironic state or nationalito recedere come het met inte has knecht. If there is to be a test of what the party clear record of and Nationampions in the redning must be added reservation that there is right to pass on the legality of the Left Wing posi stands for, it should be had before there is so much of a few outstanding champions or Comrade Katterfeld put the resp mands were for rescinding the New York expulsions, Convention, and those who don like the decision can of the officials responsibie. also for a get out. But there had better be a quick adjournment, its failure to call a Convention. The Left Wing organclear expression by the as or. the Convention will be useless, because with the to its attitude toward the Left Wing position, inas start of 5, 000, and then 30, 000 the Committee may the only means of allowing the party to function.
muel as no such expression has as yet come from the rear down the Federations because they have out dist the writer has noted. He was sure that what he said There was one thing in the whining of Goebel which National Executive Committee.
Such a drastic statement, anounced Committee anced the English speaking mo due would be forgotten. Goebel was still hopeful of the man brafit. calls for Irastic action on the part of the that the efficiency in building up the English speaking Finns and Germans.
Executive Committee. After his series of where movement has been almost nil. This action is obvious The Federation matter was put over again until the ases, consisting of citations of the sentences above ly taken to control the Convention. This action is a Us as in defiance of the rules of the Socialist confession of lack of majority support. It may be due, came the motion that these seven Federations fundamentally, to the fear that the Socialist Party is Tuesday morning, May 27th.
Motion seconded by Shiplacoff. It is the only to have any more imprisonments, to avoid such things be called for Labor Day. Amendment by Katterfeld, Motion by Goebel that an Emergency Convention have said so. It is during these two weeks that revolutionary parties have become parties of revoluthat it be called for August 2nd. On this amendment the minority members, Katterfeld and Wagenknecht, some of the party election returns have become tion, in deeds as well as in words.
known. Shiplacoff argued Wagenknecht concluded his statement by emphasizthe party lias been that of a political party; an Amer: ing tha se tere develop an American political ations in Tresponses of the growth of particular Feder zoele. and the place, Chicago. The number as die best The Italian revolution Tuesday, afternoon.
Federations were organized to faciliate propaganda Italian Federation.
It took a great influx into the time to bring the Comrade Keracher, as State Secretary, appeared beof the Soviet Government as a among immigrants.
fore the Committee to get official confirmation of the the war have unbalanced many, at both extremes.
The diate action taken against the Michigan party. On the third foreigi elenient is in the minority: we must build on But the Russian Federation itself, which has had the guess, one of the Committee stated accurately the (The Indians?
largest recent growth, was just given a Translatoraction taken that packing cotton, clothing and woolen industries, the Secretary last Vinter, and it now shows the splendid revoked. The reason? Neal was designated to make average of foreigners. 64 The native prole results of an intensive and aggressive campaign of the reply and haughtily put the Committee above the no element in America which surpasses in calibre the At this point the Finnish Translator Secretary asked Comrade Keracher, stating merely that the anti reform of these seven Federations. 10 be heard. This was another bomb in the camp of advocacy plank of the Michigan platform was a viol The Lithuanian Translator Secretary, James StilAskele assured the ation of the National out that this was the first statement of the official The Left Wing if this action was taken. He pleaded cutincetary Germer then assumed the role of prose.
son, was spokesman for the Federations. He pointed Committee that his liederation would go solidly with attorney against the Fe Federations. He charged party attitude toward the Left them meeting, in January, the EC 2: that at its last that this matter be let go until there should be a Conattempting to dominate the party, citing a knew of the Left vention.
resolution against the Amnesty Convention which orl ing movement within the party, but did not act.
Then came a long judge like harangue by Com iginated in one of the Federation offices. This was a presumably because it had no constitutional power to mitteeman Neal. He reviewed the history of rev regular referendum proposition, handled in the regular act. He denied that this movenient was of such recent olutionary currents within the American Socialist way, but apparently it was intrusive for these foreignorigin, showing its definite organization early in 1917 movement, picking out the few instances of intellectual ers to question the wisdom of the And great, though the Socialist Propaganda League, with a sep leaders who had hopped from extreme radicalism to indeed, was the righteous indignation of the venerable ar te paper. The Internationalist (subsequently the extreme conservatism. The writer recalls precisely Krafft. Germer detailed the figures of the growth of international. The Manifesto of this League the same argument, some of the same illustrations, and (Continued on page seven) lerainian tries whic Neal answer.
a as with censure next afternoon.
movement will bring a The nationalistic influence and condition, so that the response was not immediate.
permanent native elements.
proletarian Party law.