THE REVOLUTIONARY GÉ Saturday, June 7, 191.
The Left Wing Sweeps Massachusetts them to action, the violents of forces of capitalist class.
shops bosses, almost material afford to TIIE Ştate Convention of the Socialist Party now in jail; while another resolution calls upon the scorn Socialism in print, or who are so tired or in. of Massachusetts, held at Allston, May 30, 31 working class of America to defend their democratic timidated that they don read Socialist leaflets on genand June 1, a complete victory was scored by rights by means of united and energetic proletarian eral topics, are very much interested in what concerns.
the Left liling, by revolutionary Socialism. On all mass action liberate the political prisoners of bodily and can be stirred political strikes and demonstrations; The next step is a mass meeting in the shop or at conquered by a vote of more than three to one. The assert your by deinterchanged convention favored a complete reorganization of the fying The between departments or in order to avoid deintervention in mere policy and practice in accord with revolutionary elektroniese mentinerea de lite Russia tection by the resolute action of the or brought in from the outside.
workers Then comes the strike, which up to this time has The adans of convention to send two delegates to the Left venture of the capitalists, by means of the minority issued a protest against the decision of the invading countries can end the murderous ad been onderneglected by the Socialists, and left to the labor fakirs of the of.
Wing Confereme. June 21, on the ground that this pressure.
protesting against interven Socialist activity in act violated the party constitution. The protest was tion in Finland and the atrocities of the White Guard on the part of the unorganized, it means mass action signed by delegates, representing Finnish branches, government protected by the Allies, sends fraternal by the membership itself of unionized shops instead who withdrew from the convention. The moderates greetings to the Communist Party and the masses of of bargaining with the bosses by union officials. If a tried to hold a rump convention of their own, but it Finland.
fraction of the funds that Socialists collect for the was a fizzle; after which some of the Finnish delesupport of strikes were used for organized mass acgates returned in the Party Convention. The protest tion, the country would assume a new aspect in a was made a part of the convention record, with the Turn to the Left!
brief time.
comment that the party constitution does not forbid Local Battle Creek, Michigan, has adopted this mo The strike in itself in most cases is of more value conferences of the membership for purposes of agi tion: That Local Battle Creek go on record as sancas a method of propaganda than of tating within the party for changes in policy and Local Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 27, adopted Meetings and leaflets during strikes aṣe important practice.
means of proletarian mass education that Socialists the following resolution: This convention marked a real revolution in the Whereas, the Socialist Party of the United States cannot Socialist Pity of Massachusetts. Last year the Left has ceased to function as a proletarian revolutionary Wing was in die minority, as in all previous convenwith the old prejudice of won and lost strikes.
Every strike is won if the masses are stirred to acorganization; and tions. But in one year the Left has conquered power. Whereas, political action alone has proven inefficient tion and receive an in class consciousness The important resolutions will indicate the pevoluand must be supported by revolutionary industrial ac and the class war. where lost means simply a temptionary spirit of the Convention. This is the resolution; therefore be it Resolved, that we, the members of the Salt Lake orary retreat and preparation for a new attack against tion on the Lifi Wing Manifesto and Program: City local of the Socialist Party of the United States the enemy Capitalism.
Wlcreas, the international Socialist movement Shop committees provide real useful work for heartily approve and endorse the Manifesto of the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party of New York every Socialist himself, and brings into action the proin process of reorganization, accepting a new militant City; and be it further policy and practice in accord with the revolutionary letarian masses the regiments of the Social Revolu Resolved, that we demand that the next convention tion.
requirements of the cpoch of the final struggle against of the Socialist Party adopt the principles outlined in Capitalism: and the above mentioned Manifesto as the National Platform of the Socialist Party of the United States.
The final resolution adopted by the convention was Whereas, the new Communist International alone Local Salt Lake City further endorsed and accepted one severely condemning the for its usurprepens revolutionary Socialism, with which every The Revolutionary Age as its official party paper.
atory actions at the recent sessions. Party adliering to fundamental Socialism split took place at the Convention of the Jewish muistiliste: bc it therefore Federation of the Socialist Party, held in Boston, May The National Executive Committee of the Social Resolved by the Socialist Party of Massachusetts, 30 June The contention was packed by the reactionist Party, at its session of May 24 30, decided. in convention assembled, that we accept the Left Wing ary minority, About one third the delegates, repre To expel the Socialist Party of the State of sentating at least 2500 members of the Federation Manifesto and Program as a basis for reconstructing 6000 members, seceded and organized the Jewish ComMichigan, for alleged violation of the national platthe national platform and policy of the Party, and munist Federation.
form and constitution of the party, without giving align it will the Socialism of the Bolshevik SparThe German Federation of the Socialist Party, at the Michigan comrades a a hearing tacan International.
its Convention in Rochester last week, endorsed the Left Wing Manifesto; and decided that should the To refuse to tabulate and make public the Recognizing the necessity of organizing all the Emergency Convention not accept the Manifesto as votes on the recent party referendum to elect memthe basis for a new platform, to withdraw, from the bers of the international delegates and intercomunistic or Left Wing elements of the Socialist Socialist Party. arty in oriler lo conquer the Party for the revolunational secretary.
tionary class struggle, the convention resolved: het beef The resolution accepting the Communist Interna expulsion of Locals Queens, Kings, Buffalo, RochesWing branches of. Local New York, and the To urge all locals of the party to elect delegates to the National Conference of the Left Wing of tional was adopted amidst inspiring enthusiasm. ter, the Sowialist Party, June 21, on the basis of one dele Socialist Party in January aligned our Party with the tish. Polish, Lithuanian, Ukranian, South Slavic hand Whereas, the National Executive Committee of the 14 To suspend from the party the Russian, Let Th ilie (onvention itself elect two delegates the worst elements of the old International; and social patriotic international at Berne representing Hederations are Left Federations of the party, because these to participate in the Left Wing Conference. Whereas, the at its recent session repudi The purpose of Wing.
The two delegates elected were John Ballam, editor ated Berne but equally repudiated the Communist In expel at least 40, 000 revolutionary members from the usurpatory actions, which of the new state organ, The New England Worker, ternational formed at Moscow a miserable dodging of Socialist Party, is to retain control of the Party for and Marion Spwoule, State Secretary.
the issue characteristic of the compromising centre; the petty bourgeois reformers by means of (a) stealTurning to the class struggle in action, the conven and tion sopteal the following resolution on the Winni Whereas, the Communist International alone represents. revolutionary Socialism; be it therefore the natione ft Wing candidates, and (b) by packing The Socialist Party of Massachusetts, in conven resolved: so that the moderates and Right Wing shall control tion assebli. grees the general strike of the work That the State Convention of the Socialist the convention.
ers of Wimaud Toronto as one of the increasing Party of Massachusetts condemns the atti Comrades! The convention of the Socialist Party skirmislocs in the great struggle of the working class tude as treason to international Socialism, the Social of Massachusetts protests vigorously against the outagainst their brutal exploiters and oppressors, the cap ist Party and the working class.
rageous actions of the the majority memitalists, now being waged in all the countries of the 2: That we demand immediate and unequivocal bers of which are traitors to Socialism. We express tvorblir strike is a school of, revolutionary practice national and Bureau, withdrawal of the Socialist Party from the old Inter our solidarity with the expelled comrades. We demand. for the liming and Toronto workers; but it is of That we call upon the membership to affiliate An immediate re instatement for the Michimuch wider significance as a tremendously important alone with the Communist International of the pro gan comrades.
example in the workers of Canadá and all other letarian revolution. The immediate recall of the motion suspendcountries. It gives cucouragement and invaluable assistance Wing realized that, to hold and use this power, new Having conquered the power of the party, the Left ing the Language Federations, this suspension being a violation of the national Party constitution, which 1000 conub workers covy Russian Communist Gerd methods of agitation are necessary in accord with the gives power of suspension of his spulsion to the state ation to the working class struggle all over the world form adopted cuts out all the old reforms and petty mass character of the proletarian struggle. The plat and which ground we refuse The image. Toronto strike proves that the canize this suspension, immediate tabulation and publication of oldl psive strike is clead, that it cannot break the step into a systematic plan of agitation by power of the capitalists, and that the strikes of the the votes on the referendum election.
The following declaration (which is to be and still function as the Socialtarties gains capitalism.
monstrates morcover, the utter bankruptcy party: loose from the old petty bourgeois liberal ist Party of Two general, adopting more militant committee of three) was adopted in order to cut the cognize of st Party of Michigan not to re We suggest to the suspended Federations to stay spitalist and shows the urgent necessity of the working as the whole country using the general Besides the usual methods of propaganda in the within the party as members of state organizations. We urge that Left Wing delegates be elected to mus strike against. lecared Capitalism and its state, in streets and hall meetings angurating the government of the industrially organ We recommend to all members of the Socialist the convention of August 30. The revolutionary Soizeil workers and Councils, with full control of all movement to give more attention to their own workcialists are the Socialist Party; industries by the working class. Our answer to the brutal, reactionary places, the shops, mills, factories, yards and mines. must be a more intense and uncompromising struggle where you can reach all of your comrade workers, In conformity with this resolution, the convention All Socialists in a shop or mill must get together for the Communist International.
to conquer the Party for revolutionary Socialism, arloped a resolution mequivocally accepting indus and organize shop committees. Study the conditions trial unionism, which was overwhelmingly defeated in of the exploitation of the workers, and find ways to The convention, finally, urges that The Revolutionprevious conventions bring it home to them and show the way out. ary Age become the central organ of the national Left Resolutions were adopted sending the convention Local leaflets that deal with the miserable condi Wing of the Socialist Party, and recommends to Local fraternal greetings to Eugene Debs, Big Bill Hay tions in a particular shop or mill are of the greatest Boston placing the Age at the disposal of the Left wood and all other class war and political prisoners value as propaganda. The down trodden slaves, who Wing Conference.
peg strike. We urge the worker mulier of