Saturday, June 7, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 24 Hungarian, gether cialism Hillquit wants with the rebels there a proletarian revolution tocist of hing else sist Communishing and power a manns, measure of his Small rev.
was rounion of all radical and vital forces of Socialism and reactionary Right Wingers. The next morfing, ft. iLabor in all countries. Splits the Party! izing how raw the deal looked, one comrade was added The rejection of the Communist Congress adeto the committee whose name deserves respect.
Declaration issued at Chicago by Katterfeld and quately characterizes this proposal. It is counter revThis action is a violation of the party constitution, olutionary, a betrayal of the tasks imposed upon So Secretary Local Cleveland; mominem Feraine, Secretary Lech which specifically prohibits executive officials from Boston, James Larkin, Left Wing Section Socialist Party of interfering with the processes of the membersliip.
onchesi complaint that the Communist International is is a violation of the spirit of the party, an attempt One side alone is re Socialist Party and the translator secretaries of the serien erpelled Federations.
to isolate the party froin the currents of revolutionary presented in this New International, and that is revlism. It excludes the reactionary Socialism now vitalizing every Socialist Party in the Obor PL world.
Party of England it excludes the pro war, TIOLATING every principle of fair play and The action is equivalent to stealing the compromising majority of the French Socialist Party it excludes the bloody traitors of the Ebert Scheide mann Party, and the hesitatan. com excludes Morris tional provision to the contrary, the National elections. The party must act sternly to rebuke this Executive Committee at its session in Chicago. May to 30th, expelled the state organization of the Socialist seven seemed to fear the results of the National Con After this betrayal of the Party the wilful Hillquit, Victor Berger Co. the official Socialist Party in Michigan without a trial cender ng nearly 000 members. vention, which had been called for August 30th. the Russian.
Lithuanian. way must be devised to control the Convention.
tionary Socialism. the Bolsheviki, the Spartacans Polish, Lettish.
of the party, constituting more than happy thought: Suspend the federations that have cialist parties of Italy and Norway, the Left Wing 30. 000 members and worst of all, and let it be said chico we are safe. Another to their everlasting shaine are autocratically holding Letish, Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and South Slavic caucus held. Resuming, and. ternational, revolutionary, aggressive, organizing the up the national membership referendums for the elecFederations from the Socialist Party. over thirty proletariat for the conquest of power. We do not want a chop suey International, with traitors to So tional delegates, international secretary and the holding of reactionary delegates to the National Convention tion of a new national executive committee, interna thousand members. An attempt to assure the election of the a national convention.
to approve the abominable actions of the wants another assinal. It can con have party officials been so lost to all sense of decency, Never before in the history of the Socialist Party majority.
them wasittenen statement of all the charges against Înternational. These are the Hender out of a total national executive committee member quest for two weeks time to communicate with their sons, the Brantings, the Renaudels, the Longuets, the ship of fifteen, ten of whom attended the meeting, Executive Committees was voted down. No real trial Scheidemanns, the Kautskys. traitors to usurped which the constitution does not grant Socialism, all!
was granted them. They were unceremoniously In this international revolutionary them and which the Socialist Party membership never kicked out.
crisis, shall the American Socialist party affiliate with did intend any servants of the party to have. This the The purpose was clear. It was conscious. It was betrayers of the Revolution? Shall our Party wilfull group of seven did not however act as servants deliberate come to the rescue of the Eberts and the Scheide of the party, but as dictators and tyrants to defeat the now prevailing in the Socialist Party.
move to crush the revolutionary spirit the Hendersons and the Brantings, all of whom expressed will of the inembership and to perpetuate are rejected by the revolutionary proletariat, all of themselves in office.
Feeling that despite these suspensions the left whom accepted an imperialistic war and intrigued Unbelievable as it may seem, seven officials of the ving might still find itself in the majority at the com.
ing national convention, in fact, confessing that it Oh the proletarian revolution? Or shall we unite party had the monumental effrontery to assume the would, directors of which are of the same stainpas the makers of the proletarian revolution. the right to expell and suspend 40, 000 members. Think they then proceeded to form a corporation, the ciente oraha sucha dasturlarly one should bever bę per un period sever, and into the tranches of these directors It is infamous, this proposal of Hillquit. It is the petrated upon the rank and file of our organization is is to be placed the entire property of the Socialist Party petty ideals, of his actually beyond the conception of every party memberi including the new be alquarters hirieting uponi craven and compromising policy. The party must the corner grocer!
elected to serve you. Instead they are betraying you, recalled by the party members, can not be removed propose is a compromise International. a miserable meeting denies the right of the membership to fully these directors leave the Socialist Party or are by travesty of the real thing. It would not be an Inter. and freely express itself upon the question of party chance expelled do they being clirectors.
national of revolutionary Socialism, since all the principles and tactics.
olutionary elements accept the Communist InternaOne member of the confessed openly that tional. The dregs of moderate Socialism would saylight. Like a tidal wave, the demand for the tactics The objects of the autocratie de venda er heltäcties they wanted such a stanement that they nero con centicon coalesce in this new International, the yellow Inter and principles of that kind of Socialism which stands national of bourgeois liberals, of the reactionary true to the working class at all times has swept the captured by the opposition.
When we remember that most of the wilfull seven trades unionists, of the masters of words and poltroons party. The thousands of comrades of the are candidates for re election to the national executive in action, of that Socialism which betrayed the pro were sincerely attempting to convince the party memand No! This is not the International for a revolunecessary were known as the left wing faction. This derstood that official machinery of the party was about bers that a more revolutionary kind of Socialism was delegates, who knew themselves defeated and fully untionary Socialist Party.
There must be no reaction. There must be no fry Scheidemann brand of Socialism stands for the betray: ary element, then these acts to retain control become ing after the dead, no return to the past. Socialism al and defeat of the working class and that only the doubly despicable. Then, although unconstitutional. has been revolutionized by the proletarian revolution Socialism of Liebknecht and Lenin had within it the they are also shown up as hysterical attempts on the by events and by the agitation of the Left Wing, Cue the party from this left wing faction, to clean out of the present inactive, inefficient officialdum to it shall affiliate with the Communist International. perpetuate itself in office against the will of the party Let Hillquit Co. join the Labor filiate with his Hillauit is membershipa and then af reformism, that the seven tyrannical national executive desperate tactics of the right wing meinbers vellow International. embers threw 40, 000 menybers out of the party.
In this matter, is pursuing his usual opof the national executive committee must not be conportunistic policy, of compromise and playing both sietermined by the autocratic seven very largely by The following course of events seems to have been trued alone as a frantic effort of (lefeated ufficials to ends against the middle. He was always a centrist; caucusing outside of regular sessions and voting as retain control of the party. This is part and parcel of two years ago Comrade Lenin branded him as the controversy upon principles and tactics in the party.
a unit: centrist, and in this problem of the International It is the struggle between the right wing and the left is still a miserable centrist. The centre is They started with an attack upon the Socialist wing, between moderate petty bourgeois Socialism and the worst enemy of revolutionary Socialism, as is Party of Michigan. They sensed the fact that the out revolutionary proletarian Socialism.
proven by revolutionary experience. This is Lenin come of the referendum elections of a new National The moderates on the national executive comunittee opinion of the centre: Executive Committee was doubtful. They knew that show no realization of the problems of the international The centre is the heaven of petty bourgeois phrases, Michigan would vote overwhelmingly against all mem revolution. They do not see the need of reconstructing of lip internationalism, of cowardly opportunism, of bers of the wilfull seven running for re election. So the party policy in accord with the experience gained compromise with the social patriots. The fact is that they trumped up the charge that the decision of Mich by our comrades in Europe, or do not act toward that the centre is not convinced of the necessity of a rev igan not to make campaigns on the basis of reform end.
olution against the government of its own country: measures constitutes a violation of the Party Consti The crisis is serious. It affects the future of Socialnot wage an incessant fight for the revolution, and it tution.
ism and the proletariat. We are confident that revresorts to the lowest, super Marxist dodges to get out There was no trial, no opportunity for defense olutionary Socialism will conquer the party. It will of the difficulty. The inembers of the centre group are offered to the Michigan comrades. motion to allow prevail despite the sabotage of the wilfull seven. Let routine worshippers, eaten up by the gangrene of Michigan a chance to interpret their action was voted 110 comrade feel disheartened. Not one member should legality, corrupted by the parliamentary comedy, bureaucrats accustomed to nice sinecures. Historically quit the party. In fact, every member should work and economically they do not represent any special Expulsion meant throwing out over three thousand with might and main to get members and build, build, stratum of society: they only represent the transition from the old fashioned labir movement, such as it was from 1871 to 1914. to the new movement which But the expulsion of Michigan was apparently want the left wing to desert the party, leaving the party was objectively necessary at the time of the first worldwide war of Imperialism, and which has inaugurated reactionary moderates. At a subsequent session, acac They will be disappoined in this. Every radical Sothe social revolutionary cru.
cordingly, it was decided to destroy the whole election. cialist will stick and stick to the end.
This is fundamental. He movement is necessary.
Insist that the referendum votes upon the election of Socialism must be reconstructed. The implications of the vote or to make it public. They nullified the refer a new national executive committee be counted and tionary the reconstruction of the policy and practice order to retain control and most of these and the federations shall not prevail. Second the reof the Socialist Party. The moderates reject this members are out for re election, interested parties. ferendum motions to reverse the acts of the wilfull vital task of reconstruction, hence they reject the There were absolutely no valid grounds for this seven, acts unconstitutional and most outrageous. Rally Communist International. Clear the decks! drastic action of sabotage. No proof of alleged ir to the left wing, comrades, for to the left wing belongs The slogan of the moderates is: Split the Party regularities was offered. The action was based upon the future of Socialism.
for moderate, petty bourgeois Socialism, for the yel the fact that the members of these Federations had The slogan of the moderates is Split the party low International. voted solid against the moderates.
for moderate petty bourgeois Socialism. The slogan The slogan of the Left Wing is: Conquer the This sabotage of the will of the membership was of the left wing is Conquer and unite the party for Party for revolutionary Socialism, for the Communist camouflaged as an investigation of the ballots, the revolutionary Socialism, for the Communist InterInternational!
investigating committee consisting of three of the most national.
party who letariat Socialism part a Hillquit it does not preach that kind of a revolution, it does not