The Revolutionary Age war, the Party.
politics or hin he Left An Inissues in THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, June 7, 1919 acteristically petty bourgeois; it is significant that the Clear the Decks! Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events ists, developed into a counter revolutionary force against the Soviet Republic; while the Bolsheviki, who II had always opposed individual violence, are the heart his article in the New York Call of May 21OL. C. FRAINA.
Editor and soul of the proletarian revolution.
Contributing Editors premature crisis is the purpose of the master class, The Socialist Task and Outlook, Morris Hillquit JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA fall into their trap; we shall not play their game.
in order to crush the militant workers. We shall not laid down the policy of the moderates concerning the HOURWICH FERGUSON controversy in the Socialist Party: It would be futile Neither shall the campaign of terrorism frighten us to preach reconciliation and union where antagonism LUDWIG LORE EADMONN MACALPINE. RUTHENBERG or make us cease our propaganda. On with the struggle runs so high: Let the comrades on both sides do the against Capitalism!
next best thing. Let them separate, honestly, freely and without rancor. Let each side organize and work ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY The Militant Strike in its own way, and make such contribution to the By LOCAL BOSTON, SOCIALIST PARTY HE general strike in Winnipeg is sweeping Can hundred times to have two numerically small Socialist STEINER, Business Manager 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. centre as powinnipeg costing at han mica seorang organizations, each homogeneous and a harmonialist Subscription 00 for six months (26 issues)
this great general strike is not in its demands, which sensions and squabbles, an impotent colossus on feet Bundle orders 2C copy are moderate, but in the fact that it is a general strike of clay. The time for action is near. Let us clear adopting militant means of imposing the will of the the decks.
workers upon the capitalists and the capitalist state.
Just before the convened, there was a conThe militant strike ends the old passive strikes, and ference of the moderates at Saranac Lake, where HillStill They Investigate!
imposes the rule of the Strike Committee in a muni quit now now is. While Hillquit was not present at Thr HE Senate Agricultural Committee is to institute cipality. This is the case in Winnipeg. The Vanits sessions, the carried out his policy. It a sweeping investigation into the high cost of couver, Sun says: Winnipeg today is virtually a fost city, with her split the party; it tried to compel the revolutionary living. Congress seems to have become investigators telegraph wires silent, her telephone system out of Socialists to get out and form a new party, while the of conditions it cannot control. It investigates the commission and her postal service completely disrupted moderates retain control of the Socialist Party. This it tries to investigate the President, it invest as the result of the strike. The city is practically out they did, ruthlesslyvenomously, infamously, all the igated Bolshevism. impotence in the face of forces off from communication with the rest of Canada and while aware that the Left Wing was the majority in beyond control by a a parliamentary body.
the outside world InvestigaThe central strikers committee has practically comtions are for the purpose either of playing mandeered the telegraph office and only messages perAbraham Shiplacoff, the moderates master of camof deceiving the masses. The cost of living is rising taining to deaths, the arrival of troop trains and gov ouflaged sincerity, said to the editor of The Revolubecause of fundamental economic laws of Capitalism ernment business are allowed to be transmitted.
The local newspapers were forced to suspend pubtionary Age, who was in Chicago observing the modRolshevism is becoming ascendant because the workerates lication on Friday and there seems to be no possibility burlesque coup etat: If you are honest, you of the papers appearing on the streets until the strike must admit that it is better to have two small parties, The collapse of Capitalism cannot be investigated is settled. The web pressmen and the stereotypers each united. than one large party split by factions.
away; the will of the proletariat to conquer power were among the first to leave their jobs.
Wing is willing to accept your challenge, cannot be crushed by investigations. Let them The banks have already closed their doors. claim. Shiplacoff, came the quick answer. Count the revestigate! We shall organize and direct the hosts of ing that with the telegraph and mail service disrupted the proletariat in the revolutionary struggle against they are unable to do any business.
ferendum votes, make them public, and decide who is So arute has the bread and milk problem become that maiority and minority. If we are in the minor. cy, Capitalism.
the strike committee has allowed several of the baker we ll get out and form a new party; if you are a minies to resume only upon the latter agreeing to oper ority. you get out and either form a new party or. join Recognizing Reaction ate under the jurisdiction of the strikers.
the Labor Party.
dignant manager refused and he was told that if he Allies, it is reported, are preparing to recog, did not accede his bakery would be taken over by the But Shiplacoff answer was a refusal, making it Inize the government of Admiral Kolchak; and strike committee and operated hy the strikers.
clear that his purpose is to retain control of the party Woodrow Wilson, finicky as usual when he is preparliament talks, while the strikers act. The Montreal of a ininority they are.
The government of Canada is impotent. The par machinery for the moderates, no matter how much ing to put something over, is reported willing to re: Daily Star laments this government impotence: The cognize Kolchak providing guarantees are given condispute are not simply factional issues, Existing conditions in Winnipeg and other Westor issues of cerning the ern cities, by whatever causes produced, are a chalof personality. They affect the whole futare ecognition, should it materialize, will be sim lenge to the authority of government in Canada. No of the party: they are to decide whether the Socialist ply a diplomatic avowal of an actual fact. The Allies state can be subject to any self constituted organizaParty shall reconstruct its policy and practice in accord tion. No group of capitalists or workers can be perhave already recognized the Kolchak dictatorship, by with revolutionary Socialism, or whether it shall perloaning it mitted to assume the functions of government and imsist officially as as a party of bourgeois liberal social rebullets to muloney, providing it with the guns and the pose their authority upon other classes and interests.
the workers and peasant of the Sov Tf they could do so, the resources of civilization would avoiding all actual problems of the Revolution.
iet Republic.
be exhausted and we would have revolution. These issues are fundamental, and cannot be dodged.
Kolchak represents the worst elements of the old government which submits to such domination abdiClear the decks!
He Czarist official, and under him the cates its functions and evades its responsibilities. The central issue in dispute, which is the heart and old bureaucracy would come to power again. His This conception of the state as neither of the work soul of all other issues, is wliether the Socialist Party government is brutal, murderous dictatorship against ers nor the capitalists, but as something impartial, is shall affiliate with the Communist International of the the workers and peasants of Siberia. This is the a petty bourgeois fairy tale. It is precisely the pur proletarian revolution, or whether it shall affiliate with pose of the militant strike to impose its will upon the government that the Allies are recognize the A1some other International of the betrayers of Sociallies who have spoken so gloriously about democracy state, which is the state of the capitalists.
ism and the self determination of peoples.
The general strike in Canada is not now a revolu The Left Wing enthusiastically and unequivocally But after all, is this prospective recognition not tion. whatever may happen in the days to come. The Berents affiliation with the Communist International, just? reaction recognizing reaction!
demands are for a forty four hour week, recognition the heir of the revolutionary First International. The of the union, the right of collective bargaining and moderates Right Wing and Centre want affiliation Provoking a Crisis the reinstatement of idle members. surely moder with the yellow International.
ate demands.
Hillquit, in his Call article, repucliates the CommunTHAT, small clique of the conscious bourgeois. But the strike is revolutionary in its method. And ist International saving that its organizers are dictwhich is directing the campaign against Bolshe the method is important. The revolutionary Socialist atorial. Precisely what the bourgeois says about the vism and Socialism, has apparently scored another does not yield up the struggle for the betterment of Bolsheviki! Dictatorial because it excluded Hilly and all the other annlogists moderate active in the campaign against the revolution, is be action and the mass power of the proletariat. The geois Socialism. The Communist Internationl would ing used to the limit to provoke a crisis.
militant strike is The policy of this clique is providing the govern proletariat, a preliminary form of the final political counter revolutionary elements.
school of revolutionary practice, not be the Communist International if it dirt not ruth: is clear. is, by hook or developing the action and class consciousness of the lessly. dictatorially exclude all actual or potential by crook. to provoke a ment with convenient pretext to crush the militant strike that will overthrow Capitalism.
Hillquit admits that the Second International broke proletariat by means of blood and iron.
In this is the significance of the general strike in down under the test of war, a fact which he denied The master class is apprehensive and justly. An Canada. It is strike that is general, that is showing only one year ago. Surely, the revolutionary upsurge economic crisis approaches. is here. The workers are the workers their power, proving that the power of in the party has accomplished something! He repudiawakening: new and farger, more militant strikes ap the state persists only as long as the proletariat allows ates Berne, half heartedly another accomplishment proaching a revolutionary character, are being accept to persist. The mass strike is the means for the for the Left. After repudiating the Communist Iner by the workers. In spite of the millions spent immediate struggle against Capitalism and the final ternational that historic act at Moscow, providing the educational campaign against Bolshevism, the means for the Social Revolution.
American workers sympathy for the Bolsheviki stead The most encouraging feature of recent labor strug letariat. Hillquit says: The task of organizing the ily grows the ideal of the Bolsheviki, workers con gles is the fact of the strike broadening its character. Third International is still before us.
a travesty, what a monumental expression by large masses of our workers. This bodes ill for the which the workers consciously try to usurp the fun of charlatanry and opportunism! In a letter to the master class in the days to come; so it decides to crush of government, in England. in Ireland, in outlining the draft of a declaration of chis movement now by provoking a premature crisis. Seattle and Butte, and now in Canada. This impulse principles, which the adopted as its own, This plot is conscious. There was the powder of the proletarian masses must be clarified and directed Hillquit says concerning his International: homb business prior May Day, which excited hy trvolutionary Socialism into a conscious struggle It the C. recognizes the necessity of reorpeople against the Socialist demonstrations on May for the conquest of power.
ganizing the Socialist International along more harDay: there was the plot in New York to seize the Working class power manifests itself through the monious and radical lines. The Socialist Party of the government and a similar plot in Chicago, all of political mass strike, the force of which can coerce the United States is not committed to the Berne Conferwhich was a fizzle. Then the press and prominent capitalist state, and finally develop the force to end ence, which has shown itself retrograde on many vital points and totally devoid of creative force. Nor is individual gangsters of the bourgeoisie, such as Mayor Capitalism. That constitutes the militant tactics of it affiliated with the Communist Congress of Moscow Ole Hanson, inciting to murder and riot against the the militant workers. mass action to accomplish pro whose principles and policies seem to be adjusted Socialists.
letarian dictatorship.
primarily to countries in active revolution, and whose The militant proletariat depends upon mass action In the actual mass struggle of the proletariat is the composition. is so one sided as to render it inadequate for the task of regenerating the organized world moveto accomplish its purposes. not upon acts of indivi force which revolutionary Socialism must organize and ment of Socialism. It should be the aim of the Soduel violence. The use of individual violence is char direct, upon this basis we must build.
cialist Party of America to stimulate and hasten the form, regime.
to petty bour. it tions puff to